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Everything posted by imnakedritenow

  1. I been thinking about it..... it's a toss up..... DEATH or JOEY's hmmmm.....
  2. Ever get a really stupid gift?? And they don't give you the receipt to exchange it or something?? Then I gotta talk to someone to talk to someone to talk to them to get the receipt from the person because if I ask them in person they will know that I think the gift is stupid. (When all you really wanna do is smack them upside the head and say "just gimmie goddam money"!) Or Maybe it's just me. What's the stupidest thing you ever got???
  4. I drove over a "friends" house to have dinner with the family. I saw some flakes falling and we are at the dinner table, and everyone was like "OOooOOOO it's soooooo cute!" "It's a white christmas!" I'm like wow cool it's snowing. Then like an hour later it's still snowing and now it's like 4 hours from then and it's still snowing. Now it's time for me to leave. For anyone that knows what I drive this is very scary now because I have posi-rear. So I figured I'd take my chance. I made it home with the hazards on doing no more than 10mph with the car swinging left/right. Rte 17 and GS Parkway were not plowed and Rte 17 has a bunch of downed power lines. On parkway I was so bored and pissed I was giving the car gas so the ass would kick out and scare the shit outta the guy that was trying to pass me. So it took 120min to travel what normally takes me 5min. Ahhhhh I feel so much better now that I've vented. FUCK THE SNOW!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Monday I'm buying a Denali. Thanks for listening.
  5. Guy in the white shirt??? Notallthere??? I think you are talking about him. I don't even know why he is in these pics, everytime I would try to take a pic of someone he would jump into it.
  6. The bathroom guy is gonna give out smiley stickers that make you feel funny? personally i think that's a good idea because his tip bucket was a little low last time i saw......
  7. Scroll down and click the link when you go to the website.
  8. I didn't get a pic of that, I had the camera on movie mode, so I got that on film, like a 20 second clip. And it was all your fault Stardo, notallthere was kicking and screaming all the way. I think he should file charges.
  9. He just posted'em up top, if you still want them emailed.... lemme know....
  10. Good thing i bought the 3 year replacement warranty on that camera... 151 and those buttons don't mix well.... hhaha.... that was a crazy night.... HHAHHA check pic92 carguy and notallthere finally beat the shit outta each other.... it was a draw though.... they both left all bloody.....
  11. no really..... the elmo thing was it...... my brother is dyin here.... he's printing it out....
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