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Posts posted by trancelvanian

  1. OK, I went to Avalon last night... and here's an example of what I'm getting at....

    Girl dancing away... I get I contact with her... sheepish smile from her... I face towards her and start dancing to her rythem... Some guy comes up from the left... starts acting all jealous... girl gets pissed look on her face at this guy... looks at him accusingly... guy gets pissed... walks off looking like he's ready to pick a fight... girl looks at me again kind of weird... I'm weirded out and think it better to go dance elsewhere...

    I have more examples....

    (But Avalon rocked good last night...)


  2. Guys,

    I was at Avalon a couple of weeks ago, (first time there... first time

    clubbing in a long time...) and I was wondering what's up with trying

    to dance with other girls on the floor? Sometimes they dance with you,

    some times they don't. I can't figure them out. I don't want to be

    rude or come off like some kind of sex freak looking to girate with

    anything that moves on the floor...

    What do you guys do, when you find a cute girl dancing on the

    floor alone, or with other girl friends, and you want to dance with


    Trance :smoke:

  3. Hey guys,

    Just moved to Boston and I'm looking for a few tips on where to go and listen to a good DJ spin away the night. My favorit place in NYC is Arc and I've spent some great times there. Any Arc like places here in Boston?

    Thanks in advance.


  4. How many of you guys go up to NYC to party? The reason I ask is that I live on Long Island and I'm moving down to DC in a couple of months. What I'm going to miss the most is the club scene in NYC and I'm hoping for a great club scene in DC. But after reading through some of the messages on this board, I get the feeling that you guys look to going to NYC to hit the clubs. Is this so? I do hope DC has some great clubs where I can go dance my ass off.


  5. I was just at a dinner party where someone told me that e is very addictive. Since no one at the party has every tried e (including me....) I was wondering if you guys could answer that one for me. I've done pot, lsd, shrooms and coke. When I did coke, (back in the early 80's) it wasn't considered to be adictive. But when I took it, I *knew* it was very addictive. (I was on the floor digging through my capet looking for coke dust, trying to get another line togehter after I ran out of my stash! Now that's addictive!) I never had those kind of addictive feelings when I was high on pot, or tripping on lsd or shrooms.

    So is e adictive like coke?

    Thanks for the info.


  6. And it was great. Here's the deal. Most of the coffee shops. (i.e. the shops that sell pot) are about the same. And most of them are around the central train station. (Its on the north end of the city and the part where your going to be hanging out will be south of the train station.) The further away you get from the train station, the fewer coffee shops you'll find.

    When I went into one of these coffee shops, I just asked for the best stuff they had. It cost me about $10 for a nice sized bud. (2 or 3 joints. I got this shit they called AK-47) They give you complimentary rolling papers. The Dutch don't like you to walk around the street getting high, (although lots of people do.) Hang out in the coffee shop and smoke your joint.

    The other thing I did was go to the live sex shows. There is one in particular which was highly recomended by a local Amsterdam tour review handed out at the hotel. I believe it's call the pink circus or something like that. (maybe pink elephant..) In anycase, what amazed me the most was there were basically equal numbers of guys and gals. When I left, (I closed the place down,) I was the only single guy there. The rest were couples. It wasn't a sleazy kind of show at all. It was a clean theater and the show's that were put on were done with some very decent looking men and women. (some very hot women actually, the gals will have to comment on how hot the guys were...)

    Of course, I got stoned before going into the show....

    I hope that helps....

    Have fun!

  7. Is boo the only event of its kind in NYC? I went to boo 6 in march and loved it. The weather kept me away for boo 7 and from what I read it sounded like it was ok. But I really would like to go to another one of these kinds of events. An all day party with DJ's of all sorts spinning away. I was lucky enough to go to the love parade in Berlin which only wets my thirst for more, more MORE!!!

    God I hope I don't have to wait another year for boo to roll around again....


  8. True, one may not club for the rest of your

    life, but hey, I've started hitting the

    clubs this year (at age 40...) and love every

    minute of it. Dance my ass off for hours on

    end. But hey, club as much as you can now. I

    went 17 years since I got married without going

    to a club once and I've got this big party

    vacuum I gotta fill now... yikes!


  9. Guys,

    I want to try to score some weed or e in Berlin. Any word on how to go about doing this? Is this the kind of question one does not post to this list? ugg... (or should I just go to Amsterdam

    for the day and do my scoring there)



  10. Any word on where to club in Berlin? I'm gonna

    be there this weekend starting Weds night.

    My plan is to club every night until I leave.

    There has to be a decent party sceen in Berlin

    of all places!

    Keeping my fingers crossed.


    P.S. Any advice on how to score e in Berlin?

  11. Originally posted by brickhouse

    AOL usually works well....

    Rolling parties are rare to none in NYC, so get used to that aspect....

    So what's the deal? Are there rolling partys in other citys? LA, San Fransicso? Why would NYC be so dead? Its a thing of the past?

    A curious Trance.. :cool:

  12. Here's a 64 Billion Dollar question (inflation...) How does one go about meeting friends who roll when you move to NYC? The only friends I have right now are work related and are totally straight. When I go to clubs in NYC I don't really meet anyone since I spend all my time dancing then take off afterwards rather exhausted. And I never go to bars or lounges or anything like that. So I really don't know of a way of hooking up with people who really party.


  13. Originally posted by djjonmartin

    don't roll by yourself ... at least, not the first time. you want to be with people who are enjoying it with you (and can vouch for what you're getting). Go out, enjoy yourself, but don't roll. Not by yourself. Not the first time.

    Thanks, I'll follow your advice. I'm headed for clubshelter right now!!! ROCKS! Then on to Exit at about 4am...


  14. This may sound dumb, but I'm free tonight and going to hit the clubs in NYC. I've never rolled and tonight would be a perfect to try it. Only thing is that I'm alone and never tried e. I've done other drugs back in my "party" days. (They'er comming back?) I've gone to clubs alone and bascially have had a blast parking myself on the dance floor and dancing away. But rolling alone? I don't know if that would be too freaky.

    Another obvious problem is I have no idea where to get a hit and if the hit is really e and not some make believe concotion. Maybe you guys have some advice for Trance?


  15. From what I'm reading, it looks like if I've done acid and shrooms, then e is an easier trip and shouldn't be to afraid to try it. I'm quite curious to try it. Maybe someday I will. I need to find a group of friends I can roll with tho. And from my vandage point, that's a hard. None of my friends would ever think of rolling. A glass of wine is about as hard a drug as they would try.

  16. A long long time ago, I tripped on lsd and shrooms. I remember triping on lsd at a club which was cool and triping on shrooms in college during my graduation weekend. (Finals were over with and did I party...) But all that was before X. For me, both lsd and shrooms were like being on some kind of brain speed. You started asking yourself all these questions and getting really philisophical. I could get into a converstaion about anything for hours, and really question things. (What the hell am I doing in life kind of questions.) I remember when I tripped on shrooms when I was 17, what I came away with from that trip was that I had my whole life a head of me and how fantastic that feeling was...

    In anycase, now I hear e referenced a lot. This may sound like a dated question, but if one's tripped on acid and shrooms, would the experience be all that different with e?


  17. What I love about this thread is that the girls seem to dig being videoed. Maybe you gals want to post what was so fun or cool about it. romy20, what turns you one about this? Geesh, I'm ready to lend you my cam corder. (Its a tiny one made by sony which fits in the palm of your hand and takes great video..)

    I'm taking it to boo6 tomorrow....


  18. Originally posted by glowdancer

    ok so this fri i want to go to roxy, exit then vinyl

    on sat i want to do boo, exit afterhours

    and probaby cheetah sun nite

    now fri i know people going to all three places but i cant convince anyone to do all three

    is anyone else like me that has to do absolutely everything?

    damn i need t meet some more adventurous people, haha

    If I weren't married, I'd ask you out for a date and do all you suggest and more! Would be great if wife had as much energy as you do.


  19. Originally posted by notallthere

    I don't really know anyone from the newyork thread but ill stop by with my girlfriend I am going to get there really early..

    Off topic. I went to Randal's island a couple of years ago for a rave called "6thelement" It was like the best time I have ever had. But I was really fucking drunk. I dont want to drink this time but I really don't do any drugs except smoke and drink but I was thinking about it because an outdoor party is the best to be fucked up at. Any suggestions? I may be able to get shrooms but I think I might freak out if I do them there.

    Go for it, but don't do it alone. I'm really tempted to try e. Never done it before and Boo sure looks like the place to loose your e-virginity... But I'm not going to do it alone....


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