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Posts posted by nayohmee

  1. Originally posted by sexxybabyd



    so yea she is STRIPPED!

    I listened to her album today, it's actually pretty good, its pretty raw. It's not poppy at all which is good. I give her props :)

    I love this girl lol

    Props to the girl for doin her thing but am I the only one who thinks her body looks really disproportioned in that pic? IMO her bodys gone soooooooo fuckin downhill.

    No one sees her as a pretty girl nemore.......just a cheap fuck:(


  2. Hey guys.... this is prolly a pretty tame question for this board but what the hell... Im curious.... How many of you guyz are in relationships or have someone youd like to be in a relationship with? Just wantin to know!


  3. Originally posted by rudeboyyouth


    Because I feel like eating a high-school girl's asshole and pussy I'm a pervert? A 30-year old one at that?

    Don't be fucking dumb.

    You'd eat it too, you piece of butt, you.

    No thanx b.c. in that case Id be eating out my own.... :D Anyways I hope ur g.f. doesnt know you talk this way......unless shes a highschooler to.


  4. Originally posted by rudeboyyouth

    She looked good in the video. I wanted to fuck her up the asshole without a condom.

    Have fun w./ all of that cellulite and fake tanner.....

    She may not have a gut but the meat shes got is pure flab... its disgusting, loose, and jigglley :puke:.... IMHO she looks terrible.....If you look at her in the Making of she looks like shit with rolls and cellulite EVERYWHERE....in the video with the editting everything is smoothed out but in actuality its just... :puke: I was shocked cuz she used to have a cute lil body.


  5. omg Weyes!!! I feel your pain. The same exact thing happend to me when I went to the gynecologist. I went in and laid down in that stupid lil gown they give you and put my legs on those stirrups. SO embarassing... especially since... mine was a MAN... who goes to my CHURCH :( :( So I have to see this guy twice a week and I look at him knowing he stuck his finger up my ass and into my crotch and he's seen b\t my legs. :mad::( Mosta the time I dont even look him in the face. Its soooooooooo bad.


  6. Theres only one thing wrong w/. you...... you need to RELAX! Everything is fine, she digs you, you dig her, the ex is gone......just relax and enjoy yourself. :)


  7. Originally posted by dgmodel

    When I was younger I hated going to weddings it seemed that all of my aunts and the grandmotherly types used to come up to me, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, 'You're next.'

    They stopped that shit after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.

    :laugh: :laugh: :D Thats hysterical


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