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Everything posted by perns2002

  1. Ohh my lord........ Job Offer, Promotion, Leaving this Madison Avenue and moving to the Holland Tunnel . What to do .............. Arghhhhhhhhh.............
  2. No......... No soup for you...............
  3. I MISS YOU GIRL.......... ha ha, We need to play catch up..............
  4. I hear that........ AC has been really goo to me a few times, I find it hard to stop as well.
  5. There so huge there takin' forever to view .............
  6. Could you imagine. I have another, I am getting for you about the little girl.........
  7. You may apreciate this............. The following is a 100% true story and I thought you might like to hear about it. About five years ago, when I was a senior in high school, three of my friends and myself decided to go exploring. We all live in Aberdeen and had heard the local stories about Igoe Rd, The KKK Road, etc. Igoe wasn’t anything out of the ordinary and I was on the KKK road only briefly. However, my friend Bob told us about the abandoned mental hospital in Menlo Park. We were intrigued by his stories, so we decided to check it out. We all drove up there one night. Behind the hospital is an apartment complex, so we parked in there and were on our way. First of all, the moon was illuminating everything that night (pretty sure it was a full moon, which added to the creepiness) so the silhouette of the building in the middle of the field was pretty intimidating. We slowly made our way to the building and entered. The inside was littered with debris. We checked out a few of the rooms, some of which still had furniture in them. We wanted souvenirs so I found a form that had a patient’s name on it with a list of his medications and the utensils he was allowed to use for meals (Spoon, yes; knife and fork, no). We made our way into a large room that had a giant pentagram on the wall and what looked like blood stains on the floor. Needless to say, that was a tad freaky. That, however, was only the tip of the iceberg of freaky things to come. We made our way down a corridor which led to a door. This door went to the outside, a courtyard. Bob went out first, and proceeded to come back in immediately. We had been looking for the way out, because the place is so big we got a bit disoriented. We figured this way would let us out in front of the hospital, opposite from the rear where we had come in. Well, Bob comes back in to lead us out, but tells us not to look up. The way it was laid out, was once we went outside, you could look up to your left and see the rest of the building which was a couple of stories high. Of course, the first thing we all do? Look up! On the roof was a group of people staring down at us. Now Bob says they were wearing all black, I couldn’t tell since it was dark and all we could see was their outlines. Whatever they were wearing, we were defecating ourselves. Bob had told us stories of cults gathering there and stuff so our first inclination was: Satan-worshippers. One guy was smoking a cigarette and just staring at us. We started walking quickly, looking for the exit, but we were fenced in. While we’re walking and simultaneously praying and trying to get out, the group on the roof was slowly walking along with us. We counted about a half dozen or so of them and we were absolutely petrified as it was until we saw them stop and what looked to be the leader guy (cigarette man) talking to another guy. All of a sudden that guy turns and walks away from them. We immediately realized that the guy was probably coming downstairs to do something to us (which probably wouldn’t have been to say hello), so we ran like a bunch of scared little girls. We ran around the side of the building and decide to forget about trying to go through an opening in the fence and just go OVER the fence. We scampered up the fence, where Matt got his watch caught and ended up losing it, but we weren’t going to stop to look for it. We ran all the way to the car and didn’t stop for anything. I swear that was a true story. I don’t think I’ve ever been so scared in my life, except when my girlfriend is late getting her “little friend.” Looking back on it, it was pretty exciting. I wear it like a badge of courage every time someone tries to tell me a scary story. This one has topped most
  8. U can change your name, and still keep your posts?
  9. Reeni and renicole - how do you have two names ???????
  10. <-------- Got a little gave a little somethin' somethin'
  11. I don't remeber the way home very well
  12. JAGER is my best friend.............. Did you sleep on the way home?
  14. Thank you, I'll write back in a second.
  15. You would have had a better time at the W for sure. Mannnnnnn funk that place
  16. You do..... REALLY ..... I NEVER KNEW............. Girrrrrrrrrl ha ha I LOVE YOU...............
  17. Awhhhh tanks, that's me being a goof ball in Rome..........
  18. I already went there for you guys............ Arghhhhhhh MEN -
  19. No way Jose, that hurts and tanks .............
  20. I love them with bandana's - there so superly cute, I give them a thumb up........
  21. Sounds very nice... In your eyes was my prom song I think..........
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