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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Posts posted by perns2002

  1. Nothing could have helped me, my blood pessure was so low they were barely pulling blood from my veins and my breaths were less than 8 per minute. I agree there are way better things out there. I just have always been in control and one time I wasnt and it almost killed me. Scary shit.

  2. I don't want any bashing on this at all so if your going to do it then don't write back. Please.........

    Anyone ever drink to much GHB and OD? How much is too much?

    Seriously I need info..............

  3. Thanks to you all losers, my day goes by so much quicker due to your pathetic lives.

    Please don't reply.

    Just want to drop a thanks........

    No seriously thanks................


    Someone has/had it bad for Barbiegirl.............................

  4. It was $30 at the door, and $25 with a guest list that was non-exixtant. THere was no one there with lists or anything. I paid the $30 bucks who cares.....................It was worth seeing Danny on a Thursday..................

  5. It was nice to hear Danny for a few hours on a freakin' Thursday and not have to drive 1.5 hours...................

    All the fakies I didn't care for, who were too worried about looking in the mirror,hair, and who was looking at them. They need to take the shackls off their feet.................................

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