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Posts posted by liquidflow

  1. I live in Secaucus, which is pretty close to the stillettos in Jersey. It on Rt 120, nearr the race track. The girls there were all hot except for one when i went there. I got a lap dance, it was pretty good, my friend said he had a crazy one. The lap dances were 20 and you kinda gotta buy at least one drink for like 8 bucks. Good for once in awhile, but not a weekly thing in my opinion.

  2. I know I have def. said some really messed up things to an old girlfriend because I was pissed off . I said "I am not emotionally, physically, or in any other way attracted to you anymore". Looking back, it was way fucked up and I can't believe I said it because I def. didn't mean it, but sometimes you just wanna hurt the person as much as they hurt you. It's instinct.

  3. Originally posted by sexxybabyd

    I love it when they put in their aol profiles

    "I LOVE YOU ...."

    knowing you read their profiles once in a while, after they told you after you and them broke up that they wouldn't have another girlfriend for a while...and your still FUCKING SINGLE!!


    I fucking hate that!

  4. I would def. choose the money. 3 weeks of memories are not worth $1 mil. Lots of people have had years together and it doesn't work out and they get nothing except broken hearts.

  5. My ex-gf is doing almost exactly what fiery is talking about with a little twist. We went out for 3 yrs and then broke up, but were still hooking up and wanted to get back together. Then she said that she thinks she may have feelings for someone else and wants to give it a try. She gave me all that fate stuff, saying that "time will tell". She then said, "I still love you, but I don't know if we are meant to be best friends or more than that, I have to see how things go with someone else first, then we if it doesn't work out we will give things a chance again". To me this whole situation made me realize how there is no fate, because she fell in love with someone else even though she used to tell me there is never anyone I can love more than you ect.. There is not just one person in the world for each of us. I have been debating if I should even hang around. SHe still wants me to be friends with her but it now seems like I am the one who has to call her and stuff. She thinks she has me for granted and I hate that. I feel that if you have feelings for someone, but possibly in love with someone else, the person should take some time to themselves instead of hurting the one person who might be worth it in the long run. You have to decide what you like more. There are always gonna be people with similiar qualities and looks, or even better. It takes more than just that, it takes a connection and trust in your self that you will not act on temptation while being with another.

  6. Originally posted by fierydesire

    . . . yet desiring someone else . . . ugh human nature blows sometimes . . . Its like you know you can have the other person, but you don't wanna end things with the first person even though you know you should . . .

    Have any of you ever felt this? Where you care for someone a lot because you have been with them for awhile and just b/c you do, yet you start fawning over someone else not intentionally? :confused: What would you do?

    I think thats exactly what my ex-gf is going through with me.

  7. I think most people are like that because they don't realize how it feels for the other person. It's kinda of like blocking out that people have feelings. Like, say if your the boss of some company and you have to lay off employes, you just do it and try not to think about it, if each and everyone on of those people came up to you and said how greatly this was gonna effect their lives, its much harder to do. I've done a couple of fucked up things to my g/f of mine because I didn't realize how much it hurts, after it was done to me, I am totally different now.

  8. Originally posted by dgmodel

    i had those... believe it gets worse... i would wake up from those dreams inthe middle of the night and before i knew it i was violently vomiting~!

    uh oh. Looks like im in for some fun. DG are you over the person you had the dreams about?

  9. Originally posted by fierydesire

    I definitely agree with the first line. Well actually all of it. Sometimes you do want to tell a person you meet everything you feel, but then its hard cause u don't want them to have the upper hand. But if it feels right then I think you should tell. Plus if they do think they have the upperhand do u really want to be with that person anyway?

    Yeah, I was a little late. I told her her how I really felt and she was like, "this would of been great a couple months ago, but now I gotta give this guy a chance". She def. has the upper hand now after that because she is like, "well im going out tomorrow, but If i dont have any other plans(going out with this other guy) I will give you a call tomorrow". I say fuck that because I use to do that too her, now its the other way around. I guess what goes around comes around, but I would of never passed it around if I knew how much it hurt people.

  10. Originally posted by fkornre

    lol, i am going through this situation right now but i am the one going back after her...i was so stupid for dumping her in the first place and i know i want her back. i have to say it was nice being with her and i want that feeling back again but i do know that i may not happen.

    I feel ya I am in a tangled situation too. I broke up with my g/f like 3 months ago but we were still like hooking up(i thought she was still secure with me) then all of a sudden she is interested in this guy(sorta an old friend of mine). As soon as i heard this I realized how much I loved her and have been battling it for the last two weeks. My situation is a little complex because she says she wants to give me another chance if things don't work out with this guy, so we still hang out. The thing is as the days go on I can see her starting to change around me, just how she speaks and acts. She is starting to drift and there is nothing I can do. I really don't know why it took me so long to realize this, I guess its just I never thought about the future with her, and now that I don't have the chance I think about what it could of been. She treated me great, we went out all through high school, I could trust her, and she truley did love me at one point. I was blinded to alot of this because I just wanted to see if there was someone else out there that could possibly be better. I always thought she would still be interested in me and now she seems not to be. I think it takes people time to realize what they lost when you realize you may never see them again. Therefore I now tell people right up front what I feel because you never know what will happen tomorrow. The only prob with that is that now the person thinks they have the upper hand on you, which also sux. I also, think that after thinking after you loose someone you kind of do see a "light". A lot of the things you thought were important seem to be replaced with things you took for granted like, good conversation, trust, and understanding.

  11. Yeah, I tried to be not a nice guy and it just doesnt work. I want up just being a dick to people. Besides your personality is something you are born with and you shouldnt change it to accomadate others. You cant please everyone even if you really want to. Some people like different things, there is no formula to get every chick every time. And even if you do change yourself you might be missing out on someone.

  12. Originally posted by trancerxn112

    is it possible that she is using him to get to you... playing the jealousy card... she shows you someone else in the picture and you instantly get jealous and want her back... mission accomplished...

    Thats another thing. We have broken up twice before this but only for like a week(this has been like 5 months now). When we broke up the last time before this she started hanging out with the same guy she is now and then we got back together and she dropped him. Now she went back to him, so I asked if she was using him and she was like "I got to know him better and I like him. Last time I didn't get to know him that well..He is nice to me and is always telling me how good I look ect........I liked you a lot but I decided that know matter how much I like you, you never like me back as much and I just wanna be with someone who loves everything about me" I really didn't know what to say to that, because after almost 3 yrs of dating I forgot the basics of compliments and stuff.

  13. Originally posted by lollib

    Well, I think because she is interested in someone else is the reason you think you still want to be with her. I think when you know someone is always there, you take them for granted and the minute they are no longer so available is when you realize you want to be with them. I can see you feeling jealous but you and her are broken up so she has a right to do whatever she wants. Do you think you are being selfish here?

    Thats exactly what I think too. I talk her for granted and now that I dont have her as an option I feel alone and I am doubting my reasons why we broke up in the first place. Everytime I think I should just move on as well, I think maybe that she is the only one for me and I will not find another. I also see that I am being selfish and I kinda deserve this, but its really hard to let go of something that could of been perfect if i didn't fuck it up.

  14. Here's my situation. My ex-girlfriend and I were going out for about 2 1/2 yrs in high school and last yr we went to college and I decided to break things up(about feb.) because I couldnt deal with it and I was just changing. I really didnt think I loved her and we were just wasting each others time. So now school has ended and we have been hanging out alot. A couple weeks ago I was drunk and wound up hooking up with her, but then told her after that I dont think we can have a relationship still, Im pretty confused. She said, "do we just hook up because I was here or because there is still something". I said, "I like you, but I really dont know myself right now and I dont wanna bring you down with me" (Im kinda confused/depressed alot with school and life in genereal). When we broke up we told each other that we told the other when we found someone because it would be awkard to just be friends when we both have new bf/gf. So the days pass and I realize yesterday that she has been hanging out with this guy(an old friend from hs) and that she is prob. interested in him. So I ask her and she says she does like him and she is gonna start hooking up with him. Im kinda pissed that its my old friend and that she didnt tell me, I had to ask. And for some crazy reason I feel jelous. I was really pissed off and jelous and I have no right to be. Is it possible that I do love her and only realized it after I officially lost her? Has anyone else gone through getting really jelous when an ex you broke up with starts going out with other people? Sometimes I think I really fucked up things. Sorry for this big post, but I could really use some words of advice and some opinions. Thanks


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