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About indyguy

  • Birthday 01/01/1950


  • Location
    Springfield, USA
  • Interests
  • Occupation
    indy guy

indyguy's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. no chance.........get off your lazy ass and get it the same way the DJ that introduced it to you did.....at the music store. Why are you people so lazy? You will spend 3 hours at the computer begging for a track instead of picking it up at you local music store and supporting the music industry in the intrim. Cant get to a music store? Maybe you are physicaly challenged. I appologize. Go to ITunes and download it legally. : ) Have a nice day.
  2. Try walking into a music store like Rydell does every single week. Lazy
  3. Doesnt anyone walk into a music store anymore. Lazy .
  4. I guess he went to watch American Idol.
  5. still waiting to hear what was the last pc of vinyl you bought. Why is this such a hard question to answer for someone who has so much advice to give? You spent 100 bucks this week? Where? What store and what did you get? Im up on the new tunes out there. Try me. Let me see what you bought this week. or last... or the week before...
  6. Well said but the more you give it out...NOT THE BETTER. If its good and you provide the lable with a 4 min version with the hook coming in during the first 30 seconds. your chance is much better. I said it once and I'll say it again. ONCE IT HITS THE INTERNET ITS DONE.
  7. No, mailing out to A&R's is the way. They are the most qualified to make the record happen. Once it hits the internet.....ITS DONE ! Maybe I took it out on JUST YOU but too many people have so much to say and nothing to show for it. If your not in the biz, dont give advice(unless your sure). I would never sit her and try to tell you how to run a liquor store or a 711 or a coffee shop. Being a DJ does not qualify you on "How to get a record deal" And you never told me the last pc of vinyl you bought so I will assume that I was right about you all along..........DOWNLOAD COMPLETE.
  8. I thought I was saying something constructive. Maybe English is your second language but I said that giving away your work is not the path to a record deal TODAY. Tell me what astro and glyde got for an advance on "aimless dame" signed to bedrock and if they ever saw a royalty check since this was YOUR example. Labels will pay for good work but leave it to them to work it to mixshow, clubland and radio. Thats my advice. Hows that for being consrtuctive?
  9. WOW for someone who spends so much time giving advice to others, you sure walked away from this pretty quick. Trust me when I say I know what Im talking about and I didnt go looking for you to pick on but you (like many others) really have no clue when it comes to the "INSIDES" of the record business and telling someone to just give the track out to everyone to create some hype is absolutely wrong. Yes, this business has changed but the fundimentals are the same. SELL PRODUCT. And if that means by LEGAL downloads, so be it. But before you go on giving advice, "THINK". You did not work for a label. That I know. And as for your PS. Rude and immature. Here's a PS for you. What was the last pc of vinyl you bought?
  10. every other kid has not done it that way. You are just reacting to the industry today because the chance of getting a record deal has declined by 95 percent due to the illegal downloads and giving your track to every jock to get a buzz does not promote a record deal. If the track is worth signing in todays industry, the labels will pay and work it with their in house promoters. They do not need your help or the help of the producer. They key to this business,(like any other) is to sell product and the label wants to sell the track on their own. If its given out they have no use for it. Now go back to Kazza or Lime wire you wanna be Dj and as to your P.S. I dont eat shrimp.
  11. you have no clue.....lets just give it out to the world on CDR and then maybe a record label will buy it. go back to downloading you looooooozer
  12. I would pay big bucks to see him in DRAG. or a smile for that matter. Mr Personality. Smile once in a while.
  13. Brian 1500 goes diggin in the crates and pulls out an Old School sig.
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