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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by fakearmani

  1. Anyone see the last episode of Road Rules??? When the one kid got all riled up and beat the crap out of that fat black kid?? AWESOME!
  2. Neither am I........... but I may be developing a cateract in my left eye from it Last years were better - BRING ON THE HOTTIES!
  3. Just make sure your not sportin your beer googles when behind that camera!
  4. Has anyone else noticed the change in the pics from last years version of NJGuido to this years?? I dont know if its just me , but these people are just getting uglier and uglier. If you compare the summer of 2002's pics to this ones - its like a BAD before and after!! (with the exception of some cuties here and there.... but its VERY VERY limited) Just felt like sharing that.
  5. Listen to this guy............... he knows what he's talking about............. he found his match.......................... and................ you.................. will......................... too.............................
  6. "Oh yeaaaah?! Well the jerk store called and they're runnin out of you!!"
  7. LOL, evertime bus........ everytime.....
  8. You think you can......... get your point across.......... without hitting............ the return button............ after each statement............ you take up........... too much............. space................ YES?................
  9. Did that last weekend........ I want to do something different
  10. Get your kinky drug infested sentences off my thread
  11. Oh wait..... yeaaah.....almost............. almoooost.......damn, almost laughed.....
  12. Sandbar I only like going when its nice out..... Hoboken?...... ehhh - last resort Hulk?... naaaaaah I want to do something different!
  13. Is there anything going on up north this weekend? I'll even go bowling for godsakes
  14. I CANT WAIT!!! Right after Sandbar that is :jar:
  15. Very well said!! Gave me goosebumps!!:grin2:
  16. With all the pics YOU posted of him.... I would think YOU wanted him...... They're probably hanging up on your bedroom wall... ICK! Be careful stacked
  17. Oh jeez, your just a big ol' mess!! Your posts are always all over the place - with all the exclamation points and going from caps to lower then indenting paragraphs like a lunatic - Im at lose for words....... seek help..... or a 3rd grade spelling b coach.
  18. Stick to bothering the moo........ you were funnier that way Bigtime - saw your pic.... your actually hot.... you pack on some dumb jokes but your hot Im done here.....
  19. Are ya kidding??????? Do you think ANYONE besides your little clan actually laughs at these posts!?!??! UGGGHH!! You all hyjack every thread with your annoying little inside jokes.... get a chat room - pleeaaaassseee
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