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Everything posted by americanflyer

  1. Cool, what time will your set start. I'll try and stop by before going to Space.
  2. Where in South Beach can I hear some tech house? Do any djs down here spin anything similar to Lee Burridge, Tyler Stadius, James Zabiela, or Greg Pappanastos?
  3. Damn, I wish I had saw him first. I could have tried getting him out with that claw thingy!
  4. I just moved down here and don't really know anyone yet so my outlook for tonight isn't good. Oh well..... I'll live.
  5. In no real order: Danny Howells - 24:7 Outkast - Speakerboxxx/The Love Below The White Stripes: Elephant Radiohead - Hail to the Thief The Postal Service - Give Up Runners up: Lee Burridge - 24:7 James Zabiela - Sounds in Motion Coldplay - A Rush of Blood to the Head
  6. As for myself, I mostly telecommute and I don't have cable in my apartment so I just listen to cd after cd throughout the day. I probably listen to 10-15 cds a day and listen to a lot of internet radio broadcasts. To give you an example of my musical taste today I listened to the following cds and interent broadcasts in this order: The Strokes - Is This It, Pink Floyd - The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, The Doors - greatest hits cd, Danny Howells - 24:7 day disk, James Brown - greatest hits cd, Radiohead - ok computer, Greg Pappanatos - Opener for Bill Patrick set, Tyler Stadius - fabric 6, James Zabiela - Sounds in Motion disk 2, One World- BBC (online), Gilles Peterson - BBC (online), The 6 mix- BBC (online), Steve Lawler - Lights out 2 disk2, and finally, I'm listening to the Craig Charles Funk show - BBC (online) as I'm typing this post.
  7. I had a pda and loved it until the thing broke! That really sucked.
  8. Hey guys, what cell phone service provider do you guys use? I have AT&T and I've been getting around 75% of my calls dropped (at least while I'm in my apartment). I'm not sure if the problem is AT&T's coverage or the cell phone that I got with the plan (motorola V60). Does anyone else have that same phone with a different provider and things are all good or does anyone have AT&T wireless with a different phone and no problems? Let me know people. Whatever the problem is I need to get this shit worked out fast.
  9. Last night was my first time at Space since I moved down here last week. I had a really good time. Roland tore it up! Hey Bling, were you at there? I was in line around 11:45pm and I'm pretty sure I saw you hanging around the gates to get in (I recognized you from your pics here on CP). Anyway, after I got into Space I tried to find you and meet some other CPers but I didn't see you and I'm not sure what anyone else looks like. Oh well, sorry I couldn't meet any of you. Maybe next time. Until later... David
  10. Finally, all is good. I've got a Miami number and AT&T waived the 2 year contract and gave me a free month of calls.
  11. Fuck this.... so in order to change the phone number I must go to an at&t wireless store and show two forms of identification. However, the damn phone is under my boss's name in Minnesota so she has to be the one to go to the store and fix this damn problem. AGH!!!! Fuck, going without a phone really sucks!
  12. I need to vent!!! So I ordered a phone online from AT&T wireless a few weeks ago and have been dealing with problems and bad customer service ever since! First off, I placed the order and after 6 days (it was suppose to arrive in 2-3) they sent the phone to the billing address (my company's main office in Minnesota!) instead of the miami beach shipping address I typed in. So after a few days setting around the office up there it was finally sent down to me here in south beach yesterday. Well guess what, the damn thing is also a Minnesota number even though once again I made it clear that it was to be a Miami number! Next, they didn't send the free fucking car adapter that was suppose to be included in the deal. And another thing, trying to get AT&T customer service on the goddamn phone is impossible! I've called all day and I can't get through to anyone. I've was put on hold for over 40 fucking minutes the last time I called!!! AT&T sucks! .... Anyway don't buy a phone from AT&T's website. The deals are good but in the end you'll be sorry. Hopefully I can get this damn number worked out and my car adapter soon. Who knows though....
  13. Anyone know when he'll be back in Miami?
  14. Thanks everyone for all the info. I'm thinking that I'll at least keep my car for the first month or two while I get situated and go from there. It would save me a lot of money to just get rid of the thing and maybe purchase a scooter. One more thing. I know it's probably not easy but you can find some parking on the street where you can leave your car overnight or even for a few days yea? I guess thats what I will have to do for a while at least. Oh well, later then
  15. So I'm moving into my new apartment in South Beach (Mirador, 1000 West Ave) on Monday and wanted to know how easy it is to live in South Beach without a car? Right now I'm paying about $950 a month to have my car (that includes car payment, insurance, parking garage (which I have yet to find...any recommendations?), and $75 for gas). If I got rid of my car I could use that money for taxi/bus rides and probably have a good bit left over. On the same transportation budget I could spend $30 a day for taxi rides! So anyway, what should I do? Is it feasible to go without a car in South Beach? BTW, I telecommute so I dont really need a car to get to work and my roommate has a car that I could use from time to time. Well, let me know what you guys think. adios Jeremiah
  16. So I'm moving from Arizona to South Beach in a couple of weeks and I'm not bringing much furniture with me. Does anyone know some good places to get moderately priced modern furniture. Any help would be great.
  17. Tech house.. nice! I'll be sure to check this out after I move down to Sobe in December.
  18. So after 3 years of telling myself how great it would be to live in South Beach I've finally went through and got an apartment! I can't fucking wait. Come Dec 1st I'll have an apartment on the 15th floor of the Mirador (1000 West Ave) overlooking the bay and downtown skyline! Ahh, it's going to be good times! (well, except the U-haul drive from Phoenix, Arizona!) Anyway, I looking forward to meeting some of you cats. Later Then, Jeremiah
  19. All the places are pretty trendy. As long as you are dressed decently you will have no problem getting in.
  20. I've never actaully gone to Sanctuary but I hear it's a lot like Axis/Radius. I've never heard of Dirty Martini. When you get to Phoenix or Scottsdale try and find a pocket size free little magazine called Switch. It contains a realy good nightlife guide. Also, you might want to sign up for the AZ-House mailing list (www.az-house.com). You will get a few e-mails a day telling you what exactly is going on club wise. Bwt, all of the places I recommend do not have cover charges (except when Next has a big name dj from out of town spinning). Its kinda wierd but only the cheesier places charge a cover (ie Axis/radius, Sanctuary, Freedom... $10-$15) hope that helps
  21. Ok, do go to: Suede, Six, Merc Bar, Next I normally start out my night at either Suede, Merc Bar, and either end up at Next (because they have the largest dance floor) or Six. All of these places are really nice inside and all have house music djs (Six also has a hip hop room). now then, I would never recommend anyone to go to Axis/Radius unless you really like ATB and Darude. Sure its big and there are a lot of people there but I just can't take cheesy music! On another not I dont recommend Freedom either. The place is trashy as hell. Plus you can only drink alcohol on the upper balcony because the club is +18. hope that helps
  22. 1. Danny Howells 2. Lee Burridge 3. James Zabiela 4. Steve Lawler 5. Oscar G
  23. Big ups for Pappanastos in NC! If you're ever in Charlotte, NC make sure you get your ass down to Tonic for Lush Fridays. To hear a few of Pappanastos's great opening sets for Bill Patrick, Danny Howells, James Zabiela, Lee Burridge, and a few others check out his this site: http://www.djcentral.com/djs/djmixsets.cfm?id=13599&linkid=4
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