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About houseduchess

  • Birthday 01/17/1979


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  1. Perhaps YOU should actually watch your valuable CSPAN/CSPAN2 coverage so YOUR facts are correct! QUESTION: WHO was it that introduced legislation imposing a draft??? ANSWER: 2 DEMOCRATS! (Incidentally, only 2 votes were in favor of the bill, AND one of those 2 original sponsors actually voted against his own bill) BUSH & the Republicans have made it clear they will not institute a draft! QUESTION: WHO exactly forced your cousins to enlist so that they were even eligible for service??? ANSWER: I believe it was your COUSINS who made that decision; they knew the risks. Don't be angry because they are actually forced to honor their original agreement, which was to defend our country, REGARDLESS of whether they agree with the decision-maker(s). Imagine that, people are actually forced to fulfill their end of the bargain instead of receiving something for nothing! Complacency, anyone? QUESTION: WHILE Bush was behaving like a "frat guy," where was Kerry? ANSWER: DOING THE SAME...Funny, Kerry & Bush were only 1 year apart at Yale, both members of the Skulls, both with older brothers as members as well...GEE, I betcha they even met once or twice then... HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM......................... NEXT TIME, darling, research your facts before you make such bold statements....and do take into consideration that media bias everyone speaks of. Sincerely, HD
  2. Yeah, to this day I still cannot figure out how a club like that ever lasted in Margate. Studio won't be studio again until you go in through the old entrance, up the stairs, and throw open those doors only to be hit by that blast of steam and loud music that only comes from studio.........
  3. jp18 I am so jealous......I always meant to go to delirium and as soon as I was about to make it, it closed!
  4. tempkid First of all, no one ever said he created Casbah for $$$. The fact is that it does bring in $$$ right now w/out the expense of a big name DJ, so I sure his current policy is why mess w/ a good thing (didn't they have to open up Xandu w/ Casbah b/c it was so crowded???). And, lets all remember what a big name will also bring......right now, party favors are not causing a problem there. It's more known as a drinking crowd, and consequently he has less to worry about. Now, granted I don't know you, but your idea isn't all that original. Nothing that you've said isn't anything we all haven't heard or said before. And, if I am correct, those w/ residencies in Vegas at the popular places are NOT big names. The big names come as guests. As for AC becoming Vegas, that is what they have planned. There are about 10 new casinos slated to go up in the next 5 or so years. I even think that one opening up soon is supposed to house a new club. But, it's not going to happen overnight. Before Casbah, what was AC known as? Not a classy place, that's for sure. If you really think about it, Casbah ALREADY did something; there are people there that would never have gone clubbing in AC before it opened. You have to take baby steps, and sometimes even go backwards, in order to reach your goal. Casbah has created a new market. Once you start bringing in different guys and exposing the patrons to other sounds, you create an even larger market for other genres as well. Now, when club after club begins to open up in AC, they are going to bring in the talent in order to bring in the people and the $$$. Of course, Studio will always have their niche.... And, btw, what was that rather lame plug for??? Are you hoping Trump decides to read this thread and pm's you for your advice?
  5. You have a decent-sized market that is currently untapped (well, it has become that way recently). Philadelphia right now is severely lacking in the club scene. Hip-hop is what is being served up, so many of the usual clubgoers are forced to go to lounges or elsewhere (we would rather drive to NYC or NJ). We have been going to Surf for 2 years now and Temps for 3, and suddenly there are 20-50 more people each week taking the trip from PA. I would definitely try to promote heavily around the city, especially around the colleges and what is referred to as "Olde City" (where the majority of the lounges are located). One thing to remember is there are 2 typr of Philly clubbers: one knows the DJ's and want to hear someone good, and another thinks a DJ is someone who you rent for a wedding, bar mitzvah, etc; they just want to go somewhere that plays dance ("techno") music. You have to successfully market to both groups, as neither dominates the patronage. One other piece of advice: as much as you need to regulate the "darker" side of clublife, make dure you do not alienate customers by effectively "strip-searching" them at the doors. Those of us who are doing nothing wrong NEVER enjoy being molested upon entering the club, and it actually makes us question what we are even doing there in the first place. We will definitely try and check you out this fall/winter!!!
  6. SHE IS F*ING INCREDIBLE!!!!! WOW...........
  7. stacked.......quit following me!!! yes it's me......I never posted anything until this month, and now I am addicted! LOL. La Boom, really??? I actually hated it there.....I LOVED Daddy O's and the place across the street in the mall (I forget the name ). Check your PM's on elite
  8. saleen, have you been to Boston??? If not, check out the system at Avalon (I believe it is patented). WOW! I heard Gatecrasher there 2 years ago and while I am not a huge fan of the scene overseas, they blew me away! As did everyone else I ever heard there on Friday nights (except JP.....he only belongs in SF!)
  9. Agreed. Call when you want. If you need a "rule" to figure out when that should be, you're parents should not have allowed you to date yet!
  10. (this is phillyb's girl) what kind of music does Dj's play? PLEASE tell me there is no band! As much as I loved Neptune's last weekend, I cannot take any more band music!!!! what time should we get there, and how far of a drive is it?
  11. bionic definitely go to Casbah first around 11/11:30......if you dance, there is a lot of a$$ for you (I go to the bathroom and all the ladies try to dance up on my man), and you can wear jeans if you look trendy. leave by 2/3 b/c the drunk guys get rowdy about then and go to Studio/Tru. It is 1 block behind the Sands going away from the beach. They will half-heartedly pat you down, but it is a free for all once inside. Just be a little careful b/c they have been cracking down lately. There are 2 clubs (2 sides) and an outside deck. The music is okay....nothing like Seaside or the Hamptons. Some is really good, some is really bad. Do not expect to meet girls here......too many crackwhores to sift through, but be careful of the trannies......many have been duped!!!
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