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Everything posted by obby

  1. New Castles on Andrew C. all night long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wooo Hooooo
  2. I'm sure once the get a taste of these locals they will. Sounds like a fun night full of new sounds.
  3. Werd! Does this mean we are soon to hear his skills? I have it if you still need it.
  4. LOL That sounds like it will go straight through! Like a duck!
  5. Don't forget to mention that he has a hurricane making machine. LOL
  6. Let me pull a destruction here: what he really meant to say: Sissy!
  7. The craziest that I have seen Miami was during the last Super Bowl here. http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/local/southflorida/sfl-106superbowl,0,3134738.story?coll=sfla-home-headlines
  8. See you guys there! Looking forward to this. Palabra a tu madre! Leo, (BBQ King) bring the pain fiera.
  9. Correction! We both share the same concern Noel which is why my site was built with FLASH technology. Feel free to browse the site and "try" to right click and save any of the tracks or any of the mixes in the "music" section. The site was built for sampling ONLY. The only html portion of the site is the "download" section. The mixes in this section can indeed be downloaded but rest assure they have been approved by the DJ/Producers themselves. I find it a little strange that you would state that I am trying to promote myself when in reality my main goal has always been to familiarize others with our underground. If I was trying to promote myself I would have dedicated the "download" section for all MY personal mixes. If I wanted to promote myself I wouldn't have even put the names of the artist nor the titles. If you browse the site in full you would see that is not the case. It's amazing how much support I get from many of the artist I post on my site. Many e-mails thanking me for the support and recognition. Such e-mails are what keeps the SOTU site going. All in hope for the signed productions to be heard and for the unsigned to be recognized and eventually signed. We share the same concern Noel so all good! Many here already know how I feel about illegal downloading. Hence my support for vinyl! All about the wax ! Enjoy the sounds everyone!
  10. Still have a bunch of new wax that I have yet to convert to MP3 for the site but will do so soon. I have to give mad props to our local "DatGuy" (Tony) for his impressive production "And Another One" located in the "music" section of the SOTU site. Absolutely Brilliant !!!!!!!!
  11. You just won the plastic it's wrapped in.
  12. I was about to throw it up on eBay but thought I would give my fellow CPer's the opportunity first. Samsung SyncMaster 710 N LCD Monitor Great Condition (like new) $125.00 I just upgraded to a 20" so....................... Anyone interested, let me know. obby@soturecords.com
  13. Are you hooking up with small boys in Thailand again?
  14. Visited this place last week. Nice place.
  15. 600 barrels of loot found on Crusoe island Posted on 09/25/2005 7:30:39 PM PDT by Candor7 The archipelago is named after Robinson Crusoe, but perhaps it should have been called Treasure Island. A long quest for booty from the Spanish colonial era appears to be culminating in Chile with the announcement by a group of adventurers that they have found an estimated 600 barrels of gold coins and Incan jewels on the remote Pacific island. "The biggest treasure in history has been located," said Fernando Uribe-Etxeverria, a lawyer for Wagner, the Chilean company leading the search. Mr Uribe-Etxeverria estimated the value of the buried treasure at US$10bn (£5.6bn). The announcement set off ownership claims. The treasure hunters claimed half the loot was theirs and said they would donate it to non-profit-making organisations. The government said that they had no share to donate. It also prompted speculation about the contents of what is considered to be one of the great lost treasures from the Spanish looting of South America. Chilean newspapers were filled with reports that the stash includes 10 papal rings and original gold statues from the Incan empire. The hoard is supposedly buried 15 metres (50ft) deep on Robinson Crusoe island, also known as the Juan Fernández island, home to Scottish sailor Alexander Selkirk, the adventurer immortalised by Daniel Defoe as Robinson Crusoe. Selkirk was dumped on the island and lived alone for four years before being rescued. His exploits brought worldwide attention to the islands. For centuries treasure hunters have scoured the island in search of booty which was reportedly buried there in 1715 by Spanish sailor Juan Esteban Ubilla y Echeverria. Using everything from old Spanish ship manifests to teams of islanders with shovels and picks, foreigners have made so many claims of discovering the lost treasure that islanders are usually sceptical of the proclamations. This most recent announcement, however, deserves greater credence because of the equipment used by the treasure hunters: a mini robot that can scan 50 metres deep into the earth. The robot, dubbed "Arturito", was invented by Chileans and over the past year has grabbed headlines by breaking some of the country's biggest criminal mysteries. First, the robot detected the buried arsenal of a rightwing sect known as Colonia Dignidad. The guns and rocket launchers were buried at some 10 metres and while the authorities had searched for years, the robot found the buried weapons almost instantly. Then, in the case of missing businessman Jose Yuraszeck, Arturito was able to analyse the soil and identify the molecular composition of human bones, allowing investigators to dig straight to the body of the murder victim. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1491247/posts
  16. I too saw a special on Discovery Channel but the show show was titled "Architeuthis". The special detailed how scientist have not been able to study a full grown and living giant squid so they tried to collect many of the larva's (babies) that float up during full moons and raise the larva to a full grown giant squid. Didn't happen though. Once captured the larva would not live too long. This new finding definitely caught my attention. Calamari for everyone !!!!!!
  17. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050928/ap_on_sc/japan_giant_squid;_ylt=AsgmSj9WqiH.BTAZt7SUX4jQOrgF;_ylu=X3oDMTA3MzV0MTdmBHNlYwM3NTM- Giant Squid Photographed for First Time By HIROKO TABUCHI, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 10 minutes ago TOKYO - The giant squid can be found in books and in myths, but for the first time, a team of Japanese scientists has captured on film one of the most mysterious creatures of the deep sea in its natural habitat. ADVERTISEMENT The team led by Tsunemi Kubodera, from the National Science Museum in Tokyo, tracked the 26-foot long Architeuthis as it attacked prey nearly 3,000 feet deep off the coast of Japan's Bonin islands. "We believe this is the first time a grown giant squid has been captured on camera in its natural habitat," said Kyoichi Mori, a marine researcher who co-authored a piece in Wednesday's issue of the Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. The camera was operated by remote control during research at the end of October 2004, Mori told The Associated Press on Wednesday. Mori said the giant squid, purplish red like its smaller brethren, attacked its quarry aggressively, calling into question the image of the animal as lethargic and slow moving. "Contrary to belief that the giant squid is relatively inactive, the squid we captured on film actively used its enormous tentacles to go after prey," Mori said. "It went after some bait that we had on the end of the camera and became stuck, and left behind a tentacle" about six yards long, Mori said. Kubodera, also reached by the AP, said researchers ran DNA tests on the tentacle and found it matched those of other giant squids found around Japan. "But other sightings were of smaller, or very injured squids washed toward the shore — or of parts of a giant squid," Kubodera said. "This is the first time a full-grown, healthy squid has been sighted in its natural environment in deep water." Kubodera said the giant squid's tentacle would not grow back, but the squid's life was not in danger. Jim Barry, a marine biologist at Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute in California, has searched for giant squid on his own expeditions without luck. "It's the holy grail of deep sea animals," he said. "It's one that we have never seen alive, and now someone has video of one." New Zealand's leading authority on the giant squid, marine biologist Steve O'Shea, praised the Japanese team's feat. "Through sheer ... determination the guy has gone on and done it," said O'Shea, chief marine scientist at the Auckland University of Technology, who is not linked to the Japanese research. O'Shea said he hopes to capture juvenile giant squid and grow them in captivity. He captured 17 of them five years ago but they died in captivity. "Our reaction is one of tremendous relief that the so-called ... race (to film the giant squid) is over ... because the animal has consumed the last eight or nine years of my life," O'Shea said of the film. Giant squid have long attracted human fascination, appearing in myths of the ancient Greeks, as well as Jules Verne's "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea." Scientific interest in the animals has surged in recent years as more specimens have been caught in commercial fishing nets or found washed up on shores. Kubodera would make no claims about the scientific significance of his team's work. "As for the impact our discovery will have on marine research, I'll leave to other researchers to decide," he said. Other biologists saidi they expected the video would provide insight on the animal's behavior underwater. "Nobody has been able to observe a large giant squid where it lives," said Randy Kochevar, a deep sea biologist also with the Monterey aquarium. "There are people who said it would never be done."
  18. Protect your music as you would protect your pecker!
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