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Posts posted by italia23

  1. Interesting article, and I do see most of the parallels. But it should also be noted that a lot of these points are generally healthy characteristics of a society that have been perverted and twisted to work to the advantage of a particular despot. I co-sign on the points previously made by Baraquilla, and also add:

    1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism... Not a bad thing at all. Although occasionally overdone and somewhat commercialized, I don't see American patriotism as an exception to the national pride in most other countries.

    2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights... If you think the methods of interrogation and imprisonment used in Guantanamo are something new, you are mistaken. WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm...all utilized unconventional handling of foreign POWs, you just never heard about it...remember, modern-day Liberalism is not the same as what it used to be. And after all, none of this can even compare to what has been done, and what continues to be done to American POWs.

    3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause... Scapegoating is a perversion of using the identification of enemies as a unifying cause. Except for a few isolated incidences, I don't think anyone has really been scapegoated.

    4. Supremacy of the Military... Well, according to the majority of the population, homeland security is priority #1. Add to that the fact that the military and its funding were excessively cut by the previous administration.

    5. Rampant Sexism... Campared to the rest of the world, I think the United States is one of the more progressive nations when it comes to human rights, and can hardly be labeled as "male-dominated". And I don't necessarily with the idea that opposition to abortion and gay rights is high. If anything, the majority of the population is more socially progressive, or otherwise, generally apathetic.

    6. Controlled Mass Media... Censorship of what? Besides the broadcasting of strategic military locations and photographs of American military caskets, I don't really see anything that has changed.

    7. Obsession with National Security... Concerned, but not obsessed. The PATRIOT Act doesn't bother me, nor inconvenience me in any way.

    8. Religion and Government are Intertwined... I think the power of Republicans from the south is largely overstated. After the '06 elections (in which I predict the Republicans will lose seats) this will become more apparent. Or at least it's what I think.

    9. Corporate Power is Protected... I see somewhat of a correlation here, however, Hitler, Mussolini, etc. came into power under dire circumstances, in which the country was poor and the people were starving. Thankfully, the U.S. doesn't have this problem.

    10. Labor Power is Suppressed... I wouldn't say the unions are suppressed. They ARE weakened, due to the influx of cheaper labor entering the country from Central America, Latin America, Eastern Europe, etc.

    11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts... Academia (students and professorts) as well as the arts (musicans, Hollywood) are notorious for their rampant liberalism. Naturally, since Liberalism and Facsicm are almost polar opposites on the political spectrum, one will try to stamp out the other. Besides, I have yet to see or hear of any open hostility to either. And personally, at a time like this, I don't really see funding of the arts as a national priority.

    12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment... Far from unlimited powers, I must say. Again, the PATRIOT Act doesn't bother me.

    13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption... It's a stretch, but I guess I can see where he's coming from.

    14. Fraudulent Elections... Ah, this argument has been beaten to death and needs a thread unto its own.

    Just my thoughts, man.

  2. From what I understand, China -U.S. relations aren't that bad. Aren't they on board with us in trying to disarm North Korea? And I'm sure that we spy and steal technology as much as anyone else.

    My opinion...as long as China and the UK aren't with the opposition, then we are okay. Nobody else really matters.

  3. i'm usually the last one to side with the US' foreign policies these days...but how the fuck is the US worse than Uzbekistan, Zimbabwe, Sudan, China, Myanmar, or Iran? :confused:

    Thank you.

    I call bullshit on this whole report. War has been a reality since the beginning of time, and shameful acts have always been committed. Yes, even by American soldiers. But Abu Ghraib was an isolated incident, in my opinion, and the detention at Gitmo is nothing compared to what has been done in the past and what continues to go on in some parts of the world today.

  4. This is a good way to shove their jingoistic rhetoric back up their asses.


    lol @ George Bush "creating a sense of crisis to get a grip on the state" and "a worsening economy soon to be a crisis in its own right"

    Not that it's a good thing, IMO, but who do you think is to blame for the move towards one-party rule? Is it the GOP? Or is it a combination of the American voter and a lack of appeal for the Democratic Party?

  5. Sorry but the Mets are not playing good baseball at all....they are getting by with their bats and a couple good innings being logged by their pitching.

    If you want to watch a team play good baseball watch the Padres, Marlins or the White Sox......

    the mets were playing better baseball then they ever had since 2000^^^^

  6. That's because Willie Randolph is not a manager. He's a bench coach. He has no fucking idea what to do with that team. lmamamaoooo fucking Mets they're so fresh!

    They can't even beat us when we play like dogshit.

    Give me a break.

    You can't deny that up until a weak ago, the Mets were playing better baseball then they ever have since 2000.

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