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Posts posted by donkeywhore

  1. It seems as though one of the Moderator Clowns on this board erased my post from last night...

    It basically said how KostaP is a fat ugly fuck and how Mystify is a dumb stupid bitch.

    I have to go the shoe shine girl is here and my shoes need to be groomed...Damn shes kind of hot...I think she is from poland...Hmmm...maybe I should ask her to be my maid...

  2. Shlonger...I was on my way to work this morning, driving my expensive car of course...and reflecting on the past 6 months...I almost had to pull over..because I started feeling sick...recalling all the ugly patrons of the shore and especially River Street that one night...Deko has been decent...but still far from good and ONLY good from far....Then I suddenly felt better...when I recalled my South Beach experience and eating $500 dinners, buying all the good looking patrons of Space and Nikki Beach expensive drinks and of course staying in the finest hotel the, The Flamingo...it was actually reasonable $300 a night...Anyway, I just remember walking into into Nikki Beach with my expensive clothes on and being around individuals who clearly had a purpose in life...I remember coming back from South Beach not being able to identify with other people...it took a while to readjust....Anyway, I feel better now...Donkeyland is planning a very expensive New Years which is strictly Confidential and banned from the regular CP Loser...they could foil our plans if the plans were leaked....

  3. Listen boys...The donkies would like to hangout with the Gropasaurous and somehow merge the Alliance and Donkeyland into one Kingdom where we can keep tabs on all of these fucking A/X stamped trash....Yes thats right I am so big time that whenever I am in the mall and see the A/X sign it hurts my eyes...

  4. Listen up all of you CP Losers...especially LOCK16, KostaP, Liqidwhatever and dumb bitch Mystify....

    It has come to my attention that there is a real problem on ClubPlanet lately. It seems as though you fucking grade school drop outs have somehow spoken out of turn and pissed a few Donkies off. You have to understand where we are coming from. Mystify, please just turn your computer off and go to sleep right now. Your brain is shot and you have no perception of reality. Your posts make no sense and are difficult to understand because your vocabulary is extremely ghetto. KostaP. what can I say you are a fat slob that needs to move to Africa, starve for 10 years and bakr your nasty body into a nice golden brown color. Then you have to get a job where you make some money and stop pretending you are some club guru. Next we have Lock16, one outspoken queer who needs to look in the mirror and say to himself "Holyshit, I am one ugly motherfucker, it must be my mothers fault..." Next we have Liqdick, this homosexual must have eaten some sour cum this weekend...because this homo is just running his mouth lately.....

    I constantly remind myself that half of you idiots only have CP and I should hold my comments to myself....therefore I am finished...now go cry and try to make things better....

  5. There seems to be alot of "Gayness" on this board recently and it needs to stop. The Donkies, being the philanthropists we are, are considering sending all of you losers back to 1st grade so you can learn to read, write and formulate complete coherent sentences that do not begin with ATTN, ROLECALL and REVIEW....etc...etc...etc...

    Donkeyboy just stopped by and together we are going to have a meeting of sorts to realign this board.

    Shlonger, Ridingtheshortbus we need your input...the gavel is in your hands...lets here it....

  6. Alas, your idol has expanded from the NJ to the NY cp message boards. Metropolitan Guidettes, Staten lsland Monsters, Luscious Long Islanders and all of you Strippers...I hope you've been taking care of those silicon enhanced tight and deeply tanned little bodies of yours for GROPASAURUS. I've groped and been groped by plenty of you in the off season, whether I was in Vegas at Bebe's and Drais, Miami at Level and Bed, Italy at the various clubs on the island of Rimini, NJ at Joey's, Bunkas & Casbah or here in NYC at Eugene's, Lotus, Pangea, Spa, Float, Halo...etc., and all of the other places I grace with my presence. I must say that while I did come across some outstanding specimens, I was disappointed to an extent regarding the quality and condition some of you appeared to be in. I blame most of it on those Middle Eastern scums of the earth and the absolutely horrific economic environment, but then again I packed on 10 more pounds of lean muscle (naturally of course), reduced my body fat to 8%, developed an absolutely amazing tan and improved my wardrobe to the point that anything not D&G, Gucci, Versace, Emporio Armani or BCBG was donated tp the Young Guidos of America charity, one I proudly sit on the Board of Directors for. Therefore, I urge each of you to drag yourselves to the gym, tanning/hair/nail salon, plastic surgeon and local guidette monster retail stores to prepare for the upcoming opportunity to meet me.

    As for all of you preppy Guido worshipping pussies out there...I hope at least some of you came to your senses and decided to apply for admission into THE ALLIANCE in this new year of 2002!!! However, I must warn you that THE ALLIANCE has grown and expanded globally at multiples beyond human recognition, so the consideration process will be even more difficult than it already was.

    All right, that's all for now, I need to go flex in front of the mirrors and admire how gorgeous I am while my assistants look at me in awe in this ridiculous corner office they gave me last summer...and to answer any of your questions out there...yes, I'm just that damn good.

  7. Alas, your idol has expanded from the NJ to the NY cp message boards. Metropolitan Guidettes, Staten lsland Monsters, Luscious Long Islanders and all of you Strippers...I hope you've been taking care of those silicon enhanced tight and deeply tanned little bodies of yours for GROPASAURUS. I've groped and been groped by plenty of you in the off season, whether I was in Vegas at Bebe's and Drais, Miami at Level and Bed, Italy at the various clubs on the island of Rimini, NJ at Joey's, Bunkas & Casbah or here in NYC at Eugene's, Lotus, Pangea, Spa, Float, Halo...etc., and all of the other places I grace with my presence. I must say that while I did come across some outstanding specimens, I was disappointed to an extent regarding the quality and condition some of you appeared to be in. I blame most of it on those Middle Eastern scums of the earth and the absolutely horrific economic environment, but then again I packed on 10 more pounds of lean muscle (naturally of course), reduced my body fat to 8%, developed an absolutely amazing tan and improved my wardrobe to the point that anything not D&G, Gucci, Versace, Emporio Armani or BCBG was donated tp the Young Guidos of America charity, one I proudly sit on the Board of Directors for. Therefore, I urge each of you to drag yourselves to the gym, tanning/hair/nail salon, plastic surgeon and local guidette monster retail stores to prepare for the upcoming opportunity to meet me.

    As for all of you preppy Guido worshipping pussies out there...I hope at least some of you came to your senses and decided to apply for admission into THE ALLIANCE in this new year of 2002!!! However, I must warn you that THE ALLIANCE has grown and expanded globally at multiples beyond human recognition, so the consideration process will be even more difficult than it already was.

    All right, that's all for now, I need to go flex in front of the mirrors and admire how gorgeous I am while my assistants look at me in awe in this ridiculous corner office they gave me last summer...and to answer any of your questions out there...yes, I'm just that damn good.

  8. The Donkies are sick of this gay bullshit. f you make a New Post then it better be good....No more bullshit stupid responses from Mystify...and others like KostaPepperoni. We are sick of all you fucking losers and are going to start sneaking up on you and start cracking skulls. Ridingtheshortbus it is time for you to put a saddle on your back, shine your hooves and start HHHEEEE HAAAAWWWWing. I am starting a Donkey hate list right here.

    #1, KostaPepperoni

    #2. exit82

    #3. The rest of CP

  9. ....KostaP's life is......! HE is a motherfing H-mo. Does it get anymore pathetic then this dumb bitch......Bitch....you fried popper eating fool...talk shit about Mexico and I will give you free liposuction when I grab your fat rolls and rip your love handles off.......Shit bitch....if you send another Email to any Donkey....you are going to get two Donkey hind legs thrown into your fat chest.....You tried to sabotage my Donkey Computer now you will pay the price...Luckily this Donkey had a virus disk that caught the perpentrator.....

  10. Attention HUNNIE>...

    You think your a Club Junkie.....That says alot about you....You can tell your kids that one day..."See Hunnie Jr. this is a picture of mommy all fucked up dancing like a moron...oh that person...that is a guy I was dating...he was a Club Junkie too...but he went to Jail for selling pills...."

    That was mean I guess but you talk shit about a Donkey and you will get a Donkeyreply back....

    Riding...Havent you figured it out yet...no one on here can handle factory...they are stuck in the Sayreville Club Scene

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