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Everything posted by flavanugz

  1. flavanugz


    cant fight it i wanna ride it cuz im aaddicted to drums and im a slave to the dark beat....beat......beat
  2. since im such a picky fuck about music, i figured id revive this thread and allow peeps to show what music they are liking? djs dont be afraid!!!! dj buck: highlights amber: anyways (steve porter mix) steve porter: definite form (jumpin dub) tomaz vs filterheadz: sunshine (scumfrog mix) eight: killaman knicked my gyro len lewis: infinite groove (gareth oxby mix) phillip chares: dont come up to me andrea doria: bucci bag kingkade: magic circle terry francis and eddie richards: breakfast at tones
  3. the term is rolling face, and the thing is, half the time people think howells is spinning techno, he is only spinning hard progressive tracks. i personally am not a fan of techno, and can only stand some of the shit howells plays in moderation. howells has a way of pitching shit way the fuck up.
  4. HAHAHAH. i think vic just made the hypocrtical statement of the year.
  5. BAAHAHAHAH. Howells always looks pretty shitty if u ask me! oops sorry. no sasha mention. i will say that sasha has redeemed himself in my book after space.
  6. BAAHAHAHAH. Howells always looks pretty shitty if u ask me!
  7. even tongy says its an "afterhours mix" see the problem is you didnt roll face during the mix. u need more DXM!
  8. BAHAHAHAHHAAH HAHAHAHHAHAAH dude, i am crying right now!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHA but seriously, i cry everytime he spins.
  9. not enough drums and epic breakdowns??????
  10. exactly, look at who they booked in the past few months, and look at what the succesful nights are. i dont even like tiesto and pvd, but those are succesful nights. look at the crowd diggers draws. the talent coming in is a disgrace. and if u think for one second that the average person who gos to avalon has ANY clue of who the fuck is spinning, then you are very jaded my friend.
  11. NO ITS ABOUT PVD!!!! I thought i was reading ezdreamer for awhile today.
  12. ok so we agree. vicman has clearly proved in a number of threads that he knows nuffin fast dance music sucks anyways. i hate how everyone is like, dude he is playing some crazy techno. i heard adam beyer once and i wanted to shoot myself. it wasnt nearly gay enough for me.
  13. hahah. ya in 'the real world' everyone is jacked and beautiful.
  14. ya ive never seen a bigger group of hypocritical chumps in my life. the only one i can stand is the white chick that is obsessed with steve. other than the fact she needs to get over him, she is basically normal. my quote of the season: "i thought i made some really good points" - steven ps alton is queerer than teamj5
  15. ya i would like to meet all the dudes on that cast, so i can tell them what a bunch of bitches the are. this was the WORST cast ever, in terms of personality and substance. as far as debauchery and sluttiness, this class gets an A+.
  16. so then the problem would be in programming, not in mixing. i would say that the more bpm's a track has, the simpler it is to mix. this is very obvious due to the fact that you have more beats to match in any given amount of time. shit that burridge and tyler stadius spins is much harder to mix, even for the fact that matching those beats can be more of a problem because there are "less beats".
  17. fuck that dude. fridays are basically gone. i dont foresee myself putting any money into that establishment for a long time. i have been a solid supporter since chrome was in full force and it pains me to see what has happened to avalon/axis. i never really enjoyed avalon anyways, so i could give a fuck less tat they are bringing in the most pathetic "talent' in the dance scene. as far as squareone goes, if i have to see debo's buttbuddies spin there, then im afraid i wont be supporting that night either. christ, the kells has a better fucking lineup than landsdowne. ps rise needs to gets a steppin!
  18. hey dude, are u the same carguy from njguido.com. if so, u are a mega cutie! and get off the boston board, rectal itch.
  19. Id prolly be considered the best mixer EVER if i mixed the same epic trance songs in every set i do. and for some of the peeps who need to get learned, trance is by far the easiest type of music to mix.
  20. if you are anywhere within 20 feet of the real world vegas cast, u have a very good chance of getting a piece.
  21. i really really like this mix. the mixing is probably the best ive ever heard in an essential mix. its super creative and flows beautifully. the last song digital boogie: afterglow has been a fav of mine forever. can u say janet sample?
  22. flavanugz


    i would have to disagree. i wish they played sandstorm and castles more often. also, i would like to hear more of dark beat and shiney disco balls. also anything by dj sammy would be cool too.
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