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Posts posted by quest4sunrise

  1. Hey, does anyone know if Edgar has a new weekly spot anywhere. I remember he was supposedly @ Billboard Live before he returned to Space and now that he is gone again, I am blue :( :( :( . I guess things are going to go back to the way they were for me (Space for the big nights) but its too bad because I really love that place! I'm just not quite as house prone. :rolleyes: But I understand Luis' decision and still support him, just a little less often unless Edgar comes back Where is EDGAR??

  2. It's all relative. It's funny, but as unifying as this music can be, it is also interpreted in many different ways to each individual who is a part of it. Do I think I'll be out doing what I'm doing now when I'm 30? Probably not, but that is only because that works for me. This music has been the most driving style I have ever encountered. That's why I'm always shocked when people have these huge trance vs. house debates. I prefer trance myself, but that's because I have not found a strong enough interest in much of house, but that's just what works for me. Or when hear people put others into classes (cause someone dances with light, "new jacks", etc.) I have always found that to be odd because I liken nights out as chances to really let loose. I guess no matter where we are... there we are. Hmm, how ironic. At any rate, our minds, bodies, and souls will tell us when it is time to hang up our disco shoes, but that time is not now... so I'll see your asses on the dancefloor!

  3. I saw that movie last night and it was something else! Anyone else see it? Usually I like the dry-witted comedy stylings of say... a Jerry Seinfield or someone, but there is something to be said for mind/brainless comedy! I thought I'd be able to stomach it, but often found my hand over my eyes more than I cared to count. Overall, an amazingly funny movie in the most primal and bizarre ways ANYTHING can be funny.

  4. I know everyone is ready for Mauro Picotto, but Judge Jules and Scott Bond are goinf to be there (Space) on the 27th. I think that'll be a grrreat show. Jules was pretty badass during WMC, and Bond should be a nice treat. Anyways, I'll be there...who's coming with me??

  5. I loved that night! Best weekend I've had since I came back!!! Cheers to the Space team for creating a warm atmosphere with the carpet and the ballons. Tiesto pulled another amazing set out of his sleave. He was quite hard throughout the night, but produced alot of new matierial to drool over. Played for a long time too. I loved every minute of it though. I was out in the "common folk" area (non V.I.P.) but that made me love the night even more. The blue room was crowded as hell, but as people walked through/away there was enough space to really enjoy it. I ended up leaving at around 8:30 - 8:45. Luis had a good set. I've grown to really like him, he turns out very nostalgic sets (loved that remix of "Everybody's Free") and Edgar was wonderful Edgar as always. I will miss the hell out of him on Fridays :( :( . In conclusion, and needless to say, I LOVE SPACE!! Hey, I don't like that Fridays are gone now, but they are and will always be Miami's biggest port of Euope's finest. Happy birthday to Luis (did anyone see the picture clips of him and virtually every bad ass DJ? I almost lost it) And I'll see you all at the Judge Jules show!

  6. Ok here is there thread of unofficial etticate/rules we suggest (or at least wish) club nation would govern itself by: I'll go first

    NO WALKING THROUGH THE DANCEFLOOR - That's what walkways and the bar is for

    RESPECT PERSONAL DANCE AREAS - If someone is dancing and really into it, don't step directly in front of him/her and park it, that's just rude

    Don't consider theis a bitching thread, more of a wish list :D

  7. I saw Seaman last night. First time I ever saw him and first time in Crobar. Crobar is a neat set-up, very lush inside. Jon Cowan was awesome! To the point of alomost upstaging Seaman. He played a remix to C&C Music Factory's "Deeper Love" and it was top class! Cheers to JC! Seaman was an AnImAl!! played a remix to "Days Go By" which had a guitar solo! Total ACE!! If anyone knows the track he played before that, I LOVE YOU! the lyrics were "The fear of God is in you, when the sun goes down" or something like that. At any rate, a good jump start for our birthday party tonight. I might have to ice my knees a bit. Danced a bit more than expected last night. Crobar was great. The misleading fucks rejected me free entry passes and there was no open bar though. Gotta keep that in mind. Other than that I feel good. See you crazy fuckers later tonight... on the dance floor

  8. Allow me to enter this merry li'l dancing circle. I just might be the X-factor that surprises y'all after it is all said and done. Consider me the 2001 New England Patriots of the dancefloor. A late addition no one considered til they held up trophies and poured champagne! We'll see. If nothing else, this'll give me even more drive

  9. Hey, are you also Bizz from Trace*********** by any chance? If so I need to ask you a few questions. If not, I still need to ask you some other questions regarding promoting and flyers. I wrote you an e-mail. When you see this, please try and contact me via AOL Instant Messenger. Screen name: MSquared3434. Thanks alot:cool:

  10. Originally posted by djdekan

    I dont even want to go to tiesto becaause of all this bullshit the only dj i wanted to see was Marco V, and now no Marco V, SO Fuck Louis and Fuck Space and Shut the FUck UP wise ass.

    But you're still going right? We're thiiis close! Yeah, the road got bumpier but c'mon Pete. Don't bail on us now. Not on Mr. Verwest and the dancing Space cadets :worry:

    IT'S GAME TIME.........

  11. Originally posted by chaos33

    If anyone has a copy of the broadcast from space last time tiesto was here, the crowd actually started chanting 'tiesto' while oscar was spinning. The masses don't know shit.

    i think that is because they were anxious to see him and wanted him to come on. I like Oscar to a degree (say what you will about trance, it's still my fav), but their is a clear difference between him and Oscar muscially and appearence wise. Tiesto has crossed the line and become a superstar over the past few years. Now his name is always on the tips of people's tongues the same ways Paul Van Dyk, Sasha, and John Digweed are, so I wouldn't quite venture off and say the Miami masses are that ignorant. If so, color me 952 shades of awe-struck :eek:

    See everyone for the Birthday party! I'll bring the chips and dip :rolleyes::D

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