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Everything posted by skippyd

  1. Who on this board would be the person to get the ball rollin on this...if at all possible.....DIESELBOY AT AVALON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would be a slammin night!!!!!!
  2. i think Avalon should really consider pulling in Dieselboy, Aphrodite or AK1200 for a DnB party night...not like they wouldn't attract a crowd...
  3. That Rob Bass mix kicks ass...does anyone have it or no where to get it?
  4. Finally....some bangin hardcore!!!! WOW...brought me back to the "New Room" at the Tunnel back in the day....(brings a tear to the eye) AWESOME MIX!!!!!
  5. Micro's new trance set "In Through the Output" is the bomb. One of the best trance sets I have ever heard....
  6. Awesome track listing.....DA BOMB!!! My favorite is "Time's Running Out" (#4)
  7. Without a doubt..........one of the best hard trance mixes I have ever heard!! DJ MICRO "Out Through the Input" just picked it up yesterday.......it is bangin! For those of you out there who never heard of this guy......he goes way back to the Caffene Parties at Limelight, NYC. Knows how to throw it down!!!!!
  8. That was good bro...I am still laughing!!!
  9. Alright......now we got two teams in the clubplanet league...... Good Luck Tribal Titans....... Any others....more than welcome...deadline is Sunday at noon.....
  10. Ok..sorry everyone...fixed it: League name: clubplanet password: tempts ***ALL LOWER CASE ON LEAGUE AND PASSWORD!!!!! I am the househeadz!!!!
  11. No takers on the fantasy league? We have to pick our teams by Saturday.....
  12. Nobody is interested in playing some fantasy?
  13. My team is THE HOUSEHEADZ!!!!! so you will know that you ended up in the correct league!!! We might want to think of some sort of wager (bet) for the football season winner.....?????
  14. You guys must type in the league (division name) as CP....in capital letters then the password is tempts....all lower case letters it should work then.....
  15. yes....you can If you would like any players on your team from Indy or NE..you must have them before noon on thursday...otherwise the main cutoff is Sunday at noon...but check actual rules cause not sure of the time but the days I have correct.........
  16. Oh Yeah...forgot To Mention Something Important!!!! it Is Free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/center]
  17. To all the CP Football headz out there...... I set up a fantasy league online if any of you are interested. It is a salary based league which can be found on: www.smallworld.com (sporting news) If you are interested...simply register your personal info., create a team name and join an EXISTING league..... League name is: CP Password is: tempts (both are case sensitive so be careful) reply to this thread so I know if I should continue it or not..... Good luck to all who enter.....PEACE OUT!!!!
  18. Ok..seasons opens this coming weekend.... who will have the better record......giants or JETS???????? MY PICK....J...E...T....S JETS JETS JETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. wow..all the old school headz will be there...huh!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Let's be honest here....Denny has to close out the Tempts Dynasty with: Tamperer....."Feel It" Though a close second choice would be: Soulshaker (from '99)
  21. All I can predict is that the original back bar crew will be in FULL EFFECT!!! And the roof will be on fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. All I can predict is that the original back bar crew will be in FULL EFFECT!!! And the roof will be on fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. This is too funny....... Badass is out of the scene for one summer..now he is a TV Evangelist preaching to all that he has seen the light and will no longer hang out at places persuing sins of the flesh.....
  24. Is Seaside all families?....YES it is...all the broken ones anyway!! Seaside is definitely better than Wildwood.....plus it is half the distance too... Stay at the Hershey Motel (1 block to beach) Go to: Bamboo on Friday (order a fish bowl) XS on Saturday.....cause it is where the party is at!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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