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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by bobydigital

  1. ok...lets start over hurrrrrr..........fuckin' sick weather on the way what's the weekend ajenda??.....lemme here it peeps!.... Pass the donkey and pin that tail on the broad with the skirt waving in the wind.....
  2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DROPPED!.
  3. nah....she dropped a bomb on me and I kicked her down the stairs to get rid of the problem....so she dumped me.....go figure i saved us a couple hundred bucks and she got pissed.... ok now everybody is over-reacting cause i know the trewguy myself and he knows me and he ain't gonna try to kick billy's ass...trust me...if anything trewguy will give billy a SLAP!! thats about it....
  4. but touchy touchy aren't we today everybody....damn......hey billy watch out.....you gonna get jumped by duece and kiki....SHUT YER TRAP BOY!!!....
  5. :laugh: thanx ronnie... eternitygirl...i'll see you soon....pick you up in ten.....
  6. ya never know bro....maybe....can't believe they got you on an outting very nice...
  7. that's cause you and Hef are about the same age....no??.....
  8. im almost positive you have to be 21 choops....tough break kid!......
  9. thats a pussy-whip...pussy...now shut up!
  10. I just got my own room in choopa's house in belmar!!!!......he offered it to me for FREE too......YEAH!!!!.....SICKKKKKK!...thanx CHOOPA!.....All for just giving up GODisaDJ's real identity......this is great......
  11. yeah i was chillin' with god a few weeks ago......we go way back.....CHOOPIE TURNS TO ME!!!!....
  12. FUck YOU for dumping me on a website!!!!..... :mad: Watch yer back!!!!!
  13. Yes!!!....i didnt make the list......phewwww.......i was sweatin' over hurrrrrr!......thanx Godisadj.... Oh and PS it was good seeing u a few weeks ago!.... Holy catfish.....does bobydigital know the ture identity of GODISADJ!!!!!!????????.......don don don.....more to follow on this breakthrough!...same channel.... ok wait!....i have to stick up for the stiffler!.....hes a champ......BUT chooopa hes an amatuer!....
  14. Boo fuckin' hoo!.....cry me a fuckin' river you pussy ass mo fo......shut the fuck up......and take a piss standing up for a change.....holy shit......I'm gonna cry??...do you think b4 you type?.........your a crap face.......and monkey wrench......and I'm gonna do you a favor and teach you a vital lesson in life...life sucks and you suck more....get used to it!... :boohoo:
  15. oh look its the asshole crew.......damn fuckers.......back that shit up biatches.......U just got f'ed in the a........ oh and bad ass........control yer bitches.......choopa and the bird.......or else.....I'll lay down the SMACKdown......
  16. billy...time and time again you have begged me to be a friend...and time and time again you open your big ass mouth and talk shit.....now that was the last straw that broke my camels back.....SO keep an eye out kid.....its about to get interesting.....PEACE
  17. damn you guys just won the CP award for BItchiest Couple.....congrats..... :laugh:
  18. Hey Kelly and Cynstam watch yer steps......BIRDS! Yo Choopa.....worry about ur own social life.....or lack there of.....
  19. I saw Kelly with that herb too....pooor billy bad ass......Play on Playa Kelly.....
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