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Posts posted by bobydigital

  1. Originally posted by kostaP

    nah he'll be out soon enough, you'll see, I got faith in him

    thanx Kosta.......it's good to know someone believes in me.....I might actually start the weekend at Diva tonight... :D

  2. Originally posted by badassmafuka

    Guy, she did the right thing and left you... You wife beating arab

    All I know is she is probably in a better place with a man that has a green card...

    Hey did your Visa expire yet??? Dont let me get on that phone an call 800-emigrazion........... I could spell in Spanish

    Hey did you fix the fender on your camel???????? pfffffffffff

    seriously.....BACK OFF.....or ill call your girlfriend and ill let her deal with you..... :laugh:

  3. Originally posted by badassmafuka

    Your ex thinks your all washed up

    Good for her she got rid of you like a kid gets rid of a stick on a lollipop

    You washed out Herb

    ya know.....one of these days you are going to get the story right bad ass.....then you can talk shit......but until then.....LET ME REMIND YOU.....that I AM not SAD at all......FUCK FACE...and I took a stand and became a man while you handed your balls over to your girl and said.."here i dont need these anymore please keep them in your purse".... :mad:

  4. Originally posted by kikilicious

    me pissed.... NEVER

    I just get even :mad:

    :laugh: :laugh:

    so when r we buying our dodge caravan

    sorry i didnt get back to you last night....i had to cover for Bad Ass at work fucking slacker that guy is....

    i was thinking maybe we can go van shopping this weekend....maybe saturday after Barnes and Noble....

  5. this is out of control......before i know it im going to be married with kids with a minivan in the garage and a white picket fence....

    and yes temptschick i was at afterhours....how could you forget Bobby Digital.....i am dissappointed....anyway thanks for trying to cover up...it's too late....she's already pissed.... :(

  6. Originally posted by stiffler

    sorry for blowin up your spot bro.........if it means anything he left even earlier than he said!!!!

    yeah well....we will see how sorry you are......just make sure you set a spot for me at your dinner table.....6pm good?...

  7. Originally posted by kikilicious

    what afterhours is that BOBBY!!!!!! :tongue:

    oh boy.....here we go.....Sorry sweetie.....seriously i only stopped by for like 2 minutes......I was home by 2:45 and in bed by 3...does this mean no homemade chocolate chip cookies tonight???... :shake::aaah::mad2:

    thanx a million sticky!!!! :mad:

  8. Originally posted by stiffler

    hahahahahahaha...fuck you!!!!! I wouldnt let HER go...actually we got to banged up at some afterhours and all starred around at eachother like a bunch of mopes trying to figure out who could drive..next thing I knew it was 10am and we were all still starring.............

    oh ok.....I think i've been to that afterhours before......yes i have.....

  9. Originally posted by badkitty3804

    So, really curious....

    I'm a Baltimore girl, but I'm curious about the happenings in NJ (and surrounding areas).

    What are the essential clubs to visit? What genre's are more prevelent in the area? Who are the 'big boys' when it comes to promotion groups.

    HELP :confused:


    talk to Badassmafuka and KostaP.....they are the masters of NJ......(so they think)..... :D

  10. Originally posted by badassmafuka

    Easy on the drugs you fucking immigrant...

    You come to this country on your Visa thinking you are the man...

    Go put on your Turban you fucking Arab

    stick to the truth idiot....I am not an immigrant....i was born in the states....and i am not of arabic decent...I'm a Turk...AND arabs don't wear turbans.....that would be people of Indian decent.....

    but....as for my previous statements.....you ARE washed up......and you ARE a fruit loop!....so try again BEBE Billy Bas Ass...

  11. Originally posted by stiffler

    Yo father Carmine...............

    Yeah I called you to see if you were going to SG....but you didnt cause I was there and you were not!!!

    Holla back sometime, ya hear!!!!

    Hey Sticky......couldn't get permission huh?......it happens....hey it wasn't that great anyway at Black...yeah right... :D

  12. y are you so fuckin' washed up??.....seriously.....what is the deal my man?....oh by the way Black was fun...Disco afterhours was chaos and Sunday was a blurr...How was Barnes and Nobles??...packed?.....I bet it was..you fuckin' FRUIT LOOP!...


  13. Originally posted by kostaP

    gross dude.

    Bobby you are a trooper...I am impressed...

    gross...fuck that.....can't a guy show a little bit of public affection.....

    Thank you Kosta....I did do my best to stick it out at Disco but I started buggin' with that wacky ass crowd...

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