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Posts posted by bobydigital

  1. Also why do they have that piece in the middle you have to punch out??? What a waste of paper. It takes time to get that thing out good and I always windup ripping the actual sheet!



    good one...i hate torn toilet sheets.... :mad:

  2. You just make sure you know who your hollerin at!!!!! :mad:


    wait a minute.....is this the wrong hump day thread.....god damn it.....im always lost on here.....but while im up in hurrrrrrrrrrr.......I mine as well Hollllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!...where the chicas at??...hollllaaaaa back booooo!.... :makeout: ....

  3. This Thursday at Circa

    get there early im doin dinner at 8pm

    I suggest anyone that plans on coming thursday eat at circa cause it will get real evil real fast with ML2K behind the bar so a good stomach full of food to soak up the booze is a Must!!!!!!!!!

    For reservations 201.845.5009

    Then Sat night at Merge Mr.Rydell and Myself Double B-day Bash...(he is much older just to let you all know)

    cp comp list in effect!!!!!

    Upscale venue will be takin pics of both events.

    Better see yo asses there!!!!!!!!!

    Take care and brush your hair

    Kosta P.!!!!!!!!!!

    wish i could make it Kosta!......but its bingo night man.....and its my turn to pull the balls!......HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.........:laugh:....sickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!

  4. For me personally I feel Ive had enough......................from 98/99 til last summer I had a blast and put aside many things that needed to be done at the homefront.............this summer I see things differently and only come down two weeks on two weeks off(aprox)................also I go home on sundays cause Im a lot more serious about my Job...............Father is closer to retirement and I need to show him I can handle the take over and not be a screw-up like I was in the previous years.........

    But thats just my reasoning

    I couldn't have said it better myself......well maybe I could've.....but still nicely said.....there comes a time in your life that you gotta claim your stake....bottom line time to make $$ and stop blowing it...I'm retiring at 32....so it's hustle time...

    seriously though.....as much fun as the shore is....your priorities change as the you get older.....what I think the problem is.....is the young-ins they gotta step up to the plate and show their shit and rep. it at the shore.....they are def. weak!....the rise of the scummy crowd and bad rep of seaside in recent years doens't help the cause either...just my 2 cents...i expect change please....

  5. I only hump on the weekends so sad to say Im speaking of your "ghey" humpday

    there's nothin' ghey about my hump day buddy!!.....i still hump daily regardless of the day.....or time......or place.....

    yo you don't go to lunch??...or are you not working??.....

  6. spooky weirdo's on this board...

    whats up with that????

    sorry bout that....if it counts for anything....I didn't see much....i was too busy fighting off the crows pecking at my head...nice pj's by the way..forgive me please!... :doh:

  7. FU to my friend Tammy, who dragged me to McD's

    FU to myself for eating a Big Mac for the first time in 18 mos

    FU to the sweet old lady who keeps making delicious chocolate cakes for those people celebrating their birrffdays in the office

    FU to myself again for eating the delicious chocolate birffday cakes

    FU to my VP for slammin 3 new projects followed by my first verbal warning, "I like u but if you dont get your act together ...bullshit..."


    Oh yeah, a big FU to all the psychos


    oh yeah fuck you to being injured and not being able to do anything for weeks!!!.... :mad::mad:

  8. Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick

    Did you B'lo Bobby Digital?

    HEY fuckface......i don't you from a fucking hole in the wall......so refrain from making any sort of reference to me in the future...no need for anymore drama than Kosta already adds to this board...are we clear??...good....now be a good little bitch and get back to tossing your supervisors salad.....

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