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Posts posted by bobydigital

  1. one time a few years ago...a met this girl and she was pretty cool...ended up losing her in the crowd and never saw her again....then another time i met a guy who knew that girl....and wouldn't u know it forgot ask him for her number.....anyway i like apples....they are definitely tasty....

  2. Originally posted by browneyedqt

    I'm in...maybe someone could talk that cute guy that works the door into hookin me up with a comp. :tongue:;)

    Sure babe....u gotta twist my arm a little but maybe ill hook u up with a comp!!.....HAHAHAHAHA!!!! :laugh: :laugh:

    i figured u were talkin to me cause there is no way u could be talkin bout billy Bitch ASs!! :D

  3. Originally posted by stiffler

    The bartender was out of lime so I said fuck it.............who needs the lime:drunk:

    oh man!!!.....now ur drinking at the party....man as if i didnt toss u out enough times cause ur only 16.....now ur gonna sneak in and drink....stick u better have a wig for this saturday night cause u r not getting past me!!!!

    :laugh: :laugh:


  4. Originally posted by siscokid

    You are a loser JB, but I do agree with you. I don't think any clubs are the same. I also think that we are getting old and that our bodies are now immune to the stuff we do in these clubs. I think that if I could go back in time to any club, it would be BIG FRIDAYS at ROXY. That was my all time favorite club. Don't get me wrong, I still love temps and old Exit saturday nights, but there was something about ROxy. Did anyone else here go.

    YEAH SIscoKid!!!....its alll about BIG FRIDAYS at Roxy......damn that was a phatt party man.....it sux to have been to such a good party cause i compare everything to that place.....welll wat can we do....i guess like u said we are gettin old so mine as welll....except that roxy is over and get ready to pack it in.... :laugh:

    anyway its nice to see that u made it out of Metro alive....we were all hurtin pretty bad for a while!!

    yo give me a call kid.....we got Cherri tonight....come on get the crew together and come out for a few drinks.....get Roddiga and tell him i said dont worry nobody's looking...... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  5. Fugatz....my man....i cant give u a reiview except for the few minutes of #5 i heard in my room New Years Eve before billy pulled it out of the CD player and took it with him....but thats cool....i still yet have to recieve #1 forget #5.....but for the few minutes i did hear...it was intense!....come on hook me up....these things are way to exclusive what do i have to do to get in the Fugatz Club....I want in!

  6. Originally posted by ninadd

    I'm not going to pay for a shore house this year. I'm just going to stay in bobby and badasses room everyweekend like jess and danielle and not spend a dime :laugh: :laugh: just kidding:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: or am I :laugh: :laugh:

    haha!!...up until last week i would've welcomed you with open arms nina....but after this past weeks drama im not sure anymore....well only time will tell....


  7. thank you for the support ladies....it is greatly appreciated....and dont worry bout it....my night would be pretty boring if it wasnt for u guys running back and forth all night.....and dont worry im training my arm all week long so i can keep up with u girls.....ill have that rope out of ur way in no time....hahaha. :laugh: :laugh:

  8. Originally posted by ninadd

    you dont know how to run a vip. It was harder to get out of the vip than it was to get in. Give up that job for the door. digital

    u know...i used to like u Nina....now im just not sure anymore....u probably have all the clowns over ur shoulder telling u to type this and type that.....alll because they're all scared to post to me directly.....but it sux cause in the end...ur gonna take all the HEAT for everybody!!!....welll let the games begin sweetie...u should be hearing from me shortly. ;)

  9. Originally posted by calebmandrake


    I dont know about that.....maybe u better get ur eyes checked my man....cause the last time i saw Hunnie....hmmmmmm mmmmmm.....finger lickin good baby!!!...she looked fine to me....i almost took a bite out of her ass.....but its a good thing a was busy doing my thing...

    ;)I got ur back Hunnie!!...just let me know when and where! :cool:

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