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Posts posted by detbasshead

  1. I will be in Chicago on the 29th and 30th and am curious what is going on, places to check out. Mostly looking for something dark and underground feel to it. If anyone knows of warehouse parties that would be great also. Please PM me with your response.


  2. Not sure how correct this is but based on my experiences, I have never used American crew products

    Pomade - makes your hair look greasy and oil

    Fiber - no clue

    Clay - I have something similar, it is matte finished and can dry style it. Adds alot of texture and can really chunk chunk your hair. Down side is that it hardly washes out so place it once and in there for two days.

    Wax - can style wet or dry but loses hold easily especially if you run your fingers through it alot. But works well and easy to get out.

    I use a wax or a moose and sometimes a clay, I rotate. If I am using wax I will sometime use a spray texturiser to hold it in place longer.

    I would by a small container and see what you like. One of my favorites is 300.jpg

    ARTec Textureline Material, also has a clean scent to it

    This is what I use




    If any of this is wrong or need more suggestions, please feel free to comment.

  3. Each service offers a different number of radio stations, so check on-line to see how many in what genre they have. Also XM is owned by clear channel I believe or at least that is what I read from other sites. Sirius also has more commericial free services and for a while was offering a lifetime subscription for 450, and Sirius has a higher monthly subscription rate then XM. A few years back XM sounded better(less noise in the codec) but I know they have changed their codec's algorithim and when I heard it could hardly tell, buit that is more of a personal thing. On a side note XM has more subscribers then sirius, but I do not think either are in dire financial troubles as of yet. Hope this helps.

  4. heard of one called literally "anal ease"(no idea if the spelling is right) sex shops have a hard time keepin it in stock.

  5. For me like 12 or so, but there are alot of people that go intp a CD production who either grab a cut or a flat fee. These are the people not associated with the band or the label in some cases. LIke the recording engineer, assistant recording engineer, mix engineer, assistant mix engineer, and mastering engineer there prices may be part of all the studio fees or they could be brought in on top of it. THere are also your produces, photographers, graphic artist for layout, lawyers fees for copywrites, artist for graphic. Additionaly there is the manufaturing process the CDs produced are not just thrown in a burner they are all stamped similar to vinyl. So you have a father a couple of mothers and numerous sons(industry terms) that need to get made and this is where a majority of money is eaten up, and then you have the pressing plant. I know there are places like discmakers and other third party groups but even then I still think that comes to 2 or 3 dollars just to press it then to pay everyone involved on top of it, I dunno.

    I agree 18 dollars is riduculous to pay for a CD, but I see under ten for something other then a complation difficult to do. Also does anyone know the sellers mark up?? We see 18 dollars that we have to pay but what do the record stores and stuff pay for the discs and how much do they mark it up. RIAA has no control over that and we could be getting ripped off there too.

    My .02 but 12 or 14 is fair price in my opinion.

  6. Grados I have the SR125 model which sound excellent. But for higher quality go with the RS1 or RS2 models. Somewhat hard to find but well worth it, nice and light weight. YOu would not be disappointed.



  7. I had a similar situation, but as a victim. I was walking across the street in the cross walk and someone making a left turn was not paying attention and accelerated straight through me(my face went through her windshield). Believe it or not the bitch did not get a fuckin ticket! The cops reason was some fucked up statute saying fault cannot be assessed with out a third party witness(no one stopped and people drove by me at 45 MPH while is was still bleeding in the street). My personal feeling is that since it was a female he chose not to do it or was lazy I mean if I had died she still would not have been held responsible?

    Additionaly I hear stories of police officers allowing drunk girls to either drive/ride in police cars through residential streets. So I dunno place is messed up with traffic law for sure.



  8. Yeah MACs definitely kick ass a friend of mine has one and it is definitely nice and can do practicaly everything a PC can. It only hangs up using microsoft applications for MAC a conceidence. (Personally I am all about the penguin!) Additionaly my friend has registered for the apple music store and says it is nice but dangerous. Said once you registered all you have to do is click away and for a buck get a song so very easy to start shelling out ass loads of money with out realizing it. But he said it was definitely nice.

    As far as being the future....it probably is. I have heard other people in the audio industry say the same thing that eventually all music will be streamed and downloaded to computers, home stereos, cars, etc. CDs vinyl will be non existence in the future. I am sure people will argue but it is definitely going to be true so instead of shelfs full of CDs and records be one hard drive with your complete collection. Digital is the wave of the future.



  9. This has been on the board a couple of times. In the law it self states "knowing or for the sole purpose" so there is a lot of room to manuver. Even though I disagree with the bill (wrote my senators three times and my representative once) it is not as broad as the original but still sucks. However clubs will need to stop turning the blind eye to drug use and start kicking people out and not allow back packs into clubs. Also it would need to be enforced which it will out of conveinance or for political motives. But it does suck and is not the first time congress has wiped their ass with the US constitution and the bill or rights and will continue to happen because are appathetic until it effects them.

    I know this did not get any media coverage, but honestly do you think media coverage wuould have helped? The media is a propaganda machine and would have twisted this into some great anti-drug act and would have managed to clammer more public support because people take whatever CNN or the local news tells them as fact and are too stupid, naive, and lazy to figure out the whole story themselves. THis reason alone I am happy it did not get covered for it would have been a harder up hill battle for those of us who actually understand waht is going.

    In closing this legislation sucks but has a few holes in it to escape liability and with clubs taking proper precautions they can further protect themselves. First time used though it will go straight to the supreme court no doubt.

  10. :party:

    Hellz yeah Stryke by and for has the most energy of any DJ in South Florida remember his March performance and it was insane. Only one week away and i am itchin for some TECH,





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