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Everything posted by dondiezel26

  1. this is gonna get ugly......rod....I want to play tempskid and serge in the opening round......lets weed the weak ones out really early!!!......moo....you are not allowed to shoot from your friends shoulders.....that is cheating!!!!!
  2. yes please take time off from your ass ramming sessions at casbah.......Im sure we can all take a tuesday night off and welcome you to deko!!!!
  3. ha ha ha........i got your 100 million right here rockstar!!!! binoy.....I supported you the first tuesday....but I am limited to once a month visits to deko......on that night I am requesting a personal stool at ceotters bar with my name on it, a bib w/ translater attached, and rotating strippers providing lapdances every 20 minutes.....see ya there in 2 weeks!!!!
  4. once again miss ceotter.....thanx for babysitting us all night sunday.....my mom is so proud that we found such a wonderful babysitter.......and I apologize for diggas drooling......we cant seem to find a way to stop that!!!!......see ya this weekend rockstar!!!
  5. my official apology goes out to the greatest bartender on the boulevard.....miss ceotter......I will never challenge you again and I should be forced to stumble around bamboo for the remainder of the summer.......your 100 pesos (you must have heard me wrong with the loud music) will be delivered on labor day ........... thanks bus.....for telling me you were staying in all weekend......also thanks for letting me know you were going to tempts.....focker!!!!
  6. my bad jay.....I am a little cranky today.....dont shoot yourself.......just stab yourself in your pinky toe!!!!
  7. how would you know jayme....you slept all of saturday and sunday......so go back to bed....and when u wake up shoot yourself!!!!
  8. even better!!!!!....whats next....you watch sportscenter all morning long!!!!
  9. great answer!!!!......you gotta respect that!!!
  10. ha ha ha.......just gave me a nice chuckle.....thanx captain!!!!
  11. ha ha ha.......kosta and I stole the sign last night in our rampage on 37!!!!!.....I am making copies as we speak!!!!
  12. oh for all those concerned about jimmy handshakes.....he got outta the hospital yesterday and he will be back in action in about 3 weeks......he isnt even allowed outta bed for a week!!!!......he says he will live his weekends through us in the meantime!!!!!
  13. ha ha ha........r u mad at me.....the worst acting job ever at sandbar......trying to act pissed with a grin on your face.....classic!!!! ....and yes stacked my arms do look like silly puddy.....I am searching for arm impants at this very moment!!!!!.....but at least I am still bigger than brad right!!!!
  14. bigtime........tell everyone how you stuffed your face at surfclub.....ha ha ha......I was like "wheres bigtime at".....shocked to here you were at the buffet stuffing your monkey with burgers and pizza....you slob!!!!.....if u can handle it i can!!!!
  15. RUDY....RUDY....RUDY....RUDY........as stacked finally runs on the field!!!!.....bring it bitch!!!!
  16. i just got home from work......stopped at KFC......12 honey bbq wings and some popcorn chicken....after I slobber over the wings I plan on going to bed and letting the fat drip off my weathered and beat up body.........what do you think about those calories bigtime/stacked.......ha ha ha......i might even order pizza hut later just for you guys........shove those velcro slices right up your ass fuckers!!!!!!
  17. that is 5 bumps now.......is the jar killed yet???
  18. ha ha ha.........just bustin on ya.....funny how all of a sudden you didnt answer your phone all day sunday.....I was about to send moo over to your house to get you........saturday.....we have iron brothers tempts reunion festivites!!!!
  19. did you get home safely rockstar........worried you were gonna be stuck in seaside till next weekend........now go to bed!!!!
  20. tttttttigggggaaaaaa.........i need a timeout and a 4 hour nap......can you make that happen!!!!!!........captain riggs......turn your phone on beotch.....bigtime......great performance yesterday at surf......you missed hurricane disater dave and digga at tempts......we should be shot!!!!!......stacked.....vagina??
  21. r u that kid that wasted 5 minutes of my time talking about surfclub on friday night......yeah that was you........all show no go!!!!!.....SLINKY!!!!....ha ha ha
  22. ha ha ha ha.....had to bring it back one more time!!!!
  23. one day????.....who r u kidding old man......you cant even do that!!!......bitch where u been.....I stormed through belmar yesterday......didnt see u on the courts at all!!!!.......holla back with an address so me and the hefty philopino can say whats up this weekend!!!!
  24. you guys are all soft......where was our krew yesterday.....tucked away in their beds.......I saw rod in a k-hole walking around tempts saying...."r u shortbus......wheres tigga".....poor guy........had no clue where he was!!!!!
  25. tell me this is a joke stacked.....you cant even read or write.....let along manage to put together a party at a club......lay off the medz and continue massaging bigtime in the ladies room!!!!!
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