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Everything posted by dondiezel26

  1. different thread kelly.....entitled IRON UPDATE......WOW!!!!......if you want i will sign on as you and post for you!!!!
  2. I just pissed and shit myself after reading this.......LAOFM.......sorry.....LMFAO!!!!! in referring to seaside....."do they do it up like gustovinos"......ha ha ha.....was this kid serious!!!! Rafi where did you find him.......please stop picking up boyz at these rehab meetings!!!! Back to your post Rafi my boy......I will make a trip up to Saints next week.......I heard they have this smokin bartender there ......no not you kelly......the other one.....j/k chica.....I will let you make me a bottle beer anytime!!!! and yeah why isnt Ruh spinning......only heard great reviews about him.....why change things up!!!!! HHHHHHOOLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAA
  3. due to my obvious lack of size pointed out by the hefty and hearty overweight fellas of the club scene.....I too have eaten twice as much today and will do double sessions in the gym all week........sorry I cant match ya on the cc's bus.......so I will have to double scoop my celltech and eat twice the protein bars for a boost.....is that good enough for you Brian1500....you shredded lean machine you!!!!.....ha ha ha ha....all in good fun gorilla1500......dont black ball me from CP!!!!
  4. brad...i like when you follow us.....we someone there in case we fall.....j/k bro.....you were a solid iron brother all weekend.....out performed beyond......lets home this continues......and yes double dutch will be one of the most classic moments I have ever witnessed at a club!!!!.......snuggle bear!!!!......ha ha ha.....keep it coming bradford.....it will come back to ya!!!!
  5. eddie you make yourself sound like such a joke......casbah dancers.....ha ha ha.......who would ever brag about that......you mean those fugly looking creatures in the cages on the roof.....there is a reason why they are up there......there fucken gross.......keep them eddie........and stay down at casbah.....who brags about hearing jp on a friday and going to casbah......bro......keep up the mid-day chuckle session you are giving us.....and come by with your 12 girls anyday eddie so we can hide our pills in the gaps in their teeth and shove our jars strait up their fat asses!!!!
  6. but casbah plays hot music and is full of rockstars.....get a clue sport.....your a fucken loser and you know it!!!!
  7. billy thanx for the hospitality on friday......but yes no more speedo gear in the crib.......and I think bobby shoud have to greet all these weirdos that show up and send them off with a k-clogged nose and a kick to the teeth.....where the fawk do these clowns come from.....is bamboo closed or something??
  8. dont let him get to ya chica.......no matter how much ya take care of us we still are gonna crack jokes and get under your skin.....thats how we are......and you know you love it!!!!.....see you this weekend solar mommi
  9. "nerd"........okay buddy.....your dont sound like the biggest loser ever.......go hang yourself as soon as possible!!!!
  10. jellylegs.....wish i could have been there for this event.....but at least billy came by and had storytime with us.......I see the transformation happening jayme.....I cant wait into you are into a full blown mangled mess......I will be right there to kick you when you are down......just kidding buddy......good to see ya out all weekend!!!
  11. thats how you turn a little snowball into a fawken avalanche!!!!....be careful.......unless you are taking it out overnight I wouldnt expect a big dropoff today!!!
  12. the funny thing is bigtime....I dont mind speaking jibberish at a club when i am retarded because i know my friends are the same way.......as long as we are all mangled we can understand each other just fine.....so dont worry about doin that extra bump and transforming into an alien!!!
  13. we keep going higher and higher.....what the fawk....i hate dayz like this......i am not shorting anything......i have covered anything and everything!!!
  14. bus...no worries.......I will send you a whole box o' kleenex.....she is as loyal an ironsista can be....and u shoud be proud of her!!!!.......i cant wait to see her give the karate chop when a chick tries to grab your ass!!!!.....fuck the chop.....i wanna to see tigga throw some punches!!!!
  15. good for her......go get'em courtney!!!...money well spent!!!!
  16. hell of a review stacked/bus.....this is going to be a long...long...long summer
  17. jarmenio.....well said.....and thanx for always looking to buy shots for the entire club.....I hope everyone buys one back for ya.....if not you must be very, very broke by the end of the night......good looking out though!!!!
  18. Alright kiddies.....quick recap.......friday night merge/xs was the punch in the face......tempts kicked me in the balls saturday.....and sunday surf/tempts/xs buried me 6 feet deep!!!......tempts saturday and surf sundays were by far the best times out in a long time!!!! Iron brothers.....Digga, stacked, bigtime, bbbbbbus, that kid brad that follows us, and jimmy handshakes.......non-stop adventures all weekend......I couldnt ask for anything more from you guys........I hope the rest of the summer is like how tempts was on saturday.....we all seriously might be permanently retarded by summers end!!!! Iron sisters......nuff said.....i think you chicas are a bad influence on us.....thanx for the warm treatment to ironsister newbie - sandi......who does fucken double dutch in tempts......ha ha ha.....how can you beat that.... To the rest of the Cp peeps that chilled like rockstars all weekend.....not gonna name everyone......hell of a fucken job all weekend.....it seemed like everyone was on the same page at all times......retarded......good job cpers......hardy golf clap to ya....and see you crackanimals again next weekend!!!!!
  19. piro....you definitely sport those small ass running shorts......yes we can meet at the bridge........better yet.....I like the track at surf better.....we will have shots lined up at every bar......first one that falls or gets knocked the fawk out....LOSES!!!!
  20. Piro.....I'll race ya to baaaaaston and back......ready go!!!!
  21. keep bringing it kitty.......my summer twitch is forming as you speak......you will not be dissapointed in our ability to paaaaaaaaarty!!!!
  22. you cant even put down 4 shots.......let only make 4 shots in a basketball game......bring it on nicca.....cant wait to run into the ol' skool brothers from FDU!!!
  23. good shit stacked.....I took off from work today so i havent followed the market......but nothing like making a friday killing before the weekend.....now spend your money wisely.....ha ha ha......dollar for you, dollar for you.....dollar for you......2 dollars for you......smack her ass.......smack her ass........are we at centerfolds yet!!!....sorry still daydreaming!!!!
  24. "has drugs will travel"......ha ha ha....that is fawken hysterical.....let me draw you a map to our shorehouse.......and yes we invaded baaaaaaston over the winter.......felt like i was in a abercrombie cartoon....but still had a BLAST.......cant wait to meet some of you peeps.......welcome to the deep dark jungle!!!!....come find us at surf and tempts.....first drinks on you!!!!
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