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Everything posted by dondiezel26

  1. hello alicia......how u doin????
  2. sausage and peppers spaghetti and meatballs fresh mozz and roasted peppers antipasto stuffed breads I love xmas eve dinner.....way better than xmas!!!!!
  3. poor joey....did somone piss in your soco and lime!!!!!!
  4. i will be there at some point in the night.....dont u worry magilla!!!!
  5. I will be showing up for a few hours.......binoy bring da fucken tix.....and i will give u da money!!!!
  6. holla.....i havent been this pumped since i lost the last abdominal in my 6 pack and decided to join brad as a fat slinky!!!!!
  7. seriously....no other place is like deko....u get treated with respect and everyone is there to have a good time.....and richie blows it up every weekend......seriously.....diggin in the crates......was fucken rediculous......and i cant wait for it to be topped!!!!
  8. i will be there negro.......havent been there on a thursday in a while.....so i am well rested!!!!
  9. i am still a sushi rookie.....only try shrimp/lobster type rolls.....especially shrimp tempura.......gonna take the next step soon.......but i am a little skerrrrrrred!!!!!
  10. mutherfocker.....i got to go out for my bro's bday till 12....but i am gonna do my best to show up for the last 2 hours.........that means i expect 485984 shots lined up miss.otter....cause i am going nowhere near sergio's bar......god knows what the fawk he will put into a shot!!!!
  11. who is crying now.....looks like CP's very own tough guy.....RODDIGA......and where was money ever mentioned anywere....just checking.......and what is this "plug in" comment.....is that another version of "smarten up"......so cool....YES???
  12. I got an idea......how bout kosta, rod, bigtime, and whoever stole my code.......go fuck themselves for being the only 3 losers to read this board all day long......and than take a big look at how ghey they truly are.....u guys make me feel better about myself everyday......FAGS!!!!
  13. thanks Dr. Zizmore.......I just hope they let me into Deko in my new look. Binoy please keep me on you rlist...just use my new name Davey Dondildo
  14. I did the password was Itakeitinthepoopshoot
  15. This is it I'm gonna flip out, who hacked my password?
  16. hahhahhahahahahhahaha who's Justin?
  17. Justin....it appears I forgot to sign off my screeen name at your house......dont worry....i will get u back bitch.........although....this could be rod.....he has found a way to break into my cell phone....i am sure he has figured out my code for CP as well either way I hope u all die a horrible death
  18. my slinky arms stood out way to long in the hetero community, now I'll fit right in like I always wanted to
  19. I figured with the holiday's coming up It was a good time to let it out. Now for Christmas I can get Rod to jingle my bells
  21. rod....i might have some bad news about saturday....right now i am listed as doubtful.......forgot about a xmas party i have to go to......nothing i can do about it......i will holla at ya later to discuss
  22. stacked......go back to making fun of brad......u were much better at it......u are boring me.....and i refuse to respond.........but really quickly.....a few questions: 1. were u fat as a kid and is that why u only have 5 burgers instead of six??? 2. do u have a dickydo......u know.....when your stomach sticks out farther than your dicky do!!!! 3. how badly do you wanna be me??? 4. how many times have u and bigtime slept in the same bed together with the lights off and told each other how iron u were......buahahaahahah........than followed it up with a selfinflicted protein shake??? 5. is that your real stomach.....or an implant??? 6. how many donuts are in a bakers dozen......cause there is no way u settle at 13!!!! 7. do u really go to the gym with bronzer on your arms to make yourself look better 8. simple math question: one bigtime + one stacked = 2 bloated meatheadz trying to get into shape!!!! 9. do you really wanna be like me????......remember the little engine that could.....i think i can....i think i can.......actually.....forget it.....U CANT BE ME!!!! 10. Just kidding buddy....no hard feelings......u are in shape....a nice guy.....dont like being naked with chris......and can come over for home made dinner at my momz anytime!!!!! Breathless Monday Nite??? YES???
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