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Posts posted by gfofaguy69

  1. I can usually tell, esp if I catch him off guard. He bites his lower lip and just has this look in his eye. He acts nervous, but who wouldn't.

  2. I can usually tell, esp if I catch him off guard. He bites his lower lip and just has this look in his eye. He acts nervous, but who wouldn't.

  3. I can usually tell, esp if I catch him off guard. He bites his lower lip and just has this look in his eye. He acts nervous, but who wouldn't.

  4. yeah. i see my bf everyday, but he says that if we lived together we would have sex a lot more often. but the way it is now, he jacks off several times a week (don't ask how i found this out. he admitted it to me) and we only have sex once or twice a week.

    i think the decreased sex drive would be true, but he says its not like that!!


  5. I have a question. Guys, how often do you jack off compared to how often you have sex with your sig other? and what is your situation - live together, married, etc.

    Also, ladies do you feel ofended when your guy looks at regular girls on the internet on sites such as face the jury? i know guys are gonna look at porn, but something about him looking at regular girls on sites where you could actually meet them bothers me.

    i need some other points of view on this situation. thanks.

  6. yeah, its not like i expect him to tell me all the time or smother me with gifts and stuff. i'm pretty secure in our relationship. its just that he thinks its totally unnecessary to tell me because i should know because hes with me. he says hes just not like that but i know hes capable of opening his mouth ans letting words come out. thats all i'm asking for. besides, he used to tell me when we first got together-like 5 years ago. but if he still feels it, he should still say it.

  7. I know he should only say it when he wants to, but he NEVER says it. when i ask him if he thinks i'm pretty and sexy, he says yes, of course, shy do you think i'm with you and like to look at you. so that means he thinks i am so why can't he say it. he should let me know if he feels that way. but if he doesn't of course i don't want him to say it.

  8. Thanks guys. this prob won't change anything, but I just wanted to know that i wasn't the only one that needs to be reassured.i always tell him its a girl thing and that its not just me. maybe he'll open his eyes soon.

  9. I have a question for all the ladies? Don't you need to hear, at least once in a while, that you are pretty or sexy? My bf thinks that I shouldn't question what he thinks about me because nothing has changed, but how would i know that? So, do you need to hear that you are beautiful?

  10. i agree. that girl "blacks out" and does "bad things that she can't remember" everytime she gets drunk. but yet she remembers enough to call her bf and make some drama out of it. can't stand her.

    and yes, it is cheating!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. What haven't I found out? Lets see, I received an anonymous letter once saying that my bf had been talking to this other girl on the internet for about a year. the whole thing wasn't innocent either as the girl thought i should know about it and thought she and my bf had something going. Then once I found several girls phone numbers in his phone that he had gotten from girls off of aim. after that episode, he said he wouldn't be on aim again, but yet a few months later I found a new screen name of his with lots of girls names. he sayd he just needed people to talk too, but whatever. i always find out his shit. i either get really lucky and sneaky or he just sucks at hiding things.

  12. I am still in love with the person I lost it to. I don't regret it even though my intention was to wait until we were married. We did pretty good-we waited 3 1/2 years. It was my freshman year in college. I am glad we finally did it though because I know we couldn't have waited 4 more years!! I was old enough and we have a really great relarionship.

  13. I've been with my boyfriend for 4 1/2 years. We know we're getting married someday!-When we get out of school and I love the fact that I will be spending forever with him. He is perfect for me. We met in high school when I was a sophomore in high school and he was a senior. We kinda met through a mutual friend. My favorite thing about him is that he is my best friend and we can do anything together.

  14. I would MUCH rather my guy come early. That would let me know I did something right. If he didn't come at all I'd feel like a failure cause that's never happened before. But he has taken a long time before and I don't like that so much because it ends up being like a chore wondering what I need to do different to get him off.

  15. Having been with my bf for 4 years, that would be really hard. Since I love him and have always planned on spending forever with him, I would try to get over it. BUT, I have never ever thought he would ever do anything like that, so it would seriously make me question how well I know him. Plus, i am a jealous person so I don't know if I could ever get over it. It depends on if it was just a weak physical moment, a long term real relationship, or something else. Something physical would be a lot easier to get over, but if he slept with her, i could never get over that, because we are the only ones we've ever slept with. I bet I would be surprised about how I could get over it though. We always seem to get through anything because we love each other so much.

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