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Posts posted by baldbull

  1. Just wanted to say hi to all....

    and wanted to let you all know if you have any questions on anything you would like to know about the behind the scenes or TRUE inside scoop in the club scene feel free to post your questions and I will be more than happy to let you know the REAL DEAL

    The reason I am doing this is because there is too much bullshit in this industry that YOU the clubber does not hear about and now its time....






    PS to prove I dont bullshit in 6 months I will un-veil myself at the right club at the right time.... I will be dishing out so much shit on everyone people will be dying to know who I am.


  2. Thanks cool guy really needed your help on that one, listen instead of always defending yourself why don't you just find another thread or another club 2 play with, considering your never going to be a customer at my place, and the fact that if you showed up and i knew it was you I would make sure you left with a big boot in your ass I can care less what you think and what you have to say, and I am certain that everyone else on the thread feels the same way, every1 but you has something good to say your negativity has become annoying!!!

    ~~~Negative comments are like farts, they smell and they come out of assholes mouths~~~

    i respect this response & i will leave u alone!

  3. Why is it that the guy who everyone makes fun of and hates is the one with the biggest mouth, shouldn't you have shot yourself a while ago.... :2guns: you should spend more time checkin on your girl who loves F@$%in around on you instead of postin on this thread

    heres 3 names for you:

    1) allied

    2) r & r

    3) fedway

    if you spent a little more time with these 3 names your club would be half

    way decent!

  4. ,,,,,cause i really dont care what a short--fat,,,ex or current drug addict,, who happens to be in his mid thirties and talks like a half of fag ,,has to say about me..........

    i love the fat part because i'm far from it. i also say it how it is. if a party or dj sucks i will say it. i don't have to be politically correct on this board becuase i don't need anyone to do me any favors (see carlos realm).

    like i said & i will say over & over the only 2 parties that i attended that had a good vibe & energy were taste wed. & circa thurs. i like deko but its to far of a drive for me.

    my last stab will be if your going to be a gog-go bar dj/manager cant u pick a better one????

  5. then again iam turning 36 next week so i have slowed down quite a bit with morning afterhours.........PFFFFFFTTTT wait a minute i just had an out of body experience for 2 seconds and thought i was "BALDBULL".......whoaaaaawwsssshhhh......(wiping the sweat off my head).........ok.......back to normality.........lol

    36 yea ok! for a second i thought i was a go-go maanger & i was making sure the girls are on stage every hour. wait then thats carlos & educated go-go bar manager who only gets gigs mixing becuase he blows promoters. so you & the dancers has alot in common u both suck dick for money!

  6. So you actually believe everything you see and hear on tv...................nothing can be doctured up or manipulated to lean further to one side..............

    you people are all ignorant!!!!

    Im not saying that the current administration isn't guilty of anything but we all have to realize that to some extent we are better off not knowing the truth, cause what we are fed and told to be true is probably more bullshit than anything.....................manipulated and twisted information........it has been and always will be that way..............no matter who the info comes from weather its the president, congress, or the media and all this political groups!!!!!!

    The only fact I accept is that they are all FULL OF SHIT!!!!!!! And if you believ all of what that movie said that you my friend are nothing but a dumbass!!!!

    i dont believe everything because some may be twisted but i do believe the documented facts. i believe george bush is only in iraq for $$$$$ i also was in navy, my father was in the national guards & my fathers new husband is a e-9 ranger in the army & we all would not volunteer to go to iraq!

    i feel sorry for all of u people who believe were in iraq to stop terrorism!

  7. Please Bush is a tool and Cheney worse did you see the debate last night. The man is a complete jackass. Here from FOX News even they are starting to turn.

    VP's Claim About Meeting Edwards Debunked

    Wednesday, October 06, 2004

    CLEVELAND — Vice President Dick Cheney (search) said Tuesday night that the debate with Democratic Sen. John Edwards (search) marked the first time they had met. In fact, the two had met at least three times previously.

    Cheney made the remark while accusing Edwards of frequent absences from Senate votes.

    "Now, in my capacity as vice president, I am the president of Senate, the presiding officer. I'm up in the Senate most Tuesdays when they're in session. The first time I ever met you was when you walked on the stage tonight," Cheney told Edwards during the debate.

    On Feb. 1, 2001, the vice president thanked Edwards by name at a Senate prayer breakfast and sat beside him during the event.

    On April 8, 2001, Cheney and Edwards shook hands when they met off-camera during a taping of NBC's "Meet the Press," moderator Tim Russert said Wednesday on "Today."

    On Jan. 8, 2003, the two met when the first-term North Carolina senator accompanied Elizabeth Dole to her swearing-in by Cheney as a North Carolina senator, Edwards aides also said.

    Edwards didn't forget their prayer-breakfast meeting. The Democratic vice presidential candidate noted the discrepancy at a post-debate rally in a Cleveland park, calling it an example of Cheney "still not being straight with the American people."

    "The vice president said that the first time I met Senator Edwards was tonight when we walked on the stage. I guess he forgot the time we sat next to each other for a couple hours about three years ago. I guess he forgot the time we met at the swearing in of another senator. So, my wife Elizabeth reminded him on the stage," Edwards said as the crowd roared.

    According to Edwards' staff, Cheney replied, "Oh, yeah."

    "She reminded him about the truth," Edwards told the crowd, "and come November, we're going to remind him that the American people do not want four more years of George W. Bush."

    Cheney such a moron!

    Chaney can't even defend his daughter. Just a shame!

  8. Dude - Do you think that Kerry wouldnt be all over those points?? You know why he dosent mention them - Cause they are not true. You cant argue falsehood and untruths. Saddam is a weapon of mass destruction. Moore would have you believe that Iraq was a utopia b4 U.S Got there. Look up the word propoganda - I dont think you get the meaning. You guys Crack me up - Kerry was in Europe speaking to the North Vietnamese while we were at war?? The wounded soilder that Moore USED in his propoganda is very upset - He was lied to by moore and cooersed. Watch Farenhype 911 then get back to me. I saw both. (of course I didnt pay to see farenheight but at least I saw them both b4 I make a statement). Dosent matter Bush is going to win and there is nothing more powerful then a second term President. George Bush 04

    all the videos with bush & bin ladens family & tali ban are all made up????? i know!

    u can vote for bush & believe your own propaganda. i believe bush will always be a business man first & a u.s. pres. 2nd

  9. Looks like your draft died yesterday in Congress. The bill which was actually started by a Democrat from NY was voted down. Keep posting more facts though. Dipshit.

    so your dissmissing the fact that bush & his family been in business with the bin ladens for 10 years. thats a fact & it was known before this movie. also the war in iraq is a lie & rumsfield canme & ssaid it yeaterday in not so many words.

    so you all will vote foe for a liar who used his name & position to take over the oil in iraq.

    also you will all dissmiss all the acrtual videos of al queda in the U.S. visiting with bush. also how he was on vacation 42% of the time in his 1st 8 months of the presidency. wait theres more..............how all the troops in iraq hate bush. i guess these are all lies??? this is all made up???? SURE! Where are the weapons of mass destruction or any of the material for them?? NO WHERE! All there is in iraq now is U.S. troops dieing & texas oil wigs making millions!

    i would love for all you to argue the fact that the war in iraq was a lie????

    why did it take 2 months for bush to send special forces in afganastan to find bin laden?? thats a whole summer @ temps!

    u can say what u wwant about kerry which is nothing because thats what u know about him. he flip flops people say. ok but bush is a liar & greed & $ drives him. i rather have a unknown presidnet & give him a chance then listen another day to bush & chaney.

    u can dissmiss the movie all u want but mostly all of it was based on facts & documents. so moore is fat & he dislikes americas greed who cares thats a comment bush would make so u would forget about the truth.

    chaney couldnt even defend his daughter last night..........PATHETIC FATHER!


  10. you are nothing but a HATER

    so why don't you go away because as of now, everyone knows your opinion means SHIT...............go away & get a life already.....PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE

    or jump off the GWB...something, you are WORTHLESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS :peeleft:

    i'm sorry, i'll be like everyone else on this board & say every party is SICK!!!!

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