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Everything posted by prettyricky

  1. What a loser!!!! mind your business jerk off!!!!
  2. I am not very computer literate. I was wondering if someone can help me find a place where I could find a phat avatar. A b-boy, or a disco ball, or a grey goose logo something. I appreciate it.
  3. Yes we did, must not have left a good impression if you dont remember. lol We got there late so we were power drinking, it was nice to meet you, I was the one wh told you I used to work at Poor Billys. I gotta take off one night and get there early!!!!
  4. What about the Orange Sodas? Dont want to ever see you drinkin that Corona crap unless you are in Cancun:D
  5. can someone please give me directions to Platinum, I heard the bartenders there are off the hook:laugh: Hi Spygirl;)
  6. right back at you momma:kiss2: It was great to meet you, see ya soon:D
  7. This post must be a joke!!!! Not for nothing how do you have a college night when you have too be 21 to get in? Second why would they drive all the way to that little strip club, that you call a nightclub to go out when they can walk to a beautiful club with 2 rooms and one of the sickest sounsystems in the area. Platrinum is established, shark bar was good in the summer when Scizzahandz was there, but its played now. Stick to the strippers and stop hating. Platinum in one of the only places around that has 4 slammin nights. Dont hate!!!!! Thats no way to get customers. Really bad for business!!!!!!
  8. Look who it is DJ Kryptonite:laugh: You tore it up saturday, you played a lot of hot shit, I got really good feedback. Keep doin your thing kid.
  9. How did you get that picture, she told me that nobody would see us!!!
  10. how about "Take me to the top" even better how about getting me out of my fuckin house I am going nutz!!!!!
  11. Little NOMAD junior style kid or Mary J your child Junior remix heard you are on the wagon, restin the liver for WMC?
  12. Second best thing next to GREY GOOSE of course. :D
  13. make sure you are there next week its definately not to be missed. Hotties everywhere!!!!!
  14. So the cute, quiet Dorothy goes to the Factory. You learn something new every day.
  15. I thought las night at Platinum was hot. The crowd was older dressed and the place looked great. The vibe was amazing. All the DJ's tore it up, and everyone seemed to be having a great time. Thanks to all that came see you all next week!
  16. No snow, its on tonight, gonna be hot, better see you all there!!!!
  17. Single so far, gonna look for a Valentine at Metro afterhours, right after I get outta work:D
  18. Fuck the snow!!! worst case senario is we get a sweet at the Hyatt and party all morning!!!!!!! HOLLA
  19. Fuck all that shit, you party with the best of them still!!!!, You arent old, you dont look it or act it, Party like you are 21, thats what I do!!!! The old school big dogs gotta roll out sooon!!!!!!
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