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Everything posted by prettyricky

  1. Thats because Teo was at Merge this year. I respect your opinion on not liking him, and I agree that If I heard a DJ three times and wasn't feeling him, I wouldn't like him either. It is just hard for me to understand that you like Santana and don't like Teo. They have very similar styles. But to each his own and I completely understand, being that I am not a big Denny fan(last summer) but I still think he is a sick DJ. As long as you love the music it will be all good!!!!!!
  2. I'm not jumpy, I totally respect your opinion, and everyone elses for that matter. I think Cheyne is spinning at Downtown Cafe.
  3. THE FACTS: Club XS 2 summers ago, when TEO was the DJ on Saturdays was the busiest that place has ever been on Saturdays ever!!!! They had more people in the door and had more money in the registers. Thats all that matters. The last time XS was that packed was opening night in I believe 96. La Bouche was live on stage.(SCARY) I'm not taking anything away from any other DJ, they all have my respect, but you have to go with what works. Teo has proven he can get it done!!! Truth be told, Teo probably wouldn't go back even if they asked him!!!!!!
  4. Come on Courtney, Teo might not be your favorite, but you live down here, you know he doesn't suck. Be nice:D Hey anyone know where Cheyne Christian is spinning? I heard he was doing a mid week spot in Red Bank.
  5. Hey Bon, While in Malibu, The Grey Goose flew by and Shit in the Ketel....LMAO:D
  7. Ok you are in a bar Grey Goose is any where from $5 to $8 can you handle that. Well vodka is at least $4. Personally I drink what I like not what is on special. Maybe you dont have that luxury. As for getting laid, Either you can or you cant. One hint though, try being nice. A bottle of goose, you are right is about $200 in a bar, if you cant afford that drink it by the cup. Those who can do; those who cant die trying!!!!
  8. Ms. Parker, Ms. Parker When we gonna fuuuuck Ms. Parker? Friday
  9. Relax Tough guy, If $28 a bottle is expensive maybe you should get a second job. Kremly isnt bad but it is not nearly as smooth as Goose. other vodkas that are pretty good too are: Three Olives, Tanqueray Sterling Vodka, Rain Vodka, and MOR vodka. Why are you always picking on women, you will never get laid that way!!!
  10. Ok what Vodka do you think is the best? I vote Grey Goose (any flavor)!!!!!
  11. Who's the masta now? I am!!! Goose 4 EVA Whether its flavored or not, Goose always hits the spot!!!!
  12. Dj Jan the man. You must be old school. Before Beach Club Jan and Denny used to spin at Club Paradise together(aka. Marz and FX) spinning nothin but freestyle.
  13. You have your opinion, just like we all do, but Teo and horrible, thats a joke:laugh: He destroyed it at Santana's B-day party He's been killin it since 94
  14. When Teo was at the Beach Club before Bermuda, it was completely off the hook. Teo is the bomb!!! He has been holdin down Seaside since the Chatterbox days!!!! (ouch I'm showin my age)
  15. I thought it was the "KETEL KRACKHEADS" I guess I have to start a Team Goose now. lol
  16. I have come to the conclusion, that it doesn't matter whatt kind of Vodka you prefer, as long as you're drinking Vodka. As long as you are FUCKED UP!!!!!!!! SALUD JUST GIMME THE FUCKIN GOOSE!!!!!!!!
  17. Thats funny, because I met Jay Williams of the Chicago bulls there, Naughty by Nature was there chillin, Bobby Bonds(Barry's brother). Just off the top of my head. If you have ever seen the Beetlejuice video, you will know that he is one sick muthafucka, cant wait to see what he will do. I'm with you Steve cant wait to see what he does. Grey Goose 4 Eva:D
  18. I have worked at the Aztec for the last 6 years. Are you Courtney Veronica's friend? It's Rick, you might not remember me. Teo should definately do Saturdays again!!!!!
  19. Thank you sweetie, I've been trying to tell these guys that for years. The goose is loose ORANGE SODA: Grey Goose Orange, 7-up, splash of cran Or just drink it on the rox!!!!!
  20. OK I will stop drinking Goose for one night to go on a Ketel binge with the Ketel Krackheads. Prime, you know you drink amaretto sours when Bon aint around!! lol Bon, you should be drinking Ketel None, your liver is gonna fall right out your ass. Holla:laugh:
  21. You hit it right on the head!!!! Fri. Richie Santana and Definately Teo T on Saturday. The best Saturday night XS ever had is when Teo was spinning 2 summers ago. Teo is off the hook!!!!!
  22. Roque, how would I know you sit at Malibu Ben's Bar!!!! I drink the Goose!!!!! Bon has been drinking Ketel since he was 12!!! Prime drinks White Zin What a fucked up Crew!!!!
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