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Everything posted by njbigtime

  1. Tigga- the only time workouts are fun is when the pump is so sick you feel your skin is going to pop.....
  2. Chris- If i ever act like Dave i expect you to kick my ass. Rod is not doing his job! I will write back I am dealing with alot of crap today
  3. Dave are you speaking....Be a good boy and shut up....... Tigga- there will no scoops and bumps done while training. We going hardcore in the gym or not at all!
  4. No the whole milk happened sunday morning.....I was in 7-11 getting $$$, when some kid was buying whole milk, and I said outloud, "you cant get whole milk"
  5. Rod you bastard.......You are a bad influence........ I can have a cheat once a weeek. Stacked working on that email
  6. sugar free syrup next time rod........
  7. ok- Dave it is on..............i am sick of you talking shit and running away and hinding behind Rod....This weekend you bow down and pay your respect.
  8. Stacked this isnt fair.......Everyone else gets surgey....I think I should get something done, abs etched?
  9. Sugar free syrup, which riggs and digga forgot to use, spiked inslin levels quite early in the morning..........
  10. Ah what a meal- 6 eggwhites, wholewheat pancakes, with whey protein added, fat free sugar free bran muffin, and cantalope. Add SUGAR FREE SRYUP,
  11. Tigga- Who is better than you? Cloning is it possible.... Digga- thanks for the beats, i was bouncing my head all the way to work today!
  12. Ok where to start here: Sorry been busy with work, damm this people here, making me earn my salary! Digga- you were a good sidekick/replacement for stacked this weekend. Will always remember mile marker 116 and looking back waiting for the fuel truck.....Digga dont act like you werent going through Dave withdrawl... THe whole time we were stuck waithing for gas, all i heard was, "Dave will save us" " This wouldnt had happen if Dave were here".. Sunday morning i find Digga hugging a pillow and talking, " Dave i miss you, Dave the night wasnt the same without you" Werid stuff going on there. Jay- you were not the moderator we were looking for. But good times bro Stacked- you were missed dearly.....We go to Sunnie Hunnie and Digga and Riggs use regular syrup, not sugar free, i almost had a heart attack... Hunnie- Good times hanging with you and your boy Tigga/Riggs- Whoa iron brother and sister the hits keep on coming. Have alot more to write later
  13. Billy that is extremely backable. Wow that is so impressive..... Ah I will see you saturday night.......So tell Bobby to stay away, i want to live to see 24 yrs old.....LOL
  14. Gil- it is possible, depending on a few things.. Hunnie- I would but i have a haircut tomm at 3, very important I must stay neat and clean.............
  15. YO iron sister what are you running? You are flipping out very easy...
  16. You will be hearing from me! hahaha,,,,have fun tonight
  17. Thanks Tigger........Dont sweat missing the gym it is good to let the body rest sometimes.......As for myself.......I am very hard on myself, somepeople tell me i have a complex... But i enjoy it. A great line from a great movie "American Psycho" "YOu can always look better". I live by that motto.
  18. AH now you had to ruin my day.......I missed morning cardio today. I had been making myself sick all day thinking about it... I kept saying to myself, "Chris you fat fuck, fat fuck, you dont deserve to live!" I hate when this happens. NOw i have to stay at the gym for 3 hours tonight....... NO carbs as of yet. I will take in about 30 carbs 1/2 before training........
  19. I am taking the weekend off of self meds..............
  20. Tigger that is a great speech isnt it? I love to tell people that......
  21. OH ok, want to start with that.......................Riggs i am a highly mediacated man myself..................and i am so fucking bored today..................AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..
  22. Tigger and Bus i am serious here! NO bullshit like you pulled last sunday...........NOt showing face at the surf until late.................Dont make me come get you!
  23. YO unacceptable.........You and Tigger are expected at my shore house no later than 11:00PM,
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