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Everything posted by jessie739

  1. Its not so bad if they shirt is like sheer and a bra would just look rediculious.......so you have no choice. As long as its not trashy and totally on purpose......and as far as size is goes......it looks classier on women with smaller/natural chests rather then big ole boobs peeping through a shirt...LOL!!
  2. They are called pink and white. LOL. Some places are a little pricy though and I think you get them filled in two parts. A visit for the white and a visit for the pink....that too is a little expensive.
  3. I know there was a thread already, but I cant find it....... I like it...its cute.
  4. http://people.aol.com/people/pop_up/0,10772,441647_1_photos,00.html :eek: :eek:
  5. I feel the worst and best at the same time. Every Wed. I do a total body workout with weights for 1 straight hour.......afterwards I want to die....but the pain makes me feel good about myself. I like how I feel after abs too........The thing I dread though is my arms/shoulders. They are so weak that they are practically burning and feel like Jello after a few minutes. The easiest is my cardio workout....45 minutes on the treadmill, not so bad.
  6. jessie739


    It is such a good, yet bad feeling. Despite all of that clicking, its not the only thing that holds you together and its not the only things that matter. The thought of losing that feeling due to other things in your relationship that are uncontrollable by "CLICK" can make you feel sick.......scared to have that connection in the first place.
  7. I HAAAAAAAAAAAAATE same difference. While we are on the subject....I hate when people pronounce words wrong too..... Such as: Supposivly instead of supposedly Birfday instead of birthday I know there are more.
  8. Maybe if you wore just the boots....I would like them better.....LOL!!!!
  9. I just cant bring myself to like those....any of them.
  10. me too but its a bit of a shorter skirt....the exact style i have is not on the site any longer but its so similar
  11. the bow is A BIT on the big side though!!!!
  12. This is my newest favorite ( in black though) and looks KILLER with black stiletto heels.......
  13. Then call me DIRTY too.....I think she is MINI JENNA! I said that the first time I saw her advertisment for her movie.....its rediculious how much she looks like her.......I HAVE A CRUSH ON HER>>>>>>HOW GROSS Compare this.........
  14. Then call me DIRTY too.....I think she is MINI JENNA! I said that the first time I saw her advertisment for her movie.....its rediculious how much she looks like her.......I HAVE A CRUSH ON HER>>>>>>HOW GROSS Compare this.........
  15. It was good seeing you Fabio (and Jamie).....look forward to seeing you guys this week too!
  16. Ive been hearing that the old Spa party is soon to be at Float.
  17. HUH??? I dont know WHAAAAAT you are talking about. Bwahahahahahahahaa!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh:
  18. Anyone heard the HOUSE version of this song yet? Its awesome. I'm not sure if that remix is out yet....I have it on a CD from a friend who is a DJ for small clubs. If you get a chance, listen to it..... Also Mary J. Blige's song..He Think I Don't Know VERY GOOD HOUSE REMIXES!
  19. In that case, you'll be the FIRST person I notify when VS comes out with its brand new line of PEC ENHANCING lingerie for MEN! Hahahahaha! :D
  20. True True. I want the shirt for meeeeeeee though. I dont have boobies like that...But a little help from VS never hurt anyone. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
  21. I wonder where she got that shirt.....LOL! ME LIKEYYYYY
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