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Posts posted by jessie739

  1. Yes its Eck

    Well I hope to see you guys there this Saturday.

    I got to talk to Pen for a brief second and tell her how awesome she looked..... but not the chance to hang out.

    Hope to see you guys this weekend!!!!

  2. Originally posted by sexxybabyd

    A girl can FUCK a guy

    just cause a guy holds the peeshie don't mean we can't do the fuckin :) If a dude is just laying there while you are riding to town, you are FUCKING him

    Am I right??

    Dee I dont know what it is...but something about that word (PEESHIE) makes me nauseous every time i read it.

    Its a dick...a penis....his package.......

    STOP CALLING IT a PEESHIE!! I wanna throw up for some reason...lol!

    (having a little dispute with a friend :) )

  3. Originally posted by fran26

    They said on the news it is a new form of crack and meth. It is made with some chemical and battery acid? I know someone who got caught by the FBI manufacturing and distriubuting it and is in deep shit!! I just don't know anything about it and wanted some info.


    Battery acid is in Meth as well.........

  4. This was the first time I have ever heard this guy. He was recommended to me by some friends so we checked it out........

    This man is INSANE.

    Its a little hard to catch a beat because he is SO fast and there are so many different things going on at once.....but he is really good. There were a few times where it was just crazy and I haven't danced like that in so long.

    Then there were a few moments when we were just tapping our feet and listening.....he plays a lot of rave/trance/underground that is really good.......but like I said....a little hard to dance too. But when we were dancing, he was playing some really hard house that was just sick.

    I would definately check him out again next time he comes 'round.

  5. They were talking about the plane that was flying low over the Statue of Liberty and the land where the Twin Towers were....

    So they took people from the streets who said they were frightened cause it reminded them of Sept 11th. So they interview one guy and hes talking super fast and hes like:

    "Yeah, I mean it was scary....it reminded me of 7-11"



  6. Ok well Jen has a baby now.......

    Anyway they all reunited for a wedding and at the party Jen collapsed from heart problems...she told them all in the hosp that she was going to die........ I CRIED

    She made a tape for her baby...I CRIED

    The gay friend (oops I forgot his name) told her he was her soul mate and he would take care of the baby.....I CRIED

    She died....I CRIED

    Joey and Dawson said they loved eachother and they would ALWAYS be together in their hearts......I CRIED

    then at the end Pacey was living with Joey in NY and it ended.....

    Oh wait, Dawson gets to meet Steven Speilberg finally!!!!


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