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About ikkinay

  • Birthday 12/05/1980


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Newbie (1/14)



  1. ikkinay


    ok. i am really horrified right now because what i wrote was one of the most messed up jumbles of words i have ever seen, besides the letters that are not even words, the rest was all crap. what money thing, and watching other girls dance, what?. I am not even trying to cover myself because like ive done before i would be the first to admit to writing a dumb drunken post, i have no idea what i was even trying to say never mind what is actually there. So what are the side effects of Zanex? No seriously......does anyone know? Oh yea we can be like walmart at the foxy and roll back the prices!
  2. ikkinay

    lock me up

    well after i came up with a good place to put the first 299 i was all about the drive the ride home is what kills me! oh yea i stayed trie to my promise this weekend but for some odd reason it is 8:30 and i am still awake. WHAT THE
  3. ikkinay


    oh yea, i forgot to mention that i know anout peeps finding out info on the board, believe me, i know neither one of these kids will see this or know what i am talkin anout. Second if you huys come to the foxy to bisit free tanle dances all day long-haha. andi think thats it
  4. ikkinay


    what i just wrote makes no sense what so ever so please disregard it-thanks
  5. ikkinay


    in my drunkin stuper i forgot to restate the question i was asking for opinions ......the question was that the person i was talking to said he could not talk to me anymore because of the relationship he had with my ec, That woud habe been fine but i believed that if that was the case then he would have told me when i first approached him. So when i recently found out that he was talking to my ex all the time (about me_i got scared thinking that my ex was being a dick because he is a compulsive liar. It does'nt bother me that the "promoter' did not want to talk to me anymore, it bothered me because i think that my ex was talking smack that was not true. my issue is that i don't know whether to be mad at my ex for talking shit (although i don't really know if he said anything or not, or just take the whole"your ex"thing as just a pussy way of saying, "im all set with you". My life is so difficult. And to NYisformeatheads, i know i should just get over my ex, and i am, but it is hard when i met him through my griends, who im not going to ditch just because him and i broke up and he also spins at all mu favorite clubs. Men suck. (not all). So to sum it all up either i can't date because i am still this dh's girl, and everyone is going to feel ba or i just suck and no one can stand me after a week anyway. I don't know-wekk u;m off to sleep so i can gamble tomorrow at foxwoods and loose more money. Thanks for readying my diary entrance let me know waht you think..
  6. ikkinay


    dotty i voulf not vlstigy rstlirt, i sm not eottirf snout proplr drring thr podt, i knoe thst ingo thst i fo not esnt to grt out might. drvonf i judt esntrf to sff thst i sm priuf og mydrlg fot not partying this weekend, no axill rose wanna b's tonight, granted i am still awake, (u think it was the red butll and my internal clock for early sunday mornings my body thinks that i shoud be up until around ten in the morning my minf says go to bed though! So anyway it was not the fact that my ex left me it was the fact that in the beginning , the person i was talkining to at the time was perfectly fine that i was this dj's ex then he got scared and watched the other girls dancing exept me@ When i started the post it was the best money i so i just thought that he was all set (thats nikki oh yea i am all shitty rright now, i told myself i was gonna cool yea seen as howiie, well i hust wanted to state that because once again i can't see what i was typingm and i am not eben i think i aswered the question, so point, fsv6jv ha well any way, my job blows right now and i suck
  7. ikkinay


    yes i am using this as a diary......so my ex (a known dj) i found out was talking to a promoter of his club (who we all know too well) while i was "seeing" him this promoter told me they were not talking about me...obviously they were. Then i got the good old "i feel bad for your ex so this can't happen anymore". Understandable but, my ex is a compulsive liar and im thinking he was filling this other persons head with crap, i was also told that by a not so reliable third party...................any thoghts?
  8. ikkinay

    lock me up

    hmmmmmm 500 in one night, ill let your imaginations run wild. Yea coming out with me is great because i think im donald trump and i pay for everything. I have issues. Teamj5 your right everytime im hung over i say im never partying again, it always happens again though. "Rehab is for quitters"
  9. ikkinay

    wekkend agendas

    hey if thats your uncle i feel sorry for him.....what a sucker, i took him for a lot of dough
  10. yesturday i was suppose to work, when i saw the brockton area on the news in the am i boycotted me and my roomate hit the store got some drinks and painted the living room. by 7:00 we were wasted and painting each other, just plain rediculous this morning i called in again, me and my roomate decided to walk to the store which is only next door but we had to jump off the porch because the stairs were missing! I landed on my face and almost got ran over. I think i should be on that show my life is a sitcom. Oh yea....DRUNK DIALING IS THE WORST! I think my ex hates me!
  11. ikkinay

    wekkend agendas

    i wish i was boarding or at a wedding, this weekend sucked, try spending your valentines day with a 45 year old pervert:(
  12. ikkinay

    lock me up

    well i was gonna have a quiet weekend, i went to a bar in gloucester on saturday night but i talked my friends in to going to pulse in road island. don't ask me how that happend but by 11:00 sunday morning i had spent about 500 dollars and was ready to die. Now im done no more partying! I've had enough. So lock me up and through away the key!
  13. ikkinay

    wekkend agendas

    well, seen as how i am a big loser i will be working tonight:( no jp for me. So what are the plans for saturday night. I'm thinking therepy and pulse but before that ??????? Any ideas?
  14. ikkinay


    i was just on manolo's board and i saw the same thing, WOW those poor girls!
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