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Everything posted by g420

  1. Once again the ragheads are crying "don't discriminate against us" waaa, waaa, waaaa ..meanwhile they were out in the street celebrating & not once have any of them condemned the slaughter of innocents of 9/11
  2. good answer there piss boy, of course you couldn't come up wiuth a source for your bullshit
  3. From haaretzdaily.com …once again the palestinian swine are using children as sheilds & once again IDF is showing restraint ""Military sources say a militant cell came to the area Friday morning accompanied by children, who helped carry the rockets to the site of the launching. .The army said it abstained from using helicopters to kill the militants due to the presence of the children.""
  4. still waiting for an answer dothead
  5. lmao, here ms. bin laden, let me re-post the question for you since you're too stupid to find the post where the original question was asked. -Where are the PA arrests of attackers on the Jews which take place 1000X more than a few teenagers who did some harrassing ?
  6. that's funny, you're sticking up for a jew-hater & a terrorist sympathizer & I'm sick
  7. my question is still ignored, typical
  8. my question is still ignored, typical
  9. my question is still ignored, typical
  10. who cares she was dead anyway, would've given birth to more terrorists in the future
  11. There should be more people like Dr. Goldstein & Meir Kahane, then these vermin the "Palestinians" would be dealt with once & for all.
  12. Where's the part that the Jews are involved?
  13. This is from 5 months ago, did it take you til now to read this ? Next
  14. That was self defense dicklicker, that dune coon was trying to run him off the road. Guy deserves a medal. Where are the PA arrests of attackers on the Jews which take place 1000X more than a few teenagers who did some harrassing ?
  15. When do you EVER see those scumbag arabs arrest one of their own for violence against the Israelis? Never. That's cause they advocate & encourage that type of behaviour. (Eventhough I do not agree with the arrests of the Israeli youth whatsoever, payback's looong overdue) Last Update: 14/10/2004 13:08 Two 15-year-olds arrested for assaulting Arabs in Jerusalem By Jonathan Lis, Haaretz Correspondent Two 15-year-old boys were arrested on Thursday for allegedly assaulting and harassing Arabs in Jerusalem in recent months. The two have already admitted to the allegations against them. According to suspicions, in recent months the two teenagers organized a group called "Meshik" along with other youths. The two allegedly assaulted Arab taxi drivers and pedestrians in the Jerusalem area, in addition to hurling stones at vehicles belonging to Arabs. The youths are also suspected of spraying slogans against Arabs in the Shmuel Hanavi neighborhood. The Jerusalem police announced that more arrests are expected in the affair.
  16. How are those Dble Stacker Sunshines anyway
  17. I hope everyone you hold dear dies in your arms.
  18. Ok you camel humpin faggot since you can't keep my name outta your posts (stop sweatin the dick, your girl does enough of that all on her own) Yes I am celebrating eventhough I doubt the IDF really had anything to do w/ it, one less piece of garbage on the planet, now only if they could napalm her funeral I'd really throw a party.
  19. Yes the UN is a totally innocent entity, too bad the installation itself wasn't bombed. http://www.honestreporting.com/arti...s_Employees.asp
  20. I'm sure they were if not they were sympathizers.
  21. Twenty-two Palestinians were killed and at least 108 wounded during the IDF operations, which began on Wednesday and continued into Thursday.
  22. http://www.snopes.com/rumors/cnn.htm
  23. I'm back like the herpes on your momma's lip
  24. another example how islam is a peaceful religion
  25. If there are ( which I highly doubt) they are all silent. I've never heard one cleric speak out agains terrorism and until they do I consider them all the enemy.
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