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Everything posted by blueyedclubr

  1. So what's up with that? So what does it mean if I post on both Club Planet NJ and Soundfactory? You post on SF too so y u raggin on it?? lol I just thought it was kinda funny since @ 70% of the peeps that actually write anything on SF Board anymore now post on Red Plow .Com and are now your Moderators aren't they?? Even more weird was that yer own GF is a ClubPlanet NY Poster and SF poster?? I just thought it was like one of those ironic posts once I saw it... I was laughin so hard I just had to ask.... I ain't tryin to start shit with ya.... u know we cool... I just thought it was funny that's all... Thanks for the good laugh this mornin' You gonna be down in Seaside this weekend for my birfday at all??
  2. I notice a lot of peeps wearin a lot of camo throughout this summer around .... I wanna hear some opinions.... I picked up a pair of Camo Cargo's from A&F this weekend but I ain't to sure if I can actually see wearin em out without feelin like I should be goin to basic training or some shit... ... almost rocked em capri style to Surf and Temps last night but just couldn't do it.... felt weird... What do u all think?
  3. I'm NOT critisizing rating so don't take this the wrong way.... But what kind of music does he play? Is he really that sick? Only b/c i always follow the DJList.Com and on there he is ranked # 1256 .... Is he more tranzy or hard or what? Anyone ever caught him before? Thanks!
  4. I second that totally! Had a sick time at both places.... most fun I've had on a Sunday in a LOOOOONG time
  5. I'm SOOOOOO pumped for this night..... my b-day is Aug 23 so it's fuckin' perfect.... HAPPY B-DAY to me that night!!!
  6. What's the deal for the VIP cards this weekend... I've got the dual XS/Temps one that usually gets u in for free... but I know I got charged Memorial Day weekend still - anyone know if they charge for special nights still too??
  7. Don't know about any of the new places but I used to work at Casbah a few summers back and the only decent night was Saturday night at Casbah and Tru.... ... there is a fun lil Irish Pub that's pretty chill to hang out at down there too ... ... and I hear Martini Bar is new down there and that it's pretty nice as well But otherwise sorry bud - yer on yer own for Thurs and Fri Nights
  8. I worked there a couple summers ago... and every year I go back they ask me when I'm comin back to work but I can't take another summer of givin up my summer nights drivin down to AC from Seaside. Only reason I eva go anymore is because I don't have to wait in that stupid long line and don't have to pay... you'd never catch me waitin to get into that place... Which bouncers do you know? Are you friends with them or do you just KNOW them? Like are you that guy that walks around actin like he's friends with them and tries to talk to them and they just smile and nod? I'm just messin with ya man! Just the fact that they would pull someone from a Bar/Club like Katmandu to DJ there shows how horrible they are at pickin their talent... that's like Temps or Merge bringin in the guy from Jenkinsons or Bamboo...LOL I don't know what Xanadu is like these last couple years but when they first opened it they used to bring in diff DJ's every week - never the same guy... sounds like it really blows now! Xanadu was the only room that played any hard house back then... and Casbah just played cheesey Q102 / KTU garbage... Where you from by the way? You don't sound like you are from the Seaside/NY club scene?
  9. I'm at work and have to look out the window at the nice weather ... Someone come take me away to the beach .... I was just over in Pt. Pleasant gettin lunch!! I'm SOOOOO Jealous!! Grrrrrrrr
  10. IT's all good bro - you likes what u like... I always thought they brought better talent into the Xanadu rather than the Casbah at that place... Casbah played the same tracks week after week and it gets old when you are workin in there from 10pm till 6am.... I'm sure you'll see me in there one night or two this summer - but you def won't see me sober in there b/c that is the least enjoyable place in my opinion when sober!
  11. too funny..... How can you critisize any DJ when you have a picture of Casbah up in your sig tellin people to go there?!?! LOL I used to bounce there - that place sucks as far as both music, talent, and crowd go! On top of that it's too damn bright and too damn filled with chairs and crap! LOL The first 2 summers were off the hook there - the girls were gorgeous and you had to dress to impress - now people in there are nasty and I've yet to hear a good night there since... And like others have said - you can't bash Tiesto off of his CD's.... I think his CD's kinda blow too but LIVE he is off the fawkin hook! Especially when he's in NY mixin his trance with hard stuff... he (along with most international DJ's) will mix their set for the type of crowd they are in... he won't play the same kinda set in Ibiza that he'll play in Miami or in NY... so until you check him out live you can't bash! I think one of my fav nights eva out was couple years back for Tiesto in Exit - back in the good Exit days... Hearing "Sparkles" still gives me chills from hearin it that night while on the main floor with the snow comin down all fawked up with my friends... ...oh the memories...LOL:D
  12. Awwww... that sux hun! When i was in college in Florida... one of my best friends was a Hooter Girl (and I was friends with her pre-Hooterness!!) She used to bring all the hooter girls over to the Frat house to hang and stuff so I was close with a lot of them... like sistas.... So I'd go in there and they would be all ova me like rubbin my shoulders and sittin on my lap and givin me kisses and shit and I used to think it was the funniest shit because all the losers would be droolin.... GOD HOW PATHETIC i used to think some of those guys in there were.. you wouldn't catch me in a Hooters if I didn't know someone workin in there... I'd feel like loser b/c just like you said - the girls that work there are thinkin the guys are losers! LOL I kinda feel the same way bout Strip Clubs too - BUT i will go there with a girly cause that's just fun
  13. I know I'll prob hear it about this one.... but in my opinion... and for about the 100th time.... Merge and Temps are 2 TOTALLY DIFFERENT CROWDS!! You need to go to each and see which one you like betta! Honestly... it's almost like goin to 2 diff families houses..... You got the Temps Family and the Merge Family.... I can honestly say I'm more partial to the Temps crowd... yet I do like the way Rydell rips it and the sound system in there... Don't listen to anyone else bro - check em' out for yerself.. they both have their good and bad nights!
  14. Bunch of pics... Go to the link in my sig...... some old ones and some newer ones... LOL some are mangled though... lol
  15. You lost me on that comment bro - ?? I do go to local places down here all summer - but why would I get that look from people? Usually it's more like that because I'm so freekin tall!
  16. Like I said bro - I bash the Benny's but I still love 'em (atleast the girlies) If peeps from up north didn't come down then the shore wouldn't be as fun .... the only bad part is the traffic - but since I know my back roads I don't gotta worry! Besides.... I travel up to NYC constantly in the winter so I guess I'd be a jackass to bash people up there for coming here when I go up there all winter long on the weekends!
  17. Nice!! Thanks for the welcome! I'll def IM you from home and we can compare Benny Stories ... lol The funny thing is that I always end up fallin for those damn Benny gals though!! LOL
  18. Thanks for the welcome hun;) Yeah Karen is such a sweetie! Met her at SF a whiles ago... she def a good hearted gal!
  19. yo bro - sup.... pretty funny cause i was just readin yer post on that night and laughin that it was u! didn't see you around out this weekend.. hope you had fun somewhere - Oh yea... I think they'd arrest my ass in yer underage night party at Merge.. lol... I'll prob be at Temps or DJ's
  20. What's up People!? Just wanted to say hi to all you - I joined the board forever ago but mostly just read .... now it's summer so I probably see a lot of you out around the shore! I got some pics at PictureTrail (Link in Sig) I ain't hard to miss when I'm out since I'm @ 6' 7 tall! Dat's about it... don't really know what to say yet - but I'm sure I'll talk to all of you more soon! See you all on the dance floor!
  21. Hit Merge last night for my first time since they opened two summers ago.... I was def impressed... Def gonna have to stop in there more this summer
  22. ... forgot to mention dress code - deffinately go there lookin nice - you can wear nice jeans there and a nice shirt - i've gone in there with jeans and sleaveless shirts and i've gone there with nice clothes - you get a big mix in there since it's in a casino - you get people rich and nicely dressed - women in dresses buying champagne then you get the losers that are in the casino dressed like shit that walk in as well drinkin their Bud Lights as for Tru - I've had a lot of fun there before as an afterhours - that place goes off around 7-8 am on Saturdays - def a summer time place more though because of the outside Deck with the DJ pumpin by the pool as well till noon on Sundays - you will see a lot of fucked up shit in there but no more then you'd see in NYC at some clubs if you got any more questions just IM me
  23. ... take it from a guy that used to bounce at Casbah.... it's a good time if you like lounges and the drinking crowd - but if you are more into the SoundFactory kinda place then it's not for you... ... but it is fun - and very nice inside... the music is sometimes good ... the women there are all gorgeous - but a large amount of them are snotty- unfortunately you are goin with your girl - it's more fun with your buds ... drinks are just like NY - very expensive - not a very big place either all in all it's a hit or miss kinda place if you like NYC clubs - some nights it's good and some nights you'll be saying " we shoulda just went to the city" mostly a Philly crowd in there and locals - especially the Stockton college kids
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