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Everything posted by AlexGNcw

  1. OBJECTION - disregarding all the shit he got himself into cause of the sex charges i knew him also and he was a total scum bag, this has nothing to do with girls or anything but i know of a good number of fucked up things hes done to other people myself included for no good reason. i know people he ratted out, etc and while i don't think the time hes gonna get is fair for the crime he comitted he def had it coming theres no way you can say he was a good person cause he wasn't
  2. my parents told me weed can kill you when i was a kid that lesson didn't stick too well same with those girls i'm sure many of them were told not to screw strangers in clubs
  3. Matt and some girls at bar a
  4. any girl over 13 unless shes retarted knows what sex is, what can happen cause of it, and whether or not she wants to do it so i don't think these girls should be called victims (snitches maybe)
  5. i don't get why they're calling these girls victims though not like they've been raped or beaten aggrevated sexual assault for this? thats the same category is raping a 5 year old i say they should have a new version of the "Megans Law" from now on everytime a guy is charged with stuff like this and has to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life the girl he fucked should have to register as a snitch for the rest of hers
  6. he got caught fucking a 14 and a 15 year old the cops saw it and he admitted he did if hes found not guilty it would only be because his lawyer found some bs loophole to get him of but he is guilty because he did have sex with minors and knew what he was doing so i don't think the papers in this case are doing anything wrong but i do agree with the other post i saw here fucking a 15 year old that sucks dick for breakfast is not the same as raping a baby although its considered the same exact crime
  7. ok a little law lesson is needed here: it makes no difference if the girl lies about her age, gives you a fake id, a fake birth certificate and ss card, and drives statute 2.2.14 i believe if the girl is a minor its illegal and he did know how old they were i know that for a fact not gonna say how but i do personally i don't think what he did deserves the time he'll probably get but he knew what he was doing if that makes any difference he also admitted to fucking the girls when the cops caught him and they caught him while he was fucking them so i'd say its proof enough
  8. he looks like a serial killer in that pic hope he was smart enough to get a soap on the rope while he was out on bail
  9. no i seriously dislike him and i think he deserves what he got the only point i was arguing before is that the law / penalty for this thing is not right
  10. none of that matters now though he confessed to having sex with the 2 on friday and from what i know at least 3 others came forward since and i'm sure more will so this won't matter
  11. he did he cleared everything even his website and aol profile but it won't matter cause he admitted to having sex with these girls the night he got caught
  12. cops don't know everything actually and neither does the paper
  13. actually some were as young as 12 which is totally fucked up but the penalty for this doesn't fit the crime
  14. i completely agree the penalty for this shit is like 3rd degree murder its just freakin sex no one got beaten or killed
  15. no actually i cant stand that kid matty c that is i don't know the other guy
  16. moran if you read what i wrote the 3-4 years wasn't refering to them i was giving an example of a similar situation i knew about and for the 10th time i'm not defending them they should get locked up all i said was the law on these things is wrong
  17. lol u obviously never been to a teen night while the jersey ones do close at 1am 10 year olds get in there and i'm not exagerating
  18. well from what i know they've had 12 year olds before too but back to my other point some of the 14 year olds u see at these teen nights if u met them outside the club and they told u they were 18 ... they could easily pass for it
  19. i'm not defending those guys especially matty c who i think is a total dick head but the law is still not right underage girls lie about their age all the time to get with older guys someone i know nearly got in a lot trouble for a similar thing before (the age diff between him and the girl was only 3-4 years and the guy even had written proof that the girl lied about her age and it didn't matter)
  20. heres the real story in my opinion though those guys deserved it just cause they're assholes but 16 year old girls know what they're doing + girls always lie about their age so i'd say the law is kinda fucked up as well http://nj.com/news/ledger/index.ssf?/base/news-8/1052289320138660.xml
  21. as you might've realized i run an advertising service for night clubs and the crackheads make me a lot more money then sober people cause there're a lot more of them i think drugs are bad but people should have a place to do them and what better place then clubs where they are already
  22. making drugs legal in clubs is not stupid at all if you think about it no matter how many clubs you shut down drugs won't go away but isn't it safer to have people do drugs in a club with security and medics nearby then at some house party where no one will even notice that someone od till the next day
  23. there were 2 clubs in nj i know this because i work with them and my friends were there last night they were raided by nj state police and about the limelight idea yes it makes sense but lime light can't fit the amount of people that attend exit every week
  24. its acceptable in clubs though its one thing to pop e in a restaurant and another to do it in sound factory cause in sf 2/3 the crowd is doing it too they don't effect people outside unlike when they do it elsewhere drugs in clubs should just be legal and people who have a problem with that should stay out
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