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About plasmiksf

  • Birthday 07/28/1978


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  1. Just giving my opinion on the subject. No need to get defensive. I was/am not preaching. I simply stated my viewpoint of what I saw in SF and what I thought The mayor and The NYPD probably think too. Relax. My opinion is not one an expert; it's Just my observation.
  2. Yea i hear ya, they all about the drama i guess.
  3. Can i ask you why are you so nasty, i mean ok, so maybe the person hasnt been around the scene for as long as you have, that doesnt necessarily mean that they dont know the deal behind everything that is going on, from a person who has been around the scene. I have met people who have been around the scene way longer than i have and they dont know the true facts about alot. I just think that you should keep the attitude to a minimum, i mean if you talk to people in a respectible way, maybe people can have a good conversation instead of saying go f**k off or shut the f**k up, you dont know sh*t and all that other stuff.
  4. Exactly my point. Its very easy to judge and criticize the way something is being runned or to easy comment on how things should be and so on, but its alot easier to say all you want to say than it actually is to do. I thought the same myself, i been in the club scene for many years, and have been working in the scene for going on 10 years and when i first started working at factory i started realizing how things work and why certain things arent done a certain way, even though it may seem easy to run it a certain way, but if it hasnt been done, obviously there is a reason for it. Do you think that the owner of SF or Exit or Tunnel wish for their club to be shut down by the city.
  5. That kid did not die, you got the nights confused. The night that someone died at the club, no one was aware that the kid was dead, he was just sitting somewhere and i guess had overdosed and no one apparently noticed it, until someone from security went to try and wake him up. I still work for Soundfactory, and i work in the offices of soundfactory, but on the weekends i work doing almost about everything.
  6. Ok, its easy for you to quote and speak your mind on this, but you dont know how it is to run a business like soundfactory, you only think you know and you say by what you go by, but the truth is that you open up an after hours club, what kind of scene do you think you are going to get, just music lovers, i dont think so, your gonna get the kids who like to party. And the majority of the people that we apparently get are kids who like to mess with G, which can make you look all mangled and f**ked up. So go on and preach what you think about all this, but you wouldnt be speaking if you knew how it is in the inside, none of you do, your so easy and quick to sh*t talk about the place before knowing true facts.
  7. Now that i know is bullshit, no such thing is possible. And who is this so called Dancer you are speaking of, because they were probably just overexaggerating
  8. whatever, talk all you want, but i know that when we reopen your ass will be there, and you will still continue to bad mouth a place that you obviously go to either way.
  9. ok, so if and when we reopen , just remind me on all your telling me now.
  10. u just realized that now, wow, your smart
  11. Exit is confirmed that it is not reopening. As far as Factory, it will reopen, they dont have alot on us to keep us shut down.
  12. im not saying that we are not responsible, all im saying is that trying to pin it down on the club is not real reason, its because of idiot out there. And we dont allow shit like that to happen, you say that we do, but you dont see how we run our business you just go by what you see when your around and you cant tellme that you dont see security walking around and throwing out or confescating kids who get caught doing their thing. And we cant control what the kids do or in what condition they come in, we have to run a business as well. as long as we dont allow it being done in our club and i'm not saying that we do catch every kid that is in the club dealing or doing drugs, because it is a fairly large club with a lot of kids and its possible to have people slip by us.
  13. Sweetie i work for the club, i know what goes on in there, you dont have to use Jp's bday as an example, because its pretty much like that every weekend. Its beccause of stupid people who cant handle their drugs and come to places like ours to deal and make their money that jeopardize our business. so dont go trying to pin it down on the club, because if anyone's to blame its the idiots who cant control their drug use or the idiots who come to sell their drugs in our places and are stupid enough to get caught.
  14. And obviously your freind wasnt the smart one on the situation, cause look who's the one that goes down
  15. Maybe this is something that has happened, but i guarantee you that any security that has allowed that to happen is no longer working for SF.
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