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Everything posted by njstacked2

  1. Stardo...Stop putting yourself down..I think you looked Hot! I love your new hair style...It is still not Summer 2002 Style...but still loving it! Words cant describe how cute you were at the Clevelander Friday...when you were shaking and couldnt even move your shoulders!!! I am glad everything has turned out the way it has...
  2. One story was Saturday Night Space...the place was so packed that they were shutting different levels down...anyway...they closed the upstairs and I couldnt get down...while I was waiting this skinny dude rolled up and yelled to the bouncer..."What the fuck man i payed $50...for this shit and I cant even get downstairs"..The bouncer at the top of the Stairs took the Kid, threw him down the stairs, picked him up then cracked his jaw into the wall...It was one of the most fucked up things i had ever saw...Needless to say while all this was going on...I went down stairs to the main room...
  3. PS: I have a new respect for Rose...she is so cute..."Oh God I love Chris F"....
  4. You should have went to Nikki Beach on Sunday...out of control! Anyway, hit me with a call I have a good story for you...
  5. Glad to hear the Juice Heads Represented...I always wanted to know who would take my place in Cancun...I miss la Boom...by far my favorite club...
  6. While you were yelling at me out of your window..this huge black guy bitch slapped your driver because he almost hit him...it was pretty funny...
  7. Depressed is not even the word to describe it...on top of Clomid therapy which started yesterday...I am sad.
  8. Billy: I think you would love it down there...just a great scene... Al: Thanks for the PM...I tried to send you one but yours was filled. Have a great time in Vegas...!
  9. Z...What happened in your cab outside of Clevelander...your driver almost got beat up....
  10. I was there...Very crowded...I thought he was good. The shirt was off in about 20 mins...Menage was not a good club for JP in my opinion...
  11. Near Coolidge...I am on the "other side" of 35 as well off of coolidge....No big deal it is a big place...
  12. Star...Nikki Beach was off the hook Sunday night...Got there around 9:30 and had to grease the guy at the door...Inside was insane!
  13. South Beach was decent...Billy in all seriousness...I would rather it be 4th of July Weekend at Surf Club...I love South Beach...i didnt LOVE the WMC...Places are different down there...I had a better time when I went in August last year...I am sick of how much hype Space gets... Nikki beach was a great time....I am claiming to be the 2nd person to take the shirt off at Menage where JP was Friday...The pool party at the Shelborne (sp) was off the hook...I got so messed up there. Anyway, all in all I had a great time, but nothing seems to compare to the Jersey Shore in the summer...
  14. Me and the Bigtime got a house in Ortley and cannot fucking wait...
  15. Fuck Space...what more could you want than Richie Rydell? At least i know there will be no Asian Ravers with Glow Sticks.
  16. Johny Rockets...would have to much fat in it... The sound Factory Workout? Bro..i have no clue what your talking about...
  17. Thanks notallthere...Miami will be Sick! Cannot wait to get all messed up!
  18. A few Rookies on this board seem to think that starvation is the key to staying lean while in South Beach...well my rookie gear users...this is not the case at all....First if you are in starvation mode, your muscles are losing Glycogen...and water...leaving a flabby soft look...to combat this...a more senior Iron Brother like myself will be carb loading starting the day I leave...My goal is to pump as much glycogen into my muscles as possible...I will start with High GI Carbs...then moving towards lower GI carbs....For three days I will be huge, vascular and all fucking pumped up....I will not spill over till Monday when I will be leaving...Spilling over means Bloat...Anyway..the Arimidex will take care of that...So if you want to look your best you have to EAT.
  19. The bigtime has taken BULKING PHASE to the next level...the kid is fucking huge...I honestly think he has 20" pipes...He is starting the cut phaes as well...but he is hitting Growth, Winny,Prop, t-3, clen.... We got a house in Ortley...Cannot wait for Surf Club sundays...I felt like throwing the CAPRIS on yesterday...
  20. Superior Energy Services, Inc. is a provider of specialized oilfield services and equipment focused on serving the production-related needs of oil and gas companies in the Gulf of Mexico. The Company is one of the few companies in the Gulf of Mexico capable of providing most of the post-wellhead products and services necessary to maintain offshore producing wells, as well as plug and abandonment services, at the end of their life cycle. The Company provides a full range of products and services for its customers, including well intervention services, marine services, rental tools, field management services and environmental and other services. I picked up the stock today 5,000 shares @ 8.52...I am only looking to pick up .60 cents....I think it will bounce to 11 if we definalty go to war...Bush is speaking tonight...What a fantastic War Stock.
  21. PS: When I played College Football I was 225...damn D-bols...!!! That was just fucking un healthy.
  22. Riding...All I have to say is this bulking is over with...When I get back from Miami...(A Guy I Know MAY BE )hitting Var, GH, T3, Clen...Bridging with Eq during the summer......210 with a 33" waist...5'10...Not Bad...I will be 200 32"waist by memorial Day....The bloat is horrible right now...on A-dex & Nolva...Will probably never bulk again...
  23. Binoy will I see you at the Clevelander friday? I am staying 1 block away at the Blue Moon...
  24. Notallthere...post that "all juiced up pick of me" thanks kid.
  25. Prime...PM me your number...bitch! I am going to hit you ith a call when I get down to Miami.
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