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Everything posted by majinbuu

  1. i'm not the one who goes on people's posts and writes "mean" things...
  2. i think he would have done more thatn say something if he saw it...
  3. i like to catch them both on april 20th...
  4. first of all..no one asked you to post on here and in my opinion you are just a hater. second of all..this post has to do with who is spinning on the terrace later that night. so next time you decide to hate..read the post.
  5. i'm sure he doesnt care that much....DT isnt all that....
  6. so he noticed it? and he didnt do anything?
  7. obviously your life isnt spiraling out of control...i mean lets be honest, if you were a real addict, do you think you would be writing on a message bd or selling your computer for $ to go buy crack. it good that you have control over it and notice when things get a little out of control. the key is to continue controling it and not get caught up. if that means slowing down considerably or even stopping that is the case. we all know that it can get out of control and when we look back we worry about what we are doing, so bugging out happens....especially when we have that day after hangover... just make sure that the drug use doesnt spill over into your career and goals...
  8. impressive, can i hear more? or even better, do you have a pic of you doing this?
  9. hey...i never asked you for anything...so i'll take that...
  10. another post by the hardworking funk! watch his post count soar!
  11. who is the surprise superstar dj for the sunrise sessions? any guesses?
  12. its really easy....the lower right hand corner of the post..theres a quote button. as for making no sense, i was refering to you wishing you could lick yourself...and then saying you could...
  13. smoking coke in a cig is not cool at all. it smells disgusting, it gives you a headache, and it doesnt really get you high. a friend of mine always wanted to make a cigarette when we got some and i participated a few times. it made me feel edgy and uncomfortable, not to mention i always got an eye spliiting headache. i started putting my foot down if it was my bag and not letting him do it, or letting him take his own and do it himself. it just isnt even as good as snorting, and in my opinion a waste. as for being addicted, i think it goes past smoking the coke, if you feel you are addicted you need to stop cold turkey. even if that involves leaving those friends behind. later you will look back at the situation and realize the only reason you were friends with these people is because you guys did drugs together. with out the drug use, these people wouldnt have much to do with you at all. and these people you are drug buddies with will not be there for you when you really need it.
  14. can u repeat yourself in a way that makes more sense? thank you...
  15. majinbuu

    I got a....

    bobbalou = hater:laugh:
  16. shady, you got elf ears in this pic:laugh:
  17. ZZzzzzZZZzzZzZZzhuh?zzZZZZZZZZZzzzzzZZz
  18. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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