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Everything posted by jy04

  1. of course dave, i see you are here to defend you and rods friend, i didnt think she would ever hang with you 2 but the way she is talking right now i see why she likes someone like rod as a friend.
  2. looks like somone is showing off about there life. sorry we can not be as beautiful as you
  3. are you guys fucken serious? ok i will admit it, my boyfriend did sign on as my screen name and call you guys all out, and i am sorry, we are fighting right now b/c of the whole thing!! thanks especially to the REAL INTERNET TOUGH GUY CARGUY!! for someone as dumb lookin as you, you def talk alot of shit!! how can we take someone seriously that calls himself carguy, at least rod had the manhood to call my house. listen guys i dont want any trouble and i dont want my boyfriends friends have to fight you guys, b/c it would be a waste of their time. so i am hoping that when we are at surf club, kyle will make up with rod, dave, and the rest of you guys and we can all have a good time, and carguy, i will even let you attempt to spit on my face, it will be funny to see how fast you can run!!!
  4. actually he is 6'2 about 185, and i think your right i think this whole roid thing is getting to his head, i just feel bad b/c he has been acting so differently lately, i guess im just blaming the steroids b/c i want him to stop, thank you though for the info,
  5. and it is really gettin to his head, he used to be a nice kid, but recently he has been getting really angry, HOW shoudle I handle this, i dont want him to do anything stupid, especially MDW, he plans on going down the shore and trying to act tough, how should i handle this
  6. i would have to say matrix had the better FX, im really not one for these types of movies, i just go b/c my bf is a huge fan of all these movies, the last movie that i could say i personally enjoyed was A MIGHTY WIND, im a huge fan of FOLK music and it was funny to see how they mocked the world of folk music
  7. i think its hot, i just baught a pair of army shorts, and i baught some hanes wife beaters for the summer, it looks so cute, what do you girls think of the look
  8. i think its sooo cute, i love deisel clothes, i def think the worn look is in, i can not wait till summer, i lost 15 lbs just for this summer b/c its prob gonna be my last, finally down to 118 lbs, so i can not wait to buy summer clothes
  9. me and my boyfriend so it too, the story was awful only thing worth it were the effects. It is not worth waiting on the lines till the hypes gone. i would recommend you guys seeing x men 2 though that was a good movie though i did enjoy the love story, it kept my eyes glued to the screen
  10. thanks to caleb, who i am really good friends with, apparently he is sick of all the meathead talk and he was kind enough to e-mail me these threads that i thaght were deleted, thank you caleb http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?threadid=161900 http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?threadid=161870
  11. well thats good to know stacked, i guess ill look for the juice head queer to be floating around to my house, cause if i know rod he def. e-mailed you our address, since he prob is too afraid to handle this himself. and badass, you of all people have to be kidding me, you remind me these guys little brother, how bout you stop kissing there asses and hit up a cycle yourself!!!!! "we dont call him stacked for no reason" SHHHHHHUT UUUUUUUP, who are you DON KING, zip it loser. go watch the door, so you can help your buddy rod out when he gets kicked out of the club for getting his ass kicked for leaving such a stupid message!!!!! and wait is this you?????? BADASS, OMG PM your buddy stacked and go get some of what hes' having
  12. As always Rod, you start up all this fucking drama then play dumb. Thats about all your fat ass is good for. Take a minute and really think about what your life has amounted to. Absolutely nothing. All you have to show for your efforts are some goofball friends and a reputation as Rodigga. Carguy. I do not know you that well. But where do you come off with this Mr Tough Guy Attitude? Kyle and I have met you. I thought you were nice, and a bit goofy and obnoxious. But you are about as harmless as a fly little man. When was the last time you were in a fight? And didnt have your "Boys" backing you up? I doubt you have ever fought anyone one on one and survived. Lose the tough guy attitude. It does not fit your Gap attire, nor your nothing but average physique. I suggest you quit your yapping internet tough guy, before you get yourself in over your head. So how is the spar training going anyway? You were bragging about it so much to the boyz when I met you. But I wonder if you really follow through with anything? Doubtful. I'll bet you have not even trained in over two weeks, let alone sparred. Dave. Good to see you are keeping your mouth shut finally. Maybe you are starting to see the light on Rod, and cutting your ties. 812 and Billy. You two make a cute couple. Go get a room and quit sucking everyone's dick. They are not your friends.
  13. ya know the funny thing here stacked is that, OK so rod is a bit off the deap end and he was know for snappin a few times in college, and dave did tackle kyles best friend and can wrestle w/ the best of em but anyway, who the hell are you??????, not sure if i know you!!! sound like some stubby little sauce boy that prob cant even swing a punch!!! ya def sound tough, but i'll put my money on KYLE
  14. i see they have deleted my thread, let me just quote your friend rod one more time, gives KYLE and I a laugh to see him so angry "hey what's up kyle, i got your number from jenny, and it appears you just wont let go of the past, i mean you come to places im at look at me and dont do shit, i know you and your girlfriend know about clubplanet, b/c heather and jenny were talking a few months ago and that dirty little whore jenny prob told you about it after i spun a cherri, am i right?????, anyway free punch to the head if im wrong, but if thats you and the little fucken troll on cp right now shouting me out, well then lets just say, I CAN NOT WAIT TO SEE YOU OUT AGAIN, BECAUSE YOU ARE BOTH DEAD, I AM GOING TO HAVE YOUR GIRL STAND THERE AS I BEAT YOUR HEAD IN, I WILL HAVE MY "BOYZ" TAKE TURNS RUNNING THE TRAIN ON YOUR GIRL, AS I RIP YOUR EYES OUT AND LET YOU WATCH" GOOD BYE AND HAVE A NICE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!"
  15. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so you all want to hear what your good friend rod has resorted too, once again back to his childish tough guy ways, hold on while we play back exactly what he said word for word, since he decided to tell you he left a message that said to WEAR HEAVY ARMOR, heres exactly what tough guy rod said!!!!!! "hey what's up kyle, i got your number from jenny, and it appears you just wont let go of the past, i mean you come to places im at look at me and dont do shit, i know you and your girlfriend know about clubplanet, b/c heather and jenny were talking a few months ago and that dirty little whore jenny prob told you about it after i spun a cherri, am i right?????, anyway free punch to the head if im wrong, but if thats you and the little fucken troll on cp right now shouting me out, well then lets just say, I CAN NOT WAIT TO SEE YOU OUT AGAIN, BECAUSE YOU ARE BOTH DEAD, I AM GOING TO HAVE YOUR GIRL STAND THERE AS I BEAT YOUR HEAD IN, I WILL HAVE MY "BOYZ" TAKE TURNS RUNNING THE TRAIN ON YOUR GIRL, AS I RIP YOUR EYES OUT AND LET YOU WATCH" GOOD BYE AND HAVE A NICE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!" were those your exact words ROD, you and your friends are all bitches, and stacked and bigtime, shut the FUCK UP, you WANNABE JUICE HEADS, and billy mind your business
  16. 0u812, and who the hell are you, you went to madison too, from the sound of things rod has no clue who you are, which means your probably some sorta low life loser that sits in front of his PC all day!!!!!! we want to know which lab rat you are, so we can make fun of you too for posting over 3000 posts on CP. and where is DAVE kyle would like to say HI to you too, or are you hiding behind rod like you always did, and having him and your friends do all the fighting, while you hid behind the bar stool, while rod and them always had to fight for you, your still a bitch i see dave and you still like to run your mouth, and go ahead post a picture of me an KYLE, you and rod already know what we look like, and i KNOW!!!! none of you will do anything, BUT buy us a DRINK
  17. Well golly gee rod, your just the fucken P.I. of CP too i see, yes KYLE is sitting next to me, he says HI by the way, and he will gladly say hello at surf, he will not start anything at surf b/c he has respect for the club, but he says to watch your back, he's not gonna waste his time w/ these other meatheads, b/c 1) it seems they talk as much shit as you do and 2) i hear all your friends are soft anyway and carl we will gladly say hello at taste and you will see that your tough tit attitude will be settled in you buying KYLE a drink cause we all know you are all talk and bigtime, lower the the MG your stuttering and breaking your keyboard, come on, stop hiding behing that stupid screen name, which one of the stupid FDU football players are you to call themeselves BIGTIME, ha ahahahahahaha LOL LOL....BIGTIME i know all those losers and your def not big, i gaurentee KYLE is bigger than you, b/c he is def bigger then ROD, and RODs a FAT SLOB, all he is is TRAPS and ARMS
  18. Carguy. Still single little man?? Get used to it. You are a joke. All the bs you made up about being an ultimate fighter. Do you lie about everything. I read on the NJguido board you are the jersey box eating champ. So who gave you this title. Some callused ass gutter slut with HIV?? I could beat your ass, my boy would just sit back and watch in laughter. Go back to your Yoga Video's.
  19. OU812. You amuse me. Dont talk the talk. You have to be one of the biggest slinkies, as you say, on the board. If you dont weigh more than 215 pounds, keep eating and training. Kyle will stomp you like a bug.
  20. Stacked, Bigtime. I would also like to point out that you two are the biggest jokes out of the group. Kyle and I assumed from all your postings that you were actually going to be in good shape, and big guys. Not the case at all boys. All the posts about diet and training you write, you two should be flawless. I find it hysterical that you two are the same size and shape as most of the average males out on the club scene. Slinkies you say??
  21. Kyle and I will be at Surf Club MDW just to meet all of you face to face to go over any issues. My man is looking forward to meeting some of you cyber tough guys in person, see how tough you really are. Carguy. Hope you are still training bitch boy. My man is still cracking up at your bitch-like physique,and spar technique's. He is training this morning. Getting ready for MDW. Not just sitting around eating doritoz and taking shots of winny. Slinky.
  22. Thanks so much for your two cents Mr OU812. Such a catchy screename. For a second I got all moist thinking I was talking to Eddie Van Halen, then I remembered its just another Cyber Geek living vicariously through his computer and board reputation. I think the smell you speak of is just a reminder of the last time you got ass, when your finger broke through the tissue paper this morning while wiping. Now get off my thread. Dave. Things have tapered off with you and your ex?? When did you guys break it off? Before or after she learned about you having three testicles. Rod. Still single I gather. Unless you and Bus decided to marry those call girls from the escort service. Hey Bus. I hear you have a new woman as well. What's all this about? When we met you bragged about never going down. So what happened?? Finally found someone who can tolerate your substance abuse and heavy juicing???? Speaking of humps! Where the fuck is Carguy???? I remember meeting him with you bozo's at Looker's one night. Now there is a real winner. Kid looked like Sonic the hedgehog. All coked out of his mind, sweating like a pig, and attached to you guys like flies on shit! Would not shut up about some ultimate fighting class he was taking. Kyle is still laughing at his claim to be sparring, and learning to be an ulitimate fighter. Carguy. Keep drinking milk and lifting. I read all this shit about you being a tough guy. More like a slinky!!!
  23. i have to appoligize dave and rod i didnt mean to start drama, but it just hurts that you 2 r still so very arrogant, and cocky and that you are always surrounded by this type of crowd, and im not sure who bigtime is, let me guess you went to FDU also, well if you did you would know that im not a fat slob, you can ask dave and rod, you would die to be with a girl like me, so come on, which one of rods friends are you, or will you shut up because you know who i am, and my boyfriend
  24. listen DAVE, yes i know who you are, you and that other ASSHOLE ROD, beat the shit out of my boyfriend at JIMMY's a while back, REMEMBER, yes its me joanna yensly, you beat up KYLE, well actually ROD DID, i just laugh when i see that you 2 are still such jerks, i'm not sure who your new buddies of hoodlums are but they seem just like the rest of the meatheads you are rod hung out with, and the reason i knew it was you 2 losers is 1 rods sig says roddelarosa and he always referrs to you as dave, and plus your faces r all over this website
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