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Everything posted by vladexodus

  1. just rent a section of the beach and have a miami type vibe lol
  2. its gonna be like www.xxxpornstarxxx.com part 2
  3. yup the morillo party or the arc reuinon party on the 15 with DT
  4. dont take him to avalon...its a disgrace to nyc night life and america... go to crobar
  5. I am the soul shaker...feeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllll the drummmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  6. ahhh promoter drama...god do i miss it when i was 14
  7. you guys are making the same mistake exit,factory, and limelight are...its over just let it be
  8. i kno wha u mean...everytime i go newhere with my gf it causes a seen
  9. deep spells pimp hand is strooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong
  10. and get this shit...they had a male/female auction and some deperate dude paid 15 bills or around there for a chubby ass fugly girl , so i saw her at coat check as i was leaving and asked her how much did they pay for her again and she goes "oh they only gave me 15$, "THIS WEEK". LMFAO
  11. its like going to a bazzar, they sell webster hall tshirts and apparel,have overcharging fortune tellars, sell more candy in the bathroom than a news stand
  12. lol yea i could have just wanted wanted to see how the place is doing after not going for 5 years...and ended up getting stuck with no car.
  13. well a bum wished me bad karma cuz i didnt give hima a quarter so its nobodies fault excpet my own.
  14. no worries...im just laughing at the fact that my car got towed at a place where i wasted my time...rather it get towed at a morillo @ crobar type of night
  15. if im too fucked up by the time we get back can someone drive my car home lol
  16. i went into sully one night and the bouncer was so trashed at the door he didnt know wtf an ID was.
  17. dj moody dropped some good beats but he was trying to be too much like tenaglia with his blue ny yankees cap.
  18. I just laughed in the ladies face that told me i had to pay to smoke a stoogie and found the nearst couch and lit one up,besides it was so rottage there that i could give two shits if they kicked me out.
  19. yea web hall on saturdays is complete garbage(only went cuz i had a few comps), its def like walking into the adams family living room,all tourists there and the asain sway dance wasn't even in effect,what i found redicoulous was that they charge $5 for a wristband to go outside and smoke, i know its an off night guys but cmon get it together somehow mayb not like u were 5 years ago but, somehow.
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