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Posts posted by vladexodus

  1. you guys got'b joking, ben sherman (in ireland anyway) is considered one of the brands only scum, farmers and people with no fashion sense wear.

    godskitchen used to have on it's dresscode "no sportswear, no shermans"

    it doesnt matter if a peasent in india that lives in a shack wears it,if it looks good ppl will wear it :bounce:

  2. what does that mean?

    And does it always mean she's pregnant, or are there other reasons for that?

    brooooooo im havin the same problem...except my girl has been late for a couple of weeks now...i talked with my house mate(which is a girl)and she is havin the same problem too...she said its because of the weather and it could affect it also my girl has been takin anti biotics so that may be another factor...im with u on this one.

  3. Yeah it's a real Lounge, that's why cafe is at the end of it's name. The website promotes dancing, does it not? They don't show you the pea sized dance floor, but some big place to dance...looks like they bit that from a real "clubs" website. Have you tried Deko Lounge? There's room to dance there, but it's a lounge.

    if you ever tried promoting at my club id take you out back and have a butch lesbian inmate who just got out of the cell to handle you. :bounce:

  4. Since you are obviously a very classy individual, i'm sure this look works for you. Why don't you go back to t-shirts and jeans you peasant. Just because some shit rapper you idolize wears a coat in some video, you suddenly discover this item and go buy a most likely inferior quality jacket. You are trash, and i'm sure you look as such trying to wear garments above your station, go shine my shoes

    ok there tough guy i challenge you to a walk off.


  5. Yet another trend I despise, i've been dressed in blazers since 1st grade, it's just a natural part of my wardrobe, now there are all these tools wearing them

    ummm did i ask you to nigger knock my post? I dont care if you have been wearing sport jackets since you came out of your moms cottage cheese filled vag. If your looking like pee wee herman(whic you probably are) trying to pull something off that you cant. Then I suggest you dont talk shit.

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