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About aquagirl125

  • Birthday 01/25/1979


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    Somewhere Over the Rainbow
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aquagirl125's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Holy shit...that's funny as hell!!! I work at CentraState Medical Center as a Diet Therapist..actually gotta go in tomorrow morning...starting my every other Sunday shift:mad: ...I start at 8:30 AM...maybe I'll see some of you guys there for afterhours:puke:!!! aquagirl PS- Had fun last nite Joe..thanx... Do you feel for me, what I feel for you? Now you're turnin' on this electricity Runnin' through my veins, pulse begins to rest Come on satisfy my curiousity Keep imagining, what it would be like Got the power to make this reality You're so close to me, almost taste your lips Flyin' high can't you feel this intensity?
  2. Hey guys !!! The energy last nite at Deko was magnetic...good vibe all around...Santana was on point..good synergy noted ...played some new sick harder stuff towards the end, as well as mixing in some of my favorite classics ( "That's The Way Love Is", "Rain") All I have to say is thank God for that extra hour !!! Had a great time with everybody...Happy Birthday to all who were celebrating NotAlllThere..thanx again for the CD...good mix of Trance, House and Hip Hop...my 3 loves...maybe I'll check out downstairs a little next week to change it up a bit...I can't wait for this weekend already...I hope I'll be getting plenty of treats Gonna be a long week at the hospital...but I love my job and all the people that I help there...and it makes the time go by fast ...I hope everyone else on here has a good week too Later... aquagirl PS- Who says Blondes have more fun I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. Im going to show the world. A world without rules and controls. A world without borders and boundries. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. Im going to tell you how this is going to begin. A world where anything is possible...anything is possible...anything is possible
  3. Whatever...I would like to see the Cubs in the series...but one thing remains true...one team is going to stand victorious at the end...and that team's name is The New York Yankees:bounce:
  4. I think #27 is a good gift idea... The birth ... The maturation ... The renaissance ... The legacy ... The wonder of it all ... to be continued ...
  5. The Cubbies:confused: http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/recap?gameId=231014116 fucking fans...fucking interference
  6. Those who want the fewest things are nearest to the gods. - Socrates We're travelling somewhere, could be anywhere Cuz the coldness in the air, but I don't care We drift deeper Life goes on We drift deeper Into sound. Travelling somewhere Could be anywhere There's a coldness in the air But I don't care. We drift deeper into the sound, Life goes on. We drift deeper into the sound, Feeling strong. So bring it on. So bring it on. We drift deeper into the sound, Life goes on We drift deeper into the sound, Life goes on. So bring it on. We drift deeper, Life goes on We drift deeper We drift deeper. [Repeat] Embrace me Surround me As the rush comes [x7]
  7. Sorry I posted that whole thing twice;) ... We're travelling somewhere, could be anywhere Cuz the coldness in the air, but I don't care We drift deeper Life goes on We drift deeper Into sound. Travelling somewhere Could be anywhere There's a coldness in the air But I don't care. We drift deeper into the sound, Life goes on. We drift deeper into the sound, Feeling strong. So bring it on. So bring it on. We drift deeper into the sound, Life goes on We drift deeper into the sound, Life goes on. So bring it on. We drift deeper, Life goes on We drift deeper We drift deeper. [Repeat] Embrace me Surround me As the rush comes [x7]
  8. Hey guys:) ... well, I've been reading this thread for some time now and it sickens me to feel the negative vibe off it...i don't know why some people on here go out of their way to criticize or put down a person,club, whatever... I couldn't make it out to Joey's on Sunday because I started my new job on Monday...it's a great opportunity for me and my future...I wanted to be on point for it...anyway I wish I could have made it out...everyone who did was lucky enuff to get a chance to go out and celebrate the Monday off...we all here should be thankful that we have each other and have places like Joey's to hang out at... I always have a great time there ( or anywhere ) because of one thing...attitude... If you show positivity and have a good aura about you, a good time will be mirrored back... it's amazing how you can feel things off of people... it takes a minute to be nice to someone...and believe me it will be returned back to you one way or another I know that there might have been hard feelings on some people's parts but that causes nothing but negativity and ill feelings towards your self, your situation, and your surroundings...I found this article...please take the time to at least skim over it...you may find yourself reevaluating what you see in the mirror after reading it... I just wanted to help out...lending advice is my "Satisfaction".... Oct. 10, 2003 -- The pain of hurt feelings is as real as the pain of physical injury, new brain studies show. The findings appear in the Oct. 10 issue of the journal Science. UCLA researcher Matthew D. Lieberman, PhD, used real-time brain scans to map brain activity in people feeling social distress. The findings: The areas of the brain that light up when a person feels physical pain also light up when a person's feelings are hurt. "We use physical metaphors to describe social pain like 'a broken heart' or 'hurt feelings,'" Lieberman says in a news release. "Now we see that there is a good reason for this." The Pain of Monkey-in-the-Middle Remarkably, the experiment by Lieberman and co-workers Naomi I. Eisenberger and Kipling D. Williams, PhD, didn't hurt the 13 student volunteers very much. Encased in an MRI brain-scanning machine, the students played a simple video game. They were one of three players tossing a virtual ball to one another. At first, the students had to watch as the other two players tossed the ball. Then their controls became active, and they played for awhile. But soon the two other players -- computerized stooges, really -- played only with each other. As the students realized they were being left out, it hurt. This made the area associated with pain light up. The more activity in a student's pain area, the more painful the student rated the experience. "We can say being excluded doesn't matter, but rejection of any form still appears to register automatically in the brain," Lieberman says. The Healing Power of Language But the pain area wasn't the only part of the brain to become active. Being left out also activated an area associated with language and the regulation of emotion. Students with more activity in this area reported less pain. "Verbalizing distress may partly shut down the areas of the brain that register distress," Lieberman says. "The regulating abilities of the prefrontal cortex may be why therapy and expressing painful feelings in poems and diaries is therapeutic." Humans Are Social Animals Why did the human brain evolve to feel emotional pain? In this we aren't alone. Social loss triggers distress signals in the brains of other animals whose survival depends on social bonds, notes an accompanying editorial by Jaak Panksepp, PhD. Panksepp is a researcher at Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio, and Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. "Psychological pain in humans, especially grief and intense loneliness, may share some of the same neural pathways that elaborate physical pain," Panksepp writes. The reason appears to be survival. Emotional pain hurts. We move closer to others to relieve the pain. Over millions of years, we've evolved this to a fine art. "These findings show how deeply rooted our need is for social connection," Eisenberger says in a news release. "There's something about exclusion from others that is perceived as being as harmful to our survival as something that can physically hurt us, and our body automatically knows this." Love Conquers Pain If all this is true -- and more study is needed -- it stands to reason that love might be an antidote. "Throughout history, poets have written about the pain of a broken heart. It seems that such poetic insights into the human condition are now supported by neurophysiological findings," Panksepp notes. "Will the opposite also prove to be the case -- that socially supportive and loving feelings reduce the sting of pain? A reasonable working hypothesis is that social feelings such as love are constructed from brain neural circuits that alleviate the feelings of social isolation."
  9. Hey guys:) ... well, I've been reading this thread for some time now and it sickens me to feel the negative vibe off it...i don't know why some people on here go out of their way to criticize or put down a person,club, whatever... I couldn't make it out to Joey's on Sunday because I started my new job on Monday...it's a great opportunity for me and my future...I wanted to be on point for it...anyway I wish I could have made it out...everyone who did was lucky enuff to get a chance to go out and celebrate the Monday off...we all here should be thankful that we have each other and have places like Joey's to hang out at... I always have a great time there ( or anywhere ) because of one thing...attitude... If you show positivity and have a good aura about you, a good time will be mirrored back... it's amazing how you can feel things off of people... it takes a minute to be nice to someone...and believe me it will be returned back to you one way or another I know that there might have been hard feelings on some people's parts but that causes nothing but negativity and ill feelings towards your self, your situation, and your surroundings...I found this article...please take the time to at least skim over it...you may find yourself reevaluating what you see in the mirror after reading it... I just wanted to help out...lending advice is my "Satisfaction".... Oct. 10, 2003 -- The pain of hurt feelings is as real as the pain of physical injury, new brain studies show. The findings appear in the Oct. 10 issue of the journal Science. UCLA researcher Matthew D. Lieberman, PhD, used real-time brain scans to map brain activity in people feeling social distress. The findings: The areas of the brain that light up when a person feels physical pain also light up when a person's feelings are hurt. "We use physical metaphors to describe social pain like 'a broken heart' or 'hurt feelings,'" Lieberman says in a news release. "Now we see that there is a good reason for this." The Pain of Monkey-in-the-Middle Remarkably, the experiment by Lieberman and co-workers Naomi I. Eisenberger and Kipling D. Williams, PhD, didn't hurt the 13 student volunteers very much. Encased in an MRI brain-scanning machine, the students played a simple video game. They were one of three players tossing a virtual ball to one another. At first, the students had to watch as the other two players tossed the ball. Then their controls became active, and they played for awhile. But soon the two other players -- computerized stooges, really -- played only with each other. As the students realized they were being left out, it hurt. This made the area associated with pain light up. The more activity in a student's pain area, the more painful the student rated the experience. "We can say being excluded doesn't matter, but rejection of any form still appears to register automatically in the brain," Lieberman says. The Healing Power of Language But the pain area wasn't the only part of the brain to become active. Being left out also activated an area associated with language and the regulation of emotion. Students with more activity in this area reported less pain. "Verbalizing distress may partly shut down the areas of the brain that register distress," Lieberman says. "The regulating abilities of the prefrontal cortex may be why therapy and expressing painful feelings in poems and diaries is therapeutic." Humans Are Social Animals Why did the human brain evolve to feel emotional pain? In this we aren't alone. Social loss triggers distress signals in the brains of other animals whose survival depends on social bonds, notes an accompanying editorial by Jaak Panksepp, PhD. Panksepp is a researcher at Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio, and Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. "Psychological pain in humans, especially grief and intense loneliness, may share some of the same neural pathways that elaborate physical pain," Panksepp writes. The reason appears to be survival. Emotional pain hurts. We move closer to others to relieve the pain. Over millions of years, we've evolved this to a fine art. "These findings show how deeply rooted our need is for social connection," Eisenberger says in a news release. "There's something about exclusion from others that is perceived as being as harmful to our survival as something that can physically hurt us, and our body automatically knows this." Love Conquers Pain If all this is true -- and more study is needed -- it stands to reason that love might be an antidote. "Throughout history, poets have written about the pain of a broken heart. It seems that such poetic insights into the human condition are now supported by neurophysiological findings," Panksepp notes. "Will the opposite also prove to be the case -- that socially supportive and loving feelings reduce the sting of pain? A reasonable working hypothesis is that social feelings such as love are constructed from brain neural circuits that alleviate the feelings of social isolation."
  10. can't do shit:( ...start my new position on Monday...no way can I take off or come in hungover...no Columbus Day festivities for me...I will be taking full advantage on Friday and Saturday however;)
  11. Gonna go as Esmerelda....it will go with this years theme at Factory...
  12. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/playoffs2003/news/story?id=1632209
  13. Red Sox Damian Jackson and Johnny Damon lay on the field for minutes after the big bang..... ....dumb assess...Go Yankees:bounce:
  14. I dunno, got it from my sign being an Aquarius...I truly fit the mold...and I also like to get wet;) Especially this Sunday @ Tempts:bounce:
  15. Tizzah...get ready to dirty up those new kicks you got...this weekend is gonna get ugly;)
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