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Posts posted by omgishmichelle

  1. Originally posted by bkissa

    So I couldn't afford the manolo's at the moment, but I bought the bootleg variety for only $125. The only difference I see is the color of the heel. I love them!

    Hey I gotta admit those are nice but type pricy. Get tha "bootleg" ones if u may have 2 . But how tha f*ck do chicz walk in those shietz? I dink tha steve madden ones look kinda fake but hey whatever floats yer boat rah?


  2. Originally posted by jimk29

    Where is the best place in the city to have it done? Anyone know?

    Japanese hair str8tening is so friggin expensive. I had it done. But at tiz korean salon lols. I dink ish all tha same as of tha results but go 2 a place where they'll charge u RIGHT. It also depends how long & thick ur hair is. Lemme know how it goes.. haha :laugh2:

  3. Originally posted by Mystify22

    I love stilettos and low rise jeans...but I'm sick of the hats, especially the school boy ones....every girl has one on :blank:

    Yea tha "poor boi hat" is a lil out now. But i still see so many chickz wearin' them. Itz tha same type of clothing.. juss show skin skin shin lols << tatz tha main goal :D

  4. And no more smoking in clubs/bars but f*ck ppl do tat sh*t ne way haha :devil: so screw tat stupid law..Ya'll remember tat sh*t? Old news but they keep continuing to open these "illegal substance-used clubs". I pity tha dude tat has 2 pay tha fines. :nono:

    Every club has ppl using drugs. Whats tha whole point of making a scene & closing it down? Last time I went to Exit... They took my medication (it was individually wrapped too) & confiscated it from me & told me 2 pick it up when I leave. Such stupidity. Clubs are getting stricter wif tha searches. Which means More groping & ass-touching & tit grabbing. :grin3:

  5. Hope all ya'll have fun at PVD.. boohoo I wanna go now...! Dag ish gunna be PACKEd as hell. Remember last time? Yo i got there & tha line was super f*ckin long & i still managed 2 stay in tha long ass line in tha cold for his ass. Didnt hav advanced tix eitha hahahah~ It was a f*cked up night... so yu ppl enjoy :rock:

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