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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Posts posted by buckman

  1. jesus people cant we all just get along..lets all go out and have some fun do whatever it is that you do to have fun...cant we just be like a bunch of fonz's.

    im glad to see my humor has finally come through on this board

    lets have some beers and laugh about this whole thing cant we people.im sure u all are very nice people.so could we please stop all this bantering and just come together and enjoy some great music.

  2. Originally posted by stymie

    fuby, am i retarded or is it you? i just dont ever understand any of your posts or the points u r trying to get across.

    come see me tonight at sq1 ill explain it all to ya..better yet why dont all of u come out tonight..u know what i look like so it shouldnt be to hard to find me..ill even make it easy for ya ill wear a bullseye on my back.

  3. sorry there puddy ol boy thats not me u may wanna check the ip address

    im never leaving bro im gonna be a leech..just when u think im gone im gonna come back

    plur cmon now puddy cat got your tongue that all u can come up with.

    kinda hurts when u gets it thrown back at huh puddy..im sure your busy trying to come up with a response..now u gotta do damage control..im sure your probably messaging all your buddies cause u dont know what to do about your sorry existance..u need all the help u can get

  4. Originally posted by ustinklikefart

    Hey there! another newbie!! but i have a different kind of post...i came to this site hoping to find some decent peeps to chat with, other than the dicks at CV, and this is what is see...my assessment of u all is as follows-

    xlr8ed - no coment, u were equally + and - throughout

    ras67 and jtk4 - u 2 r cool, you tried to be decent, and i saw that u didnt stick around like the rest of these,well, we'll discuss that soon...

    unclefester - "find me where I belong, on the substance and abuse (heavy on the abuse) board "...at least u admit u have a problem, thats the first step, congrats!

    flavanugz - follower, one good post about ARC, the a-d reasons, but if ur really from franklin NH...i'm sorry, truely:blank:

    stymie- too much phuk-off tym...how long did that pic take anyway?

    groovefire - ur the man, oh wait, or r u the woman, u are in RI...hey, thought u were gonna be decent in the beginning, then you drop that "hanker for a hunk of cheese" line....


    kaydup - PUD! ya, ur name backwards, fratboy wanna be, must have gotten rejected when u pledged, were you on that high horse? oh wait, nope thats u IN it! ya know thats illegal in the US?

    nyis4meatheads - u and prplhz, gettin it on huh? ur all up defendin her sh!t, kiss @ss. u also have 2much tym, that pic had to have taken longer than stymie's. ur 1 to talk about juvenile; clique? wasnt that cool in HS? oh, i'm sorry were u the kid in the neighborhood no1 liked? that explains EVERYTHING!!

    BEST 4 LAST!!

    prplhz - altho you r summed up in one word, i cant refrain: its MOTTO not MAUDO(which isnt even a word BTW), "I don't read the Avalon board nor do I care too because of all the stupid posts, I would be reading shit all day long." and this board isnt? how do you know that if u've never read it? taking some1's word for it? thats a way to live life!! "not everyone goes to NYC and does pills to have a good time. People do pills because they want to enjoy the feelings and effects of the drug, and be able to enjoy this effect with their friends." ok, read that again...dont do pills to have a good time but to enjoy the feelings?? isnt that the same thing?? i'm sure u'll correct me if im wrong, be like fester, admit the problem, the more defensive the more ur rejecting the true problem!! "we don't want any new friends" u better have a talk with PUD up there, he said u like new people "So stay on your other boards and leave the cool people here, thank you!" if this is cool people, i'm glad i left u behind in school, with the "cliques"

    oh yeah, and that word 4 u... B!TCH!!!

    Can we say insecure? all of u? cuz that what u r when u need to down others, cant even stop for one second and be civil!! its a freakin message board!! 1st impressions? i'd hate to know ur 1st impressions in real life are this memorable. so u all go clubbin together an that makes u all better than the rest of the world, well when one gets in deep sh!t lets see how many come runnin to help out. clique "an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose" so if its not that "common purpose" willing to bet u wont be stickin together.

    fubar, give up, these people obviously need help if they feel the need to harp on one person over and over than to just shut the fu@k up and go to another post

    There, i think i have said enuff here to count for about 35 posts? i guess thats how you get "cool" he who has the most posts? hmmm, so if you have 1000s of posts here&1000s of posts 2or3 other sites ur cool? honestly, youd have to be a loser to be online that much.

    HAVE A NICE DAY!!! AND A SH!TTY WEEKEND TOO!!! u all deserve it!! hence the name...ustinklikefart...all of u

    amen to that...you are my hero

    ***stand up and cheers***

  5. Originally posted by kaydup

    No we like new people, a lot actually.

    I just think no one likes you.

    i just love how people have opinions about me and yet they dont even know me..as far as the one kid saying i was annoying..we've only met once..other then that its just postings on messageboards.

  6. It's funny how a message board can be such a crock of shit. Isn't it true that message boards are to bring people together for a common reason? Whether that be for clubbing, partying, doing drugs, or whatever.. but I don't think they were intended to be used for a way to gain social status. When someone says something that's not accepted, just say so, don't tear into them. Also, if you 'mega-posters' think that posting a billion posts on a board is going to help you, along with bad-mouthing everyone and excluding new people because they don't quite get it yet, then good for you. I don't think any n00b would even want to belong to a crowd like this. Rot in your own shit, people. If it makes you feel better to be in a clique, then be that way, just don't be a dick about it. Or, better yet.. put up a sign that says: "We don't want you. We're cooler than you and will always be that way." It will save the rest of us a lot of our precious time. Thank you, and have a grand evening.

    BUCKMAN has left the room (CHEERS EVERYONE)!

  7. Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

    One of the funniest dialogues I've ever heard went like this:

    Setting: Puffy's Bar, New York City, the night we went down to see Lawler. We're around pounding Red Bull & Vodka's at an alarming rate. Also at the table, Too Cool Chris, Dreamgirlie and Fubar.

    Fubar: "So, ARC stays open all night long and they don't serve alcohol. How do you guys plan on staying up and partying the whole time" (paraphrased)

    Flavanugz: (sternly and shortly) "Drugs"

    End of conversation.

    That night Fubar sat in the middle of the dance floor with a puss on his face and his arms folded 90% of the time. Then he posted about how it was one of the funnest nights out he's had. :confused:

    How did this board jump the shark so quickly? It happened in the matter of 2 weeks :(

    im glad to see you were soo concerened about me that night

  8. your right it was gay..but some of the flack ive been taking ever since i came on this board today ive been a bit leery..so i dont even know whosea jokngand who isnt ..for all i know the people that responded to my thread.could be joking..i guess being new on this board and not really knowing anyone come back to haunt you.the only person i do know on this board believe it or not is teamj5.

  9. wow i feel the love on the board.u know what the funny thing is i bet u all know exactly who i am heck we've even parobably thrown back a few beers together.i say something on here about people taking pills on this board and u get all shook up..and offened some of u..ohh who cares u got 3,000 posts whoop dee doo dah and your part of some king shit clique that enjoys the same kind of music that i do..just so happens i just got on this board today.does it reall matter what i said on the avalon board thats neither here nor there..that board was ruined well before i got there..i just find it funny that you concerened with little ole me..i guess i just made your work day go bye even faster..knowing that u were gonna read what i wrote and get all fired up over it..and for what nothing.oh in case u were wondering who i was..i sometimes wore the t-shirt hip hop is dead..i know go ahead say that u saw me wearing that out for a week straight.well u know what everyone wanted me to wear it again after the first time so that they could recognize me..so i did it to help them out..go ahead say what u want i really dont care..if i offended anyone on this board about the whole pill poping thing im sorry.and u know what your right i am a tool thanks again for the kind words..oh and sorry my posts arent funny or witty..i guess i should come up with more funnier quotes..then again i dont see u knocking them dead at the comedy connection.

  10. i dont understand what the fuss is all about i mean everyone on this board was a newbie at one point..correct me if im wrong groovefire which im sure you will..arent u a newbie on a certain boston messageboard as well.

  11. ok ok ok can we please go back to the part when everyone was bustin on me for being a newbie...yes i went down to arc and yes i was sober. im sure there was others there that were as well.my intention wasnt to step on anyones toes and if i did i apologize..everyone have a good humpday and have fun only a couple more days till the weekend and sq1 is almost here.

  12. ok maybe i shpuld reword that and no say everyone..maybe just a select group of peopl that go down to arc. hows that..does that make ya feel all warm and fuzzy inside.jesus next time i post i should just name names that way everyone else wont take offense to my posts would that be a better approach..jesus im beginng to think that it was a bad idea joining this board.

  13. wow thank u for the nice compliment...so what i guess your waaay cooler then i am....i bet that looks real good in your little clubbing clicks..im sure u must really impress them with your war stories on how youve gone down to ny and been completly sober.i bet u get alot of hi-5's each time u tell that story huh.

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