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Everything posted by ustinklikefart

  1. its cuz i didnt have any broccoili lately that you didnt smell me
  2. thnx g, but i have plenty;)
  3. oh sorry, u must be waiting to start the party.... gone cya lata ba-byes!
  4. :rofl::rofl: its not me.....it Ustink
  5. and i was so nice to you in my little tantrum ok, i'm new, i suck...oh well, thats a good thing i some situations...was that out loud? oops... groovefire...so like as in gay, like, umm, do ya mean, like, we shouldn't, like ya know, say like umm alot? :hat: good enuff? yeah, dont like Lizzy M either, annoying little brat!! k, for really, i'll leave now...time for the party to begin!! :laugh:
  6. funny thing is ya gotta notice this thread has the most views today, lol...
  7. kaydup...sorry got sidetracked lol... groovefire....lol about buckman...dont know him, been a really sh!tty week, month...and came to this board, he started out nice but people just kept raggin on him<and hes still tryin to be civil>, and innocent bystanders got caught in my wrath,lol...i went to CV and people were dicks on there to one of my friends, callin her fat and sh!t, wasnt too impressed...jus BS with the whole bbs garbage and today was my day to vent!! and the worms may crawl...if i'm called a name and i deserve it, i'll admit it. i'm really not a meanie, if any1 read a post on another board from me they'd never believe it was the same person...can't even blame PMS!!LOL oh well.... to all, a good night at sq1...i'll get there someday, then you can all beat the sh!t outta me, deal? ciao
  8. nyis and prplhz - for one it wasnt directed at prplhz, and for two...SARCASM...for all i know u2 dont even live in the same state!! and last but not least, i found a better meaning for B!TCH... Becuz I'm Totally Cool Here i am meaning this in a fully lite-hearted way, please take no more offense:( i am a b!tch, but not in the above meaning, and i do admit to the "other" meaning...not female dog, but thats fine if you wanna use that too unclefester - good to see you are just ball busting...sometimes you really cant tell, why would i think you were serious anyway, you were an example for me...and about nh, glad to see you got out alive!! fartgirl, lol,cute:D
  9. cuz i know i dont go on other boards saying im a promoter thnx xlr8ed i was being so damn analytical becuz everyone that i put in my post was being the same way....personally i hate it, i hate going to a board and wondering "do i have any typos??" "did i spell that wrong??" thats why i did it. its bad enuff when you meet ppl face to face, ya gotta watch what you do and say, but to have to do it on a message board has gone way overboard. so i was being drastically sarcastic.
  10. no stymie its not.... and prplhz...i would but i have to work, i havent been able to get to sq1 yet:( and i am very sure you dont know me, if i am ever able to go, you'll be the 1st to know
  11. sincerely, great job, no BS, i mean that. I do my best, and it is my job!!
  12. thats it, u do not know the difference....i am not buckman....sorry, now i see ur confusion, someone else referred to him as fubar within this board, i guess thats the name i went by....sorry, i know things must be hard for you to understand without pictures.... oh and the ehhh, thats goes along with me punching my forehead cuz ur a friggin RETARD!!!!
  13. nope sorry, not him, i am a girl...let me check...yep i got tits and a kitty down below...you do know the difference between boys and girls right? oh and one more thing for you-- ehhhh
  14. Hey there! another newbie!! but i have a different kind of post...i came to this site hoping to find some decent peeps to chat with, other than the dicks at CV, and this is what is see...my assessment of u all is as follows- xlr8ed - no coment, u were equally + and - throughout ras67 and jtk4 - u 2 r cool, you tried to be decent, and i saw that u didnt stick around like the rest of these,well, we'll discuss that soon... unclefester - "find me where I belong, on the substance and abuse (heavy on the abuse) board "...at least u admit u have a problem, thats the first step, congrats! flavanugz - follower, one good post about ARC, the a-d reasons, but if ur really from franklin NH...i'm sorry, truely:blank: stymie- too much phuk-off tym...how long did that pic take anyway? groovefire - ur the man, oh wait, or r u the woman, u are in RI...hey, thought u were gonna be decent in the beginning, then you drop that "hanker for a hunk of cheese" line.... NOW THE GOOD STUFF kaydup - PUD! ya, ur name backwards, fratboy wanna be, must have gotten rejected when u pledged, were you on that high horse? oh wait, nope thats u IN it! ya know thats illegal in the US? nyis4meatheads - u and prplhz, gettin it on huh? ur all up defendin her sh!t, kiss @ss. u also have 2much tym, that pic had to have taken longer than stymie's. ur 1 to talk about juvenile; clique? wasnt that cool in HS? oh, i'm sorry were u the kid in the neighborhood no1 liked? that explains EVERYTHING!! BEST 4 LAST!! prplhz - altho you r summed up in one word, i cant refrain: its MOTTO not MAUDO(which isnt even a word BTW), "I don't read the Avalon board nor do I care too because of all the stupid posts, I would be reading shit all day long." and this board isnt? how do you know that if u've never read it? taking some1's word for it? thats a way to live life!! "not everyone goes to NYC and does pills to have a good time. People do pills because they want to enjoy the feelings and effects of the drug, and be able to enjoy this effect with their friends." ok, read that again...dont do pills to have a good time but to enjoy the feelings?? isnt that the same thing?? i'm sure u'll correct me if im wrong, be like fester, admit the problem, the more defensive the more ur rejecting the true problem!! "we don't want any new friends" u better have a talk with PUD up there, he said u like new people "So stay on your other boards and leave the cool people here, thank you!" if this is cool people, i'm glad i left u behind in school, with the "cliques" oh yeah, and that word 4 u... B!TCH!!! Can we say insecure? all of u? cuz that what u r when u need to down others, cant even stop for one second and be civil!! its a freakin message board!! 1st impressions? i'd hate to know ur 1st impressions in real life are this memorable. so u all go clubbin together an that makes u all better than the rest of the world, well when one gets in deep sh!t lets see how many come runnin to help out. clique "an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose" so if its not that "common purpose" willing to bet u wont be stickin together. fubar, give up, these people obviously need help if they feel the need to harp on one person over and over than to just shut the fu@k up and go to another post There, i think i have said enuff here to count for about 35 posts? i guess thats how you get "cool" he who has the most posts? hmmm, so if you have 1000s of posts here&1000s of posts 2or3 other sites ur cool? honestly, youd have to be a loser to be online that much. HAVE A NICE DAY!!! AND A SH!TTY WEEKEND TOO!!! u all deserve it!! hence the name...ustinklikefart...all of u
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