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Posts posted by jjkitten

  1. subtle pink is cool on guys. like a pink tie or pink undershirt or some pink stripes but a full on pink sweater or dark pink shirt doesn't look good on guys in my opinion. i hate when i see these wannabe thugs wearing those long pink shirts/pink bandanas/pink shoelaces ... that is the worst! please don't do that anyone

  2. i can see it making the headlines, but in no way is that story more serious than what had happened in Russia :blank:

    I don't know if your implying that I said that Clinton's surgery is more important than what happened in Russia but if you are then you're mistaken.

    And this is America since when does our media give a shit what's happening in other countries? Never. It takes up about all of 10 seconds on our news programs. No matter what major tragedy is happening overseas it doesn't seem to make headlines here. But when shit happens here like 9/11 we like to think that the whole world gives a damn.

  3. i drove yesterday and it was the quickest ride with the least traffic ive ever had... it was like that scene from vanilla sky where the city is empty... took me 20 mins to get from nj to queens...

    Thats amazing.

    Yeah the city has been a sort of ghost town compared to a regular city day this past week. That convention drove everyone away. There must be so many businesses that are losing so much money. Why New York? Damn Republicans.

  4. I like ALOT of milk in my cereal but I like the mixture of crunchy when I first start eating it then to soggy. And I have to drink the milk that's left over in the bowl. It's good both ways. And big ups to Cocoa Pebbles WOOT WOOT hehe they are the best!

  5. I would never want to read anyones minds. What good could it possibly bring you plus its such an invasion of privacy. My thoughts are my own. Don't want anyone knowing whats going on my head. Half the time i dont even know the meaning of my own thoughts how could anyone else. Anyway just needed to vent on that whole superpower cause i never understood it lol

  6. The ablility to teleport myself anywhere @ anytime. I'd be in Hawaii, The Bahamas and any tropical island during all my lunchbreaks. And I would be able to see everything this world has to offer.

  7. As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let us down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once, and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend & you might even fall in love with them. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing so fast, and you'll eventually lose somebody you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every 60 seconds you spend angry or upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.

    Lina you almost made me cry :boohoo: I like that alot very wise.

    And Marcid your quote was hilarious

  8. So my girlfriend and I have been having all sorts of stress in our lives, and we decided to take a little bit of "time off" to have some time apart and figure things out. I'm sure we are going to get back together very soon.

    However, when we took time off, part of the agreement was that we are allowed to see other people. What do you think? Should I have one more thrill, or should I be good? I know I want to be with this girl, she's definitely the one, but while we're taking time off, should I try to hook up one last time? It IS my last chance, although I might feel really guilty

    Advice, please!!!!!!!!

    My boyfriend of 4 years just said the same thing to me yesterday .. that he wants a break im not sure if he wanted to split up entirely or if he wants to get back together. I guess just try to make everything understood and the terms agreed upon. And like everyone else said if you do go out wit someone else ure girl is not going to want to know no matter what and no matter how much she asks!

  9. i see him with jen in the car all the time here. i have never seen him face to face though. i heard he is only like 5'5.

    my answer is NO. i wouldnt do that unless i wanted to end my current relationship.

    if it was a female celeb, definitely.

    SO JEALOUS!! I wish I got to see him anywhere anytime he's so YUM

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