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Everything posted by club75

  1. Congrats!! Way to stay positive and get through this!!
  2. Happy Birthday sweetheart - u r the best - see you soon!!!
  3. Blaiser - see you this weekend?? Sent you the e-vite hope you can make it by!!
  4. Sorry - should have finished what i was saying - been waiting for her to call me back (twice now...)!!
  5. That's funny - you trying to get a phone call from someone!!!
  6. It couldn't have ended any better - thank you!!
  7. Simply amazing Denny. Walked in at 9:45 and left after dancing w/Ceeotter (btw - you are the best!!) on top of her bar to "This is The Police - Put Your Hands Up". All I have to say is that I've never, ever, had a more amazing night in a club - the people, the energy, the drinks, and most of all, the music - unbelievable. I had at least 8 people with me you had never been to a Tempts closing party and all of them were very upset with the fact that they had missed them before. We will be very lucky to see you as a "guest" if ever again at Tempts!! Club75
  8. Lori - I have one thing to say - "Stay Golden Ceeotter, Stay Golden..." (oh you better believe that the last dance at Tempts is ours!!) JAR - keep on, well, "keep on keepin' on"!!!! Hype - 2 songs that we can watch you dance to "Photograph" and "The Hype" HobokenMatt - please come out to play!!! Kristimgl - hopefully i am lucky enough to finally meet you and your friends!! Denny - thanks for making the last 7-years of my life that much more enjoyable Manny Da Greek - the "proper" lyrics to "Pump it Up" - hahaha!! Manny The Greek - I better see you Sunday night malaka!!!! Thank you all!!!
  9. Yeah, but it is the biggest song this summer, everywhere. Again, he will play songs after this, that's where it will get interesting!!
  10. The song of the summer will be, without question, "All This Time" - he'll play that when the lights go on - what he'll actually finish with is a whole different story. There are many, many, ways Denny can go there - should be interesting - but I know one thing: we'll be wet!!
  11. My friend was a first-timer last month. I was just on the phone with her and following is the conversation we had: me: Ready for Tempts closing party? her: Yeah, I can't wait, already got my outfit picked out!! me: Comforatable clothes and sneakers, right?? her: Yeah, i figured sneakers!! me: You wearing a white top?? her: Yeah, why, is that bad?? me: Not at all honey, not at all!!! her: Why?? me: As you've been told - you will be in for the single craziest night of the summer, er, your life this sunday - trust me when I say "dress comforatable" her: And wear a white top?? me: ABSOLUTELY!!!
  12. OK, I don't know if I would actually attempt to "rip" anything off the walls, however, maybe the juiceheads can make up for the ridiculous amounts of girls that have become unbelievable RUDE this year (please don't take personally). I have never, ever, in my many years (more than most on this board) in clubs, bars, etc...experienced so much rudeness by chicks. Maybe it's the fact that there is more drinking and less, uhm, other "stuff" going on but it's out of hand. I have actually caught myself bitching out chicks this summer for being so damn rude. Anyway, sorry about that, can't wait for the weekend!!!
  13. We are going to "tear the ass" out of Tempts on Sunday. I want the painting/artwork behind your bar as a souvenier!!!
  14. Saturday the 18th (however, the last couple of years Frank has opened on Sunday as well...).
  15. The place is going to get trashed. Richie will have his garbarge-bag raincoat on by 2:00 if not sooner...Ceeotter will be throwing down shots like never before... I want the painting/whatever next to Ceeotter's bar as a souvenier!!!
  16. I can think of 1 person you didn't call. Too bad - your loss!!
  17. Please come to class on Friday between 8-10:00 pm to learn the latest varieties of pumps from the "fist-pump nation". Donations will be accepted in the form of Chilled Kettel shots (you must learn lyrics on your own)!!! Thank you.
  18. * '98, '99 Big Friday's at Roxy on, well, Friday * Saturdays we'd do Bunka (on the railing in between Mike Philipps bar and Ivan's - i think) to Exit (left of the stage, 2nd level) to SF 3rd level - wow!!! * D'Jais friday nights in the summer * Tempts whenever I go and Ceeotter is pouring my drinks!!!
  19. OK...not sure if I can top this one.... bASS MASTERson!!!
  20. If I recall it goes something like this: Don't you know, BUMP IT UP, you got it, BUMP IT UP!!! Those words just keep repeating in my head!!!
  21. Oops - I almost forgot - those gay Irish cousins...Phil McCrackin and Phillup Mycrack.
  22. N. Deep Buster Hyman Plenty O'Toole (named after her father's, uhm, hammer??...actually stole this from a classic Sean Connery as James Bond line in "Diamonds Are Forever")
  23. Sooooo sorry - I will have to (one day) make it up to you!! FU to the fucking Al Queda for getting me stuck in the security lines at LAX (yes, I know it's worth it...) and keeping me from switching to an emergency aisle seat so that I could stretch out and be comfortable... FU to the 2 little rugrats sitting behind me kicking my seat from the moment we boarded until 45-minutes into the flight (about 1:15 total)... FU to the mother of these rugrats who had the fucking balls to give me an attitude when I (granted somewhat rudely) finally turned around to ask her to do something about it... FU to the people who decided to have "Kid's Camp Day" at Dodger Stadium on my 1st ever visit there, putting thousands of 8-12-year olds in the BLEACHERS of all places when all I wanted to do was sunbathe, eat "DodgerDogs", check out hotties (btw - the only difference, in actual "attractiveness", between LA girls and Jersey/NY girls is that there is more of them), and watch some baseball... and a big Freakin'FU to mother nature for bringing me back to the crap!!!
  24. Hey there!! U off today?? Got back from Cali this morning and ready to rage!!!!
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