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Everything posted by 530west28

  1. Yes there is. Please check the website which is the clubs name+ .com
  2. Crobar NYC OPEN 24 HOURS Forbidden Pleasures Of The Not So Innocent BURLESQUE Starring the World Famous "BOB" and more famous Burlesque legends New Year's Eve December 31st 2003 General Admission $100 with Open Bar from 8.30 till Midnight Main Room Table $150 per person which includes 1 bottle of Liquor/1 Bottle of Champagne (4 to 6 people) Mezzanine Table $175 per person which includes 1 bottle of liquor/1 bottle of Champagne (4 to 6 people) Prop Room Table $200 per person which includes 1 bottle of premium liquor/1 bottle of premium Champagne (4 to 6 people) LATE NIGHT After Midnight After Hours General Admission $50 Table service becomes menu pricing after first seated customers leave Ticket Sales from December 14th to December 25th After December 25th prices increase to General admission $125 Main room table $175 Mezzanine table $200 Prop Room table $225 After December 25th After Hours general admission will increase to $60 Music Orchestrated By David Waxman late Night afterhours in the Main Room with Victor Calderone Prop Room and Reed Room DJ's and After Hours info to be posted shortly.
  3. Sorry to correct you but we did have all the tables reserved on Thursday for invited guests of the owners and investors. One of the invitees who specifically requested to reserve a table were the owners and guests of clubplanet. The people who were standing outside with a ticket in their hand were not allowed entry due to the Police shutting down the door. They were concerned that with so many people on the street, there was a public safety issue. You obviously have some major beef with Crobar and that's Ok. If you hate it so much why not just move on, instead of constantly attacking! Crobar is not going to be for everyone and thats OK too. Nice to have choices of places to go.
  4. So that means all the other many posts that advertise events are also in the wrong place huh?
  5. Our events line up has been moved to the Promotions page. Thanks Club Planet. We hope you enjoyed the VIP table we gave you on Thursday night for your directiors.
  6. More questions please. Will try and help as much as I can.
  7. Well the club is called Crobar so what could the website address be?? Hmmm I wonder!!
  8. Pics will be up on our website later this week. If you want to check it out our website is almost up and running. The address is the obvious one.
  9. Thats actually 3 but whose counting A#1 No. This weekend was different because we had some private events that had their lists of invited guests. We will not normally operate guest lists although the staff may be allowed to invite some guests A#2 NO A#3 I always thought that if you make an effort to look good and you treat the doorman with respect, then you dont have a problem. Doesn't always work though. Also the club is trying to keep a balance of the sexes so I dont suggest you show up with a big group of guys.
  10. OK before we all get excited and opinionated about the past weekend at Crobar let me fill you all in on a few facts. Firstly on behalf of all the staff and management we would like to thank you for the weekend opening of Crobar. We know that with such an amazing turnout, there were problems at the door and let me explain some of what happened. At 11.30pm on Thursday night (Private opening night) the turnout on the street was far beyond what we had expected. Numbers in the club had reached full capacity as well as a further 1000 plus people trying to get in outside. The Police arrived on mass and immediately closed off 28 street at 10th and 11th Avenue. At that time we were at capacity and were told by them not to allow any further entrances. Because of this some people who had tickets simply had to wait until we were allowed to reopen the door. Now some of you also had issues with our door people and some of your comments may or may not be valid. I would like to know (constructively please) what the issues were and we will try and address them. Please understand however that this was our opening weekend and was our first couple of events at a brand new space. As time goes by and things settle down we hope to have the kinks ironed out. In regards to Friday Nights event (Electronic Music Festival). This event was actually scheduled for another weeknight date but at the last minute had to be changed to the Friday night of opening weekend. This type of special event would not normally be a part of the weekend schedule. Our musical program is still under review except for Saturday Night which will be alternating between David Waxman and Victor Calderone. The reviews are many and varied but in general the issues of concern are things that can be improved upon in time. The positive comments are many and we are so pleased that you liked it. OK I obviously didn't "Blow" Muzikchicks "Mind" but in general people had a lot of fun. I hope that if you did attend the club, you felt comfortable and at home at Crobar. We hope that in the coming weeks you all get something positive from the experience. Thank you again.
  11. I know the expectations are high and we have a very opinionated audience. NYC nightlife has definitely been stale for a while now and while we would never try and make the claim that Crobar is about to change all that, we are saying that the club, it's concept, design and style is very refreshing. Before leaving the building last night and seeing more than 300 people working frantically to prepare for the opening, I couldn't help wonder what it's gonna be like full of clubbers. I think if you at least give it a chance you may be pleasantly surprised by the whole picture. I still want to try and answer any questions you may have so feel free to ask what you like. If you are at the club this coming weekend. Look out for a guy wearing a shirt saying "530West28" That'll be me, so come and say hi?
  12. Well I make that statement based on EVERYONE's reaction when entering the room. Maybe I am being bold, but I don't think so. I am interested however to hear the comments next week after the opening.
  13. Sorry folks for the long delay in replying. Been a hectic 24 hours. Anyway this post brings up a good subject that I would like to address. Our belief regarding the poor state on NY Nightlife had a lot to do with the fact that everything was based around the "DJ" The idea of going to a place regardless of who was playing has long gone. Unfortunately DJ's have become the focal point of the venue and all the design, style, art, production has fallen by the wayside. From the very beginning, Cal and Kenny stressed that Crobar was going to bring it back to the Complete production and not just the "DJ" Anyone in this business will tell you that for the last 10-15 years this has been Promoter led City. No club can rely on any kind of crowd without a promoter. Well the difference now is that the clubbing community has now evolved into a high expectation audience and a DJ alone is NOT whats it's all about anymore. Thats not to sat the DJ is not important, but that he/She should just be one element of a complete production. Never in my years in this business have I seen so much thought go into a club's design. I feel safe in saying that the 3 rooms you will see this weekend WILL BLOW YOUR MIND. But essentially what I'm saying is that from the moment you walk into a club you should be enjoying a complete experience which includes sound, light, art, style, showmanship, etc etc. Crobar New York will NOT be just about a big name DJ and a lound sound system. You will experience a complete production from the Media wall at the front door right through all the rooms till you reach the main room. What you will see this weekend is several forms of ART installations from the moment you walk up the stairs. Art by Peter "Fuckin" Tunney Futura 2000 Grafitti by BLADE Making your way to the coatcheck area you will also see the CROBAR GEAR STORE. We have made some limited and quite edgy items for sale (Tee shirts, hoodies, hats, thermal shirts). In the coming weeks we shall expand our line to include music CD's and accesories. From there you will walk down the stairs and see to your right the REED ROOM. You will quickly see why it's called the REED ROOM. The lighting and fixtures in the REED room will be visually very pleasing and very different. At the bottom of the stairs, the REED and MAIN Rooms are seperated by a state of the art "White Noise Tunnel" This consists of a tubular tunnel that gives off a hissing type noise that seperates the sound from both rooms without the need for doors. The tunnel also has lights below it to give off a beautiful Blue and White glow as you pass through. The tunnel then leads you to the main room. I cannot begin to tell you how many times I have walked people through the tunnel, all to get the same vocal reaction...WOW! I am not even going to try and describe the main room because you have to see it to believe it but I guarantee you will be amazed. All I will say is that the room is 100 foot by 100 foot square with 65 foot high ceilings and a wrap around mezzanine. Up the mezzanine stairs leading from the main room is the PROP ROOM. This is a beautiful oval shaped room colored in copper, brass and wood. This is a split level room featuring an amazing glass fronted window overlooking the main room that at a flick of a button can be frosted to add more privacy if needed. All 3 rooms have independant Phazon sound systems and all have their own bathrooms and exits. Once again I would add that while you may think our line up may not impress you. Please know that we are not trying to get you in the door by the usual Big name DJ alone, but by the complete production of CROBAR NEW YORK. We hope you will enjoy the experience of everything Crobar has to offer.
  14. But put us down and criticize is exactly what you HAVE done Joe. If you want to know what our strategies are, then why not just ASK US without the negative comments? You made several posts saying how bad we were doing things, Then you PM me to ask me to pass on messages to 2 directors of the club requesting to get on the guest list for Thursday Night??? Your approach seems a little ODD! Nobody is saying we have done things perfectly from the get go nor are we going to make more mistakes as we go along, but if you only knew what has gone into the opening of this venue you might have a different opinion. I have seen this thing grow from the ground up (literally). 2 years ago I walked into a huge and very empty manufacturing warehouse with NOTHING in it but my collegue sitting on a pile of cold concrete steps shivering. He said to me "This is going to be the new Crobar" to which I responded "Yeah Right" To be honest I didn't believe him. I thought there is no way this is going to get through all the RED TAPE of licenses, community boards, the Mayor's office, the economy etc etc. Just yesterday I stood on the balcony of the main room in total AWE! of what has been achieved and it's nothing short of a miracle. You can knock it all you like but to those involved, we know what a MAMMOTH achievement this has been This week is the end of a long and hard journey and the beginning of a new one. I can only say that before you shoot it down so quickly, give it a chance and bear in mind what it has taken to build a BRAND NEW SPACE from the ground up. Something that has not happened in New York for over 10 years. Sorry for ther ramble !!
  15. Yes he is. More info about DJ's and residents will be posted shortly
  16. Wow! Sorry Joe but you obviously have no clue what a very hard and dedicated team of people have been doing for over 2 year's now. Trust me, the message boards are less than 5% of the marketing strategy we adopted. However we felt that it was very important to have a clear presence on the message boards. To have a voice that comes directly from the club itself. Thats what my job has been to do. We spent a lot of time on this and other boards (some belonging to clubs themselves) studying the types of comments and the types of responses. We were very surprised to find that in many cases, the clubs themselves NEVER responded. After speaking to friends from other clubs, a few people felt the need NOT to respond as it was only a small amount of people that post. Our reply was that rather than target the posters, we should be targetting the lurkers. The people that read but never post.
  17. In our opening post we stated the opening times were 10pm till ???. At this time and until the New Year we are stating that we finish at 4am but that may change, who knows till we open whats going to happen.
  18. Thank you Joe for all your positive comments. FYI we are using several "OUTSIDE" promoters. So sorry about our "half assed" website too
  19. No plans to change closing times till after New Year's.
  20. If you come and do a great job dancin, you might just get hired!
  21. Till the New Year our hours of operations will be 10pm till 4am. These times will be reviewed in the New Year.
  22. Just come dressed to party. The word we like to use is "Stylin!" Not so much about what you wear but how you wear it. Gilbert just shouted out that all people MUST wear Black Tie and nothing else (Joke!)
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