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Everything posted by sh0rtbus

  1. well mr. no engine management, just became mr. utec....will be here wed
  2. wow, that must mean my car is WAY nicer.... hahahaha
  3. I hate those stupid lambo like fake ricey shitbox doors....
  4. yea that definitely sucks....oh btw, i think your car is faster than mine right now because mine can't move out of the garage....lol
  5. i'm definitely going to look into some of the elliptical styli, and their matching cartridges....thanks for the help. I hope I can find something in my budget....it may have to wait a while
  6. well...expensive compared to what? The best price i've seen on those ortofon golds are $329 for the pair....
  7. Whats up... I have a quick question about some dj cartridges. I have ortofon pro cartridges, which are silver, and I am making my setup into more of a home studio, for recording mixes, and transfering much of my vinyl to mp3. What do you think I should have for cartridges?? I was looking at either the Ortofon Nightclub E's or the Ortofon Golds? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
  8. nah man, just playin wit ya.....no need to sweat my ride, YO
  9. I saw that like 2 years ago when they released it.... and that pic looks like a sunfire....
  10. pssssh please....apples don't wanna see that....
  11. Well, mine's just as cool, and way cooler than apples'
  12. naw man, I'm waiting for the airbags to come in from japan. Then I gotta order the compressor from Bangladesh because they have special valving there. And lastly, since I've only got 4 switches, I have to hook up a special interface to my laptop in order to control the 13 other servos....this should be mad hot....fuck these JIC coils...
  13. HI! I am that very same person. You're damn right I want to save weight.....If I didn't, then I would have wasted money on a $1200 catback exhaust! BTW, we need to hook up my switches
  14. Subaru WRX....read the Hi I'm new post for more info...
  15. sh0rtbus

    LOL wtf?

    they've been making these forever....you can get them in the JC Whitney catalogs, that do the same thing for like 20 bucks.....but I still have never seen any proof that it works. I mean if you wanna give it a shot, at least get the el cheapo one, so in case it doesn't work, you haven't lost a crap load of money.....
  16. lol...i know...and you got some FLY JDM metal....
  17. I guess my ears kinda perk up like a prowling german shepard, whenever I hear a fart can...(automatic of course )
  18. thats bad. I don't really like to fuck around on the street too much any more, especially since you can have much more fun at a sanctioned event, etc...
  19. I wanna go out to the glen because that track is just beautiful. I've been autocrossing for like 3 years now, and I just wanted to be ballsy on the track, so I listend to my instructor and floored it when he said so, hehe, then he let me decide myself. He was extremely helpful because he pushed me, and I learned more that I could possibly describe. I can't wait for my next autoX.
  20. yea, its aweful. I saw it on the front page of NASIOC. I can't believe it.
  21. I ran in Novice, and my instructor told me at the last run of the day, "Congradulations, you're the fastest in the group." I was like w00t. It was $225 for the day at Lime Rock. To go to NHIS in New Hampshire, it is cheaper. Check out http://www.scda1.com . I might do another one later this year.
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