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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by djerik

  1. no no no you don't sound liek a bitch..... i understand that.... which is why i wish i did.... but all my frineds did go when it was great. GRRRRR it does suck cause it is a different time..... there are so many stupid shit rules that the mayors (Gulliani and Bloomfuck) have put down..... we need someone that will give it up and let nyc return to normal....... RIGHT NOW IS NOT NORMAL...... NYC HAS NEVER BEEN RAN BY DISNEY AND STARBUCKS lol...... even my father (a cop) was saying how he wished nyc was like it was now it's just a mall. i dunno..... history does repeat it's self....... but i don't think anything can get that great again :-\
  2. they are having a MAskarave this year ;-) just thought i would ad that
  3. wow i've never heard anyhting so optomistic in ym life
  4. yeah i know...... but i just hope they don't run it how the last clown did..... (cough cough john blair cough cough)...... they need to run the old format with a few tweeks.... :-P
  5. seeeee the thing is they can open up limelight again (SCREW THAT STUPID NAME AVALON lmao) and they can open up spirits (where twilo/factory was) and they put all this money into them...... but they will never get that vibe if they follow the same formula they have been............ UMMM WHO THE HELL OPENS A NEW CLUB IN NOVEMBER??? lol that was very stupid when tehy opened limelight back up....... i mean... LOOK HOW MANY PEOPLE WNET but.... after opening night from waht i hear no one went (i didn't even know it oepned up again)...... O AND ANOTHER THING...... WTF IS UP WITH THE CHANDALERS????? lmao....... i think a couple people ripped them down........... PEOPLE DON'T WANT a cookie cutter, vip guestlist status, snobby, dress up club at limelight..... THEY WANT DINDGY TRASHY DARK GOTHIC LIMELIGHT..... cause it fits the venue SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO well... no one wants these stupid (as someone put it) "FLUFFY" colored drink clubs..... WE WANT LIMELIGHT back lol...... even if they change the name and keep the old vibve to it i'd be happy...... another thing...... WHAT'S UP WITH THE CLUBBERS THESE DAYS.... sorry i'm still young (went to limelight underage with an id) but all my friends grew up in the whole tunnel twilo limelight time........ grrrr i caught the tail tail end of it...... i just wish people were like they were..... half the poeple i know now can't even stay out till 4 am HAHAHA....... 4AM THAT'S EARLY...... i dunno.... but i KNOW if they made limelight how it was before it would do great...... MAYBE A FEW LITTLE TINY CHANGES........ but nothing more then a few touch ups.... it was jsut fine.... there was no need to gut the place.... ALSO didn't john blair only buy part of limelight???? i think that's why there is still a forsale sign.... they should buy the whole thing........ hehe time for bed
  6. HRMMMMMM..... it's been sucha long time since i've stepped in the doors to limelight, and tunnel...... last time i was at tunnel i went to a party (one nation) and it rocked (cept for the heat haha the flyer said "tunnels state of the art cooling system lmao) and limelight..... the fun times i've had there...... i just have to ask.... do any of you miss them? I know alot of people i know miss tunnel and limelight...... O AND BTW does anyone know when they are opening limelight again???? grrrr type back!
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